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  #261 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2009, 10:07 PM
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Re: [ROM][05.11.09] dB_ROM WM 6.5 21501,21502,21222 ROM/Kitchen TouchPro [Multi-ROMs]

Originally Posted by dodge_longhorn View Post
has anyone getting this error SSMaHo autostart failed it just comes up once like if u hard reset the device or flash it but when you close it i dont ever see it agian but wondering what cause it
SSMaHo is often used to map the worldclock to g-alarm in Rhodium roms (but it can do other things as well), and that error message is related to SSMaHo. It shouldn't pop up frequently, it just means that for whatever reason the mapping wasn't successful. If you soft-reset it should go away.

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  #262 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2009, 10:12 PM
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Re: [ROM][05.11.09] dB_ROM WM 6.5 21501,21502,21222 ROM/Kitchen TouchPro [Multi-ROMs]

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
SSMaHo is often used to map the worldclock to g-alarm in Rhodium roms (but it can do other things as well), and that error message is related to SSMaHo. It shouldn't pop up frequently, it just means that for whatever reason the mapping wasn't successful. If you soft-reset it should go away.
lol yea i found it on your thread i believe and i removed that from my startup cust. so thanks
My ROM Longhorn
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  #263 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2009, 11:42 PM
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Re: [ROM][05.11.09] dB_ROM WM 6.5 21501,21502,21222 ROM/Kitchen TouchPro [Multi-ROMs]

I am currenlty using 21502 VGA WWE ROM - Full - ALL CDMA Carriers - Beta 1 and noticed that it appears that most of you are using 21222 (links for 21222 are also in a bigger font; decibel, is this what you prefer?)

In reading, there appears to be a week or so difference between the two, with statements about 21222 being faster. Is that true? Or is it because of the updated PIE and Adobe Flash are worth it?

I am only summarizing statements from earlier post, so I just wanted to check with the chef's before flipping over to 21222.

Thank you for your time!

BTW - decibel -Excellent Work!
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  #264 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2009, 11:46 PM
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Re: [ROM][05.11.09] dB_ROM WM 6.5 21501,21502,21222 ROM/Kitchen TouchPro [Multi-ROMs]

Originally Posted by Little Abner View Post
I am currenlty using 21502 VGA WWE ROM - Full - ALL CDMA Carriers - Beta 1 and noticed that it appears that most of you are using 21222 (links for 21222 are also in a bigger font; decibel, is this what you prefer?)

In reading, there appears to be a week or so difference between the two, with statements about 21222 being faster. Is that true? Or is it because of the updated PIE and Adobe Flash are worth it?

I am only summarizing statements from earlier post, so I just wanted to check with the chef's before flipping over to 21222.

Thank you for your time!

BTW - decibel -Excellent Work!
I believe he moved on because of the errors that 21502 was doing but also 21222 is a bit faster as a chief, and instead of downloading the 21222 there should be a 21231 or something to that effect soon he said sometime this weekend or probably next week if you can hold out.
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  #265 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 02:22 AM
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Re: [05.14.09] dB_ROM WM 6.5 21501,21502,21222,21231 ROMs/Kitchen TouchPro [Multi-ROM

Originally Posted by Little Abner View Post
I am currenlty using 21502 VGA WWE ROM - Full - ALL CDMA Carriers - Beta 1 and noticed that it appears that most of you are using 21222 (links for 21222 are also in a bigger font; decibel, is this what you prefer?)

In reading, there appears to be a week or so difference between the two, with statements about 21222 being faster. Is that true? Or is it because of the updated PIE and Adobe Flash are worth it?

I am only summarizing statements from earlier post, so I just wanted to check with the chef's before flipping over to 21222.

Thank you for your time!

BTW - decibel -Excellent Work!
See below. But to answer part 1 of your question: The larger the font, the newer the release. I always recommend staying with my most newest release. 21502 was pretty buggy, but I got it stable-ish. The 2xx line is much more stable. And now that I am on 21231, it's a fully native build. It's not a native 6.5 build, but its a true LANG/SYS/XIP WWE Build. No patching of older lang files, etc. So Things are moving quick.

Originally Posted by dodge_longhorn View Post
I believe he moved on because of the errors that 21502 was doing but also 21222 is a bit faster as a chief, and instead of downloading the 21222 there should be a 21231 or something to that effect soon he said sometime this weekend or probably next week if you can hold out.
Good call.. See the OP for new download links! Enjoy! BTW: I was going to just do a "patch" download for the kitchen. But since I HAD to delete the PhoneComponents out of EXT\SHARED, it made it kind of difficult to do a patch. Having the PhoneComponents folder causes issues because the new sys has those packages included in it directly. So technically there would be 2 of the same package. This is causing Ervius kitchen to behave kind of eratically. So, just make sure you don't have bnoth the PhoneComponents and the new sys included..

Accepting Donations - If you like my work, please donate! All Donations go to saving the world, uhhh.. and other things. Specifically to development of ROMs. I will share proceeds with all who have contributed. I am cool like that.

dB_ROM: [05.14.09] dB_ROM WM 6.5 21501,21502,21222,21231 ROM/Kitchen TouchPro [Multi-ROMs]
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  #266 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 09:18 AM
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Re: [05.14.09] dB_ROM WM 6.5 21501,21502,21222,21231 ROMs/Kitchen TouchPro [Multi-ROM

Originally Posted by decibel View Post
See below. But to answer part 1 of your question: The larger the font, the newer the release. I always recommend staying with my most newest release. 21502 was pretty buggy, but I got it stable-ish. The 2xx line is much more stable. And now that I am on 21231, it's a fully native build. It's not a native 6.5 build, but its a true LANG/SYS/XIP WWE Build. No patching of older lang files, etc. So Things are moving quick.

Good call.. See the OP for new download links! Enjoy! BTW: I was going to just do a "patch" download for the kitchen. But since I HAD to delete the PhoneComponents out of EXT\SHARED, it made it kind of difficult to do a patch. Having the PhoneComponents folder causes issues because the new sys has those packages included in it directly. So technically there would be 2 of the same package. This is causing Ervius kitchen to behave kind of eratically. So, just make sure you don't have bnoth the PhoneComponents and the new sys included..

so do we just download the beta 2a for the new 21231 or are you going to release it in a bit iam just a lil confuse i see the new roms but no new kitchen yet??
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  #267 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 10:38 AM
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Re: [05.14.09] dB_ROM WM 6.5 21501,21502,21222,21231 ROMs/Kitchen TouchPro [Multi-ROM

What can we expect by upgrading from your latest 21222 to your new 21231 ROM?

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  #268 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 11:08 AM
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Re: [05.14.09] dB_ROM WM 6.5 21501,21502,21222,21231 ROMs/Kitchen TouchPro [Multi-ROM

Originally Posted by dodge_longhorn View Post
so do we just download the beta 2a for the new 21231 or are you going to release it in a bit iam just a lil confuse i see the new roms but no new kitchen yet??
It's in the first post. the last link of the larggest font. Says 21231 Kitchen?
Originally Posted by tsperez View Post
What can we expect by upgrading from your latest 21222 to your new 21231 ROM?

Other than it's newer? It's a completely native WWE SYS. In other words, there were no "ports" from other builds to make up the language files. In most SYS releases, they come from China so the lang files have to be repalced WWE/0409 lang files from older SYS releases (Ex: 21502 main SYS with 0409 files from 21210). 21231 is the most recent fully native WWE leak.
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  #269 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 11:26 AM
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Re: [05.14.09] dB_ROM WM 6.5 21501,21502,21222,21231 ROMs/Kitchen TouchPro [Multi-ROM

unless I'm cross-eyed, it still says 21222 for the kitchen in your op ...
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  #270 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 11:30 AM
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Re: [05.14.09] dB_ROM WM 6.5 21501,21502,21222,21231 ROMs/Kitchen TouchPro [Multi-ROM

Originally Posted by decibel View Post
It's in the first post. the last link of the larggest font. Says 21231 Kitchen?

Other than it's newer? It's a completely native WWE SYS. In other words, there were no "ports" from other builds to make up the language files. In most SYS releases, they come from China so the lang files have to be repalced WWE/0409 lang files from older SYS releases (Ex: 21502 main SYS with 0409 files from 21210). 21231 is the most recent fully native WWE leak.
yea and i still downloaded the 21222 2a thinking maybe it was a typo in writing but still the kitchen is a 21222
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