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  #2091 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 10:09 PM
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Re: [ROM] [FINAL] [06.20.09] MightyROM4

I don't know if this is a bug or whatnot, but when using the HTC style pop-up menus in landscape mode, the arrows indicating that there are more options (and that you hit to scroll) don't show. You can still hit the area where the arrow would be, and it will still scroll

Anyone else experiencing this?
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  #2092 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 10:10 PM
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Re: [ROM] [FINAL] [06.20.09] MightyROM4

Originally Posted by swizard210 View Post
Several questions and concerns please bear with me:

1.) I start my phone from boot with 43% RAM being used. Is that appropriate? Am I doing something wrong? Is there anyway to get more free RAM?

It depends on what you are using. If you use TF3D, this uses alot of the phones mem. If you want less usage disable TF3D.

2.) When I go to Remove Programs I have an item in there known as "Customization Tools". I can't think of what it could be. I don't want to risk removing it and have something mess up. Any idea what it could be or where it could have come from. I can send out a list of all my installed cabs (to my knowledge).

These are customizations the Mike has integrated into his ROM
No it will not hurt the phone.

3.) Which is the better EzInput? MightyMike's or Juicy's? Pros/Cons for each? Or is there another keyboard the is considered better than EzInput that people are crazy about?

This is user preference. Try different ones and see which one works for you.

4.) I'm not quite sure why, but my battery is getting drained very quickly even though I haven't been using my phone much. Any suggestions? Or anything that I could check to make sure that I didn't mess up the registry settings that Mighty Mike may have set by default for the ROM?

Mike's ROM's do not drain your battery. Look at what items you are using often. Mainly signal loss tens to drain the battery the most

5.) When I go to Start>Settings>Phone>Services>Network Service, what is the difference between Home Only, Automatic-A, Automatic-B, Standard, Roaming Only? I have Sprint. Which one should I pick and why?

Again, this is personal pref. If you bounce in and out of signal area and want to eliminate drain on the battery use Home only. Remember that with Sprint, you do not "ROAM" You just bounce off other carrier antennas which eliminat the digital network. IMO, use Standard.

6.) I have read about some program called AEBPlus to remap Hard Keys, but I was wondering if that is the best program the remap the " <-" (the top right key on the bottom part of the Touch Pro) in order to make it rotate my screen orientation to landscape/portrait? If it's not the best, what is the best way to do it?

Can't help here. Never had the need.

7.) When I am typing using the hardware keyboard I am having a problem with the lag in terms of my Fn key. I have read through and noticed the lag cannot be "fixed" (correct me if I am wrong). But my problem is say the following example: I type "didn't" now to type that I hit "d" "i" "d" "n" "Fn + ," "t", but because of the lag it gives me did0't. even though it's not on my hardware keyboard the Mogul (6800?) had the "number pad" on the letter keys, for some reason my phone thinks it's still there. So I guess "n" is "0" on the number pad. Hence due to the lag, even though I hit Fn after I type "n", it like keeps the Fn active while it puts the "n" on the screen there fore making it a "0" and it still stays active to give me my apostrophe, and then it turns off. I don't know a solution to this besides typing slower and waiting to hit "Fn+," until after the "n" shows up. Any suggestions to solve my problem?

Correct, lag cannot be fixed however you can help the problem by not using T9 and autocorrect. This seems to help me

That's all I can think of for now. Thanks again for your help, folks! =)

Hope this helps some

Give some

Last edited by OR78; 06-22-2009 at 10:20 PM. Reason: Spelling/Answer corrections
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  #2093 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 11:21 PM
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Re: [ROM] [FINAL] [06.20.09] MightyROM4

Originally Posted by EGOvoruhk View Post
I don't know if this is a bug or whatnot, but when using the HTC style pop-up menus in landscape mode, the arrows indicating that there are more options (and that you hit to scroll) don't show. You can still hit the area where the arrow would be, and it will still scroll

Anyone else experiencing this?
The stock menus as they come with the 6/20 final version? Mine show arrows in both portrait and landscape; I tested this by going into the messaging app, opening the keyboard, and pressing the "menu" softkey. I get "New", "Reply >", and "Mark as Unread", then a black area with the down arrow. Sorry if you meant something else.
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  #2094 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 11:28 PM
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Re: [ROM] [FINAL] [06.20.09] MightyROM4

hey can someone help me flash this thing?
im following these instructions--

How to Flash Via PC:

1.download the ruu.zip attachment
2.unzip to your desktop
3.then in the newly created RUU directory add the rom of your choice - (copy the RUU_Signed.nbh to desktop\RUU)
4.Place phone in bootloader mode (power button while holding volume down button)
5.open the ROMUpdateUtility.exe
6.follow the RUU on screen instructions from there

i downloaded the ruu, extracted it, copied " MightyROM5_06.09.09L_Herman " into it, im not sure if i have to rename it to " RUU_Signed.nbh " or what, anyways after i copied it in i got the phone to connect to WindowsMobileCenter, then i put the phone into bootloader, i ran the update utility and its giving me

"the update utility can not open the requested file. please check your upadate utility."

what gives?

Last edited by JonaDiaper; 06-22-2009 at 11:30 PM.
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  #2095 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 11:30 PM
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Re: [ROM] [FINAL] [06.20.09] MightyROM4

Originally Posted by JonaDiaper View Post
hey can someone help me flash this thing?
im following these instructions--

How to Flash Via PC:

1.download the ruu.zip attachment
2.unzip to your desktop
3.then in the newly created RUU directory add the rom of your choice - (copy the RUU_Signed.nbh to desktop\RUU)
4.Place phone in bootloader mode (power button while holding volume down button)
5.open the ROMUpdateUtility.exe
6.follow the RUU on screen instructions from there

i downloaded the ruu, extracted it, copied " MightyROM5_06.09.09L_Herman " into it, im not sure if i have to rename it to " RUU_Signed.nbh " or what, anyways after i copied it in i got the phone to connect to WM, then i put the phone into bootloader, i ran the update utility and its giving me

"the update utility can not open the requested file. please check your upadate utility."

what gives?
You shouldn't need to extract anything on this ROM if you plan on flashing from your PC. Just run the EXE, but make sure your phone is unlocked first.
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  #2096 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 11:35 PM
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Re: [ROM] [FINAL] [06.20.09] MightyROM4

Originally Posted by banzaiwolfe View Post
You shouldn't need to extract anything on this ROM if you plan on flashing from your PC. Just run the EXE, but make sure your phone is unlocked first.
yea its unlocked

so i dont extract the ruu.zip?
i just copy in the rom and run the exe?
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  #2097 (permalink)  
Old 06-22-2009, 11:41 PM
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Re: [ROM] [FINAL] [06.20.09] MightyROM4

Originally Posted by EGOvoruhk View Post
I don't know if this is a bug or whatnot, but when using the HTC style pop-up menus in landscape mode, the arrows indicating that there are more options (and that you hit to scroll) don't show. You can still hit the area where the arrow would be, and it will still scroll

Anyone else experiencing this?
same problem here ive learned to live with it. this didnt show up on the previous version of mr4 also so idk. thought it was normal. other than that this rom works PERFECT for alltel touch pros.
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  #2098 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 12:03 AM
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Re: [ROM] [FINAL] [06.20.09] MightyROM4

Originally Posted by JonaDiaper View Post
yea its unlocked

so i dont extract the ruu.zip?
i just copy in the rom and run the exe?
Just download the ROM, which is packaged as an exe for this particular rom, and run the exe exactly like it is. It is set up to install like a shipped rom would I believe. You don't need to extract anything from it.
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  #2099 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 12:19 AM
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Re: [ROM] [FINAL] [06.20.09] MightyROM4

just follow the regular steps on how to flash a rom and just put MightyROM4_06.20.09_Herman.exe on the desktop and double click and follow them instructions
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  #2100 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 12:25 AM
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Re: [ROM] [FINAL] [06.20.09] MightyROM4

never felt stupider in my life, thanks for clearing that up guys lol
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