the famous Mighty ROM 4.16 feedback
I am not a begginer as my PPC geeks title say, I am tweaker proffesion pretty much tweak ROM ,even might mike and Juicy , and make them faster , more responsive , smoother and with a better battery life.
I do not think that anybody can make something better than the famous 4.16
It is hard to get a perfect ROM , and to make this thing possible I am opening this thread to give possible fixes to the minor rhings and to the minute details that helps to make this ROM is the perfect ROM for the TP.
the first fix is to disable the''Biotouch'' process that is known to take a lot of memory resources and RAM free bytes .Biotouch is the ''cube'' main file that is found in the previous versions of HTC phones that is no longer used(replaced with the Touch flow).
i dsabled this in all ROMs that i have flashed with is an infinity number ......without any effect on the device rather than higher free RAM and faster windows.
you simply need something to stop this service ( by any tool like memmaid or SKTools or any windows mobile tool) then install this cab
I do not have any credit to create the cab . I found it around 7 months ago in one of the forums that i dont even remember.
now whoever can help to improve 4.16 can post his tweak , which is I hope he is sure about and he is sure that it is safe as well as effective.