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  #2741 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2009, 01:38 PM
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Re: *ROM* *8/8* *SsS-ROMv0209* *WM6.5(23017.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila2.1* *EzInput2.1*

Wow deck. You have seriously outdone yourself with this v301 beta. It absolutely ****S on Juicy's latest. Should keep me busy till my TP2 arrives later today
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  #2742 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2009, 02:12 PM
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Re: *ROM* *8/8* *SsS-ROMv0209* *WM6.5(23017.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila2.1* *EzInput2.1*

Yea, installation was a problem for me as well stopping 1/4 through installing customization. I love the ROM, very nice. Only thing is the Task Manager.

Is there anyways to put the task manager up at the top again? What I mean is, I know how to add it to the top bar again next to clock, but the clock just over-laps it, it doesn't make any room for it at all and just overlaps. Maybe there's a fix for this, but currently it's the only problem I'm having with the 301 B2
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  #2743 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2009, 02:40 PM
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Re: *ROM* *8/8* *SsS-ROMv0209* *WM6.5(23017.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila2.1* *EzInput2.1*

Originally Posted by The420Dank View Post
Yea, installation was a problem for me as well stopping 1/4 through installing customization. I love the ROM, very nice. Only thing is the Task Manager.

Is there anyways to put the task manager up at the top again? What I mean is, I know how to add it to the top bar again next to clock, but the clock just over-laps it, it doesn't make any room for it at all and just overlaps. Maybe there's a fix for this, but currently it's the only problem I'm having with the 301 B2
I actually like the time showing in the top task bar on all other windows. It would be great for someone to come up with the ability to display the time on all windows except for the Today screen and then only show the HTC Task Manager ...maybe XDA has such a mod?

Certain MODs do not play nice with this beta build only because of the enhanced bottom buttons. I am having issues with room at the top of the today screen with the CompactHome mod, as well as the Panormic mod...it shows the orange/blue Titanium background in a narrow strip across the top. I am also seeing a white box covering the top left hand of the curtain (usually where the Operator name is) at times...oh well, the price we pay for bleeding edge. Not much anything Deck can do about these issues... I think I'll move back to the 23017 beta build...what was that 300-B6? I've already lost track.

Keep up the excellent work!
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  #2744 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2009, 04:53 PM
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Re: *ROM* *8/8* *SsS-ROMv0209* *WM6.5(23017.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila2.1* *EzInput2.1*

Originally Posted by cmajewsk View Post
I actually like the time showing in the top task bar on all other windows. It would be great for someone to come up with the ability to display the time on all windows except for the Today screen and then only show the HTC Task Manager ...maybe XDA has such a mod?

Certain MODs do not play nice with this beta build only because of the enhanced bottom buttons. I am having issues with room at the top of the today screen with the CompactHome mod, as well as the Panormic mod...it shows the orange/blue Titanium background in a narrow strip across the top. I am also seeing a white box covering the top left hand of the curtain (usually where the Operator name is) at times...oh well, the price we pay for bleeding edge. Not much anything Deck can do about these issues... I think I'll move back to the 23017 beta build...what was that 300-B6? I've already lost track.

Keep up the excellent work!
Thanks for the info, but I don't want to remove the clock up there, I like it to. I Just wanna put the task manager back where it has been since I've been using stock WM6 and deck's ROMs along with various other ROMs. I have never seen the task manager gone before. That's why I was asking if there was a cab that put it back to the normal way it was, or if Deck did that on purpose because of ROM issue, or if he just hadn't noticed

I'm not putting down your ROM deck, I've been using your ROMs since 200 and have never even tried another person's ROM since then so I LOVE your work more than anything. There's a few things I gotta have and the task manager is one of them but I can work with it. I have it up there now it's just over-lapping the clock. Anyways, thanks again deck.

If anyone does know a fix just lemme know. Thanks
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  #2745 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2009, 05:00 PM
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Re: *ROM* *8/8* *SsS-ROMv0209* *WM6.5(23017.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila2.1* *EzInput2.1*

Originally Posted by The420Dank View Post
Thanks for the info, but I don't want to remove the clock up there, I like it to. I Just wanna put the task manager back where it has been since I've been using stock WM6 and deck's ROMs along with various other ROMs. I have never seen the task manager gone before. That's why I was asking if there was a cab that put it back to the normal way it was, or if Deck did that on purpose because of ROM issue, or if he just hadn't noticed

I'm not putting down your ROM deck, I've been using your ROMs since 200 and have never even tried another person's ROM since then so I LOVE your work more than anything. There's a few things I gotta have and the task manager is one of them but I can work with it. I have it up there now it's just over-lapping the clock. Anyways, thanks again deck.

If anyone does know a fix just lemme know. Thanks
I think it has to do with specific build from Microsoft that does this. Possible a registry edit will remove it...I'll look around...
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  #2746 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2009, 08:02 PM
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Re: *ROM* *8/8* *SsS-ROMv0209* *WM6.5(23017.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila2.1* *EzInput2.1*

Originally Posted by cmajewsk View Post
Panormic mod...it shows the orange/blue Titanium background in a narrow strip across the top.
I had that issue too, but it dissapeared after a soft reset. Yours stayed that way?

Does anyone else have issues with switching from portrait to landscape while in Manila SMS? My input box dissapears in landscape, and shows up in the middle of the screen in portrait, but only if I switch between them. When first launched, it is where it's supposed to be.
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  #2747 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2009, 08:22 PM
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Re: *ROM* *8/8* *SsS-ROMv0209* *WM6.5(23017.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila2.1* *EzInput2.1*

so now that the tp2 is released, i am now accepting donations towards my new phone . ive already received a few, and im short another $300!!! upon receiving my tp2, i will release my kitchen and also a final build. I will keep a list updated on the home page with the donators that would like to have their name released.
Donations are VERY much appreciated.
So far...
tek818 - $50.00 USD via paypal - Thanks!
Joshua B* - $20.00 USD via paypal - Thanks!
Rodney U* - $20.00 USD via paypal - Thanks!
Abelardo G* - $10.00 USD via paypal - Thanks!


Last edited by deck; 09-04-2009 at 08:26 PM.
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  #2748 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2009, 08:22 PM
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Re: *ROM* *8/8* *SsS-ROMv0209* *WM6.5(23017.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila2.1* *EzInput2.1*

Whats happenin Deck , Anything movin on your end this evening.?
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  #2749 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2009, 09:46 PM
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Re: *ROM* *8/8* *SsS-ROMv0209* *WM6.5(23017.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila2.1* *EzInput2.1*

Originally Posted by deck View Post
upon receiving my tp2, i will release my kitchen and also a final build.
Does this mean you're abandoning the TP when you get the TP2? NOOOO!!! I just got mine in April and won't get an upgrade for a LONG time. I (and I'm sure there's some others) that will donate to keep some TP roms coming.
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  #2750 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2009, 10:57 PM
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Re: *ROM* *8/8* *SsS-ROMv0209* *WM6.5(23017.5.3.0)* *Rhodium Manila2.1* *EzInput2.1*

Originally Posted by veedubguru View Post
Does this mean you're abandoning the TP when you get the TP2? NOOOO!!! I just got mine in April and won't get an upgrade for a LONG time. I (and I'm sure there's some others) that will donate to keep some TP roms coming.
actually no, my tp will be used as my 2nd line, touch will get the boot. updates just wont be as frequent, more of when something big is released, i would release a new rom i NEED a tp2 tho :P i NEED to start cooking! once i release my kitchen, i may just keep the kitchen updated, instead of releasing new roms. that way each user can cook what he/she wants. i would also release new kitchen sys when they would come out. so no, tp wont be abandoned, just slowed :P

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