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  #991 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 02:18 PM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.11.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

QUESTION? how and why would you change your radio? would it help me getting back my 3g speed i upgraded to 6.5 and i only have 1x connection!
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  #992 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 02:21 PM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.11.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

You upgrade a radio just as you would a ROM.. by flashing. Depending on your area some benefits include improve battery life, signal and data... I had great results with the Telus but again, it depends on your area...
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  #993 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 02:32 PM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.11.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

just wanted to thank mike and all the others that are helping with this rom!!! i had to take a last minute flight out to SF (boy that was expensive! LOL) for a family emergency...so i didnt really have time to pack and forgot my extra battery and wall charger...but had a car charger... let me tell you...

the battery life on my TP has more then doubled. i used it all day long texting and talking...even used the GPS for 30 minutes to get to my campsite lol... and it last me from 10am till 12am when i finally went to bed...yeah it was at 5% lol...but dude it was a life saver for all that i had to get done out there...and not once did it lock up or freeze in a time of need...thanks man
HIT THANKS IF I HELPED!!! twitter.com/xxxorion

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htc... is it in ur blood?
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  #994 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 03:23 PM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.11.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by journeyman73 View Post
You upgrade a radio just as you would a ROM.. by flashing. Depending on your area some benefits include improve battery life, signal and data... I had great results with the Telus but again, it depends on your area...
alright i see. where can i find the radios? and so it seems i can i can use any radio from any cmda provider correct?
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  #995 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 03:24 PM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.11.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by b_mendez77054 View Post
alright i see. where can i find the radios? and so it seems i can i can use any radio from any cmda provider correct?
Right here
and yes

Last edited by BRIVERS73; 05-18-2009 at 03:27 PM.
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  #996 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 04:27 PM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.11.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by anasazi View Post
mine has started doing the same thing, its random and happens when i'm typing fast it'll replace random letters with numbers

should i re-flash back to stock sprint and RMA?
I would flash back to stock and if it's still happeing, then i'd get a warranty replacement
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  #997 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 04:31 PM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.11.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by lordshadowz View Post
Touche, However, My Verizon Touch Pro might have less RAM, but atleast our keyboards don't stop working and force us to get RMA's like all you Sprint users.

BAM... oooo how'd that feel ???


Keyboard stop working? Never experienced such a thing with our two TPs.
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  #998 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 04:52 PM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.11.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by land2634 View Post
Nah surely it isn't hardware related. I'm having the same issue as well as my brother running this ROM. It has happened before with other Mighty and Juicy releases. I've seen scattered posts of numerous other people having the same issue.
Originally Posted by bishaudio View Post
im still having random numbers appear. usually when i hit the h, it replaces it with a 6. or a 7 for other letters.

Also how do i disable the auto wake up at 12am??
I know why. It's because when you press the FN button and then a letter, it gives you a number. Try it.

For example, you type something like:
"What time are you leaving?"

So you type..
What time are you leaving (FN+?)

And since the keyboard lags, you've typed all of that, while on screen it is only at:
What time are you

And then what happens is everything after that is registered as having a FN in front of it (every letter of every word). And you get:
What time are you (FN)leaving?

The sentence "What time are you leaving?" itself probably won't give any problems because it's not long enough for anyone to (FN+?) before it registers the last word. It was just an example.

Is this right, or are you guys experiencing another issue?
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  #999 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 06:56 PM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.11.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by HotSauce View Post
I know why. It's because when you press the FN button and then a letter, it gives you a number. Try it.

For example, you type something like:
"What time are you leaving?"

So you type..
What time are you leaving (FN+?)

And since the keyboard lags, you've typed all of that, while on screen it is only at:
What time are you

And then what happens is everything after that is registered as having a FN in front of it (every letter of every word). And you get:
What time are you (FN)leaving?

The sentence "What time are you leaving?" itself probably won't give any problems because it's not long enough for anyone to (FN+?) before it registers the last word. It was just an example.

Is this right, or are you guys experiencing another issue?
thats what i was experiencing...and i was like wtf? but after it happening like three times ya figure it out lol haha..thanks man for actually putting it into words for others....
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  #1000 (permalink)  
Old 05-18-2009, 08:04 PM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.11.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Thanks for continuing version 4. I have a weird problem that happened twice since I reflashed the latest R3BORN. I was on the phone and all of a sudden my phone started to call someone. THen it called another person. It was totally unresponsive and I had to quickly remove the battery to stop it from freaking out. Ok, so it freaked out once. Then today, I was on a call and received another call. I went to answer it and the, boom, it called two people again (different people than the first time)

I am on Verizon and using the Telus radio.

Any thoughts....

I applied the suggestions from this thread


and this one also

III. Disabling the Dialer for 10 additional megs of RAM

1) Download and install to DEVICE the advanced Configuration Tool attached to this post.

2) Load up Advance Config and navigate to the "PHONE" section and click on it.

3) DISABLE the DIALER by clicking on PHONE SKIN and then clicking DISABLE and then click DONE.

4) You will be prompted to soft reset the device. Do so..
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