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  #331 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 12:55 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.01.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

i just instaled it but my pen is not working only my finger anyway to get my pen to work?
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  #332 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 12:59 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.01.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by divi786 View Post
Do you mind posting theme cab (or URL for the cab) that you used? Thanks!

It's not a theme cab.. It's all custom. I'm really exhausted but I will post everything in the morning when I get up, including the proper steps (learned if you install some things before others it cracks it out.. lol)

Goodnight people.

Billy a.k.a. LordShadowz
Verizon HTC Touch Pro
Running Mighty Rom 5 (5/8/09)
Running Telus Radio 1.04.05v

My Custom R3BORN/MR5 TF3D mods- [HERE]
My MR5 Review

VERIZON TOUCH PRO USERS, go [HERE] for Help Installing and tweaking MIGHTY ROM4 R3BORN AND MIGHTY ROM 5 with ADDED RAM, NATIVE VzW apps, Tips, Bugs with fixes, GPS Issues and essential apps attached! Updated regularly with new Info. Last Update 5/13/09
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  #333 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 01:42 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.01.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Great! I like the looks of that as well and will be all over it when you post. Thanks!
Life is a toy, play with it.
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  #334 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 02:31 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.01.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

This fixed my camera problem as well.
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  #335 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 03:09 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.01.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

For those of you that have the "Camera bug" when using the camera/video interface, have you found any fixes for this problem?

I have the Sprint Touch Pro CDMA and I flashed this ROM and it seemed to be working fine until I tried the Camera/Video option for the first time after flashing and all I saw was a black screen. But the icons and the automatic focus still functioned well. In fact, pressing the button will still take the photo (I haven't tried recording videos yet but I'm sure it will give the same outcome) and the photos will save to the album. You just can't see what you're taking a photo/video of!

I don't use the camera too much but I'd like it to be working when it comes time to use it.

Any fixes guys???

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  #336 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 04:09 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.01.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by hughedee View Post
This fixed my camera problem as well.
wut did
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  #337 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 08:02 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.01.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Ok, I'm up and a bunch of people asked about my theme so here we go.

First, you need to download the following to your device/storage card, don't actually install anything yet:

Lil Rico's Blue Slider. All the slider colors are on post 8 of this thread.

Mun's Background on all pages.

Arelas Blackball transparent slider add on.

Arelas repackaged TsOwen Taskbar v3.4 with HTC start menu pic. This Taskbar is completely uninstallable too which is why I love it.

Juggalo X No Curtains. Removes the upper and lower curtains on the TF3D screen.
(Attached to this post) NoCurtains.cab

My background I found somewhere on XDA developers.
(Attached to this post) 634234.png

Diamond Soft Key Manager. This will let you alter the Soft Keys of the home screen in TF3D and also Windows Today Screen.
(Attached to this post) softkeymanager1_1_diamond_beta.ARM_WM5.cab

Arelas Transparent Clock.

CodyPPC'sTF3D Personalizer. This allows you to change the carrier info on the top curtain area to whatever you want.

OK ! You have everything downloaded to your device/storage card and are ready to get everything set up. Please UNINSTALL any custom clocks, sliders, backgrounds, or taskbars you have currently installed. You want to start from the native Mighty Rom theme.

Step 1- Install the Arelas TsOwen Taskbar to DEVICE. Soft Reset the device.

Step 2- Install the Transparent Clock to DEVICE. Soft Reset the device.

Step 3- Install the Juggalo X No Curtains cab to DEVICE. Soft Reset the device.

Step 4- Install the Personalizer cab to DEVICE. Load up the application, set the whatever you want it to say, press ok and then Soft Reset the device. It's very simple and straightforward. ***Warning*** do NOT use this if you use Sprint's PICTUREMAIL. It will cause the picture mail app to not work anymore. If you use anything else, like smms, arcsoft etc etc it is totally safe to use. I am on Verizon and use Arcsoft MMS and I have no issues whatesover. Here is a link referencing the problem:


Step 5- Install Diamond Soft Key Manager to DEVICE. Load the application. It's very straightforward except before you change anything go toward the bottom of the screen and make sure "HTC DIAMOND MODE" is CHECKMARKED. If its not checkmarked it will NOT change the TF3D interface. After check marking it, go back up to the top of the screen and change your left and right soft keys to whatever applications you want to launch and change the names. Click Save Changes and then click Soft Reboot. When it reboots you will see your left and soft keys in both TF3D and Windows Today have switched to your selections and show the names you chose.

Step 6- From the TF3D hom screen use your finger and slide to the SETTINGS tab. Change the Wallpaper to the one attached to this post.

Step 7- Install Mun's Background on all pages cab to DEVICE. Soft Reboot the device. You will now have the background in step 6 will be on all Portrait TF3D tabs.

Step 8- Install the Mighty Mike/LilRico Midnight Blue Slider set to DEVICE. Soft Reset the device.

Step 9- Install the Arelas Black Ball transparent Slider to DEVICE. Soft reset the device.

Thats it ! Your device should now look like this:

**BE WARNED. If you decide to change the slider color. You Must uninstall Arelas's Black ball transparent slider THEN Lilrico's Midnight Blue slider. If you don't it will make things all screwey and unable to uninstall. If you decide to change the Clock you must UNINSTALL the transparent Clock first or it will also be screwey and become uninstallable. Thats it. Everything works really well and I've seen no problems with anything as long as you follow my steps above.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg 634234.jpg (4.3 KB, 234 views) Click for barcode!
Attached Files
File Type: cab NoCurtains.cab (2.9 KB, 167 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab softkeymanager1_1_diamond_beta.ARM_WM5.cab (40.9 KB, 167 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab Personalizer_3.1.cab (158.0 KB, 194 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by lordshadowz; 05-04-2009 at 08:54 AM.
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  #338 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 08:09 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.01.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by lordshadowz View Post
Ok, I'm up and a bunch of people asked about my theme so here we go.

First, you need to download the following to your device/storage card, don't actually install anything yet:

Lil Rico's Blue Slider. All the slider colors are on post 8 of this thread.

Mun's Background on all pages.

Arelas Blackball transparent slider add on.

Arelas repackaged TsOwen Taskbar v3.4 with HTC start menu pic. This Taskbar is completely uninstallable too which is why I love it.

Juggalo X No Curtains. Removes the upper and lower curtains on the TF3D screen.
(Attached to this post) NoCurtains.cab

My background I found somewhere on XDA developers.
(Attached to this post) 634234.png

Diamond Soft Key Manager. This will let you alter the Soft Keys of the home screen in TF3D and also Windows Today Screen.
(Attached to this post) softkeymanager1_1_diamond_beta.ARM_WM5.cab

Arelas Transparent Clock.

TF3D Personalizer. This allows you to change the carrier info on the top curtain area to whatever you want.
(Attached to this post) Personalizer_3.1.cab

OK ! You have everything downloaded to your device/storage card and are ready to get everything set up. Please UNINSTALL any custom clocks, sliders, backgrounds, or taskbars you have currently installed. You want to start from the native Mighty Rom theme.

Step 1- Install the Arelas TsOwen Taskbar to DEVICE. Soft Reset the device.

Step 2- Install the Transparent Clock to DEVICE. Soft Reset the device.

Step 3- Install the Juggalo X No Curtains cab to DEVICE. Soft Reset the device.

Step 4- Install the Personalizer cab to DEVICE. Load up the application, set the whatever you want it to say, press ok and then Soft Reset the device. It's very simple and straightforward.

Step 5- Install Diamond Soft Key Manager to DEVICE. Load the application. It's very straightforward except before you change anything go toward the bottom of the screen and make sure "HTC DIAMOND MODE" is CHECKMARKED. If its not checkmarked it will NOT change the TF3D interface. After check marking it, go back up to the top of the screen and change your left and right soft keys to whatever applications you want to launch and change the names. Click Save Changes and then click Soft Reboot. When it reboots you will see your left and soft keys in both TF3D and Windows Today have switched to your selections and show the names you chose.

Step 6- From the TF3D hom screen use your finger and slide to the SETTINGS tab. Change the Wallpaper to the one attached to this post.

Step 7- Install Mun's Background on all pages cab to DEVICE. Soft Reboot the device. You will now have the background in step 6 will be on all Portrait TF3D tabs.

Step 8- Install the Mighty Mike/LilRico Midnight Blue Slider set to DEVICE. Soft Reset the device.

Step 9- Install the Arelas Black Ball transparent Slider to DEVICE. Soft reset the device.

Thats it ! Your device should now look like this:

**BE WARNED. If you decide to change the slider color. You Must uninstall Arelas's Black ball transparent slider THEN Lilrico's Midnight Blue slider. If you don't it will make things all screwey and unable to uninstall. If you decide to change the Clock you must UNINSTALL the transparent Clock first or it will also be screwey and become uninstallable. Thats it. Everything works really well and I've seen no problems with anything as long as you follow my steps above.
Does the personalizer still mess up the picture mail?
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  #339 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 08:16 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.01.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by pirish View Post
Does the personalizer still mess up the picture mail?
I'm on verizon and use Arcsoft MMS. I don't use Sprint Picture Mail. How does it mess up Picturemail ? I never even seen a post about it doing that. Where did you see that or did it happen to you personally ? Can anyone else confirm this ? Good Looking out Pirish, I don't want people to screw up their picture mail.

EDIT- Yep. Found it by searching. I updated the post. You can still edit it to remove sprint but its more complicated. http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...53&postcount=7

Last edited by lordshadowz; 05-04-2009 at 08:57 AM.
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  #340 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2009, 08:23 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.01.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by lordshadowz View Post
I'm on verizon and use Arcsoft MMS. I didn't know it did it the first place. I never even seen a post about it doing that. Where did you see that or did it happen to you personally ? Can anyone else confirm this ? Good Looking out Pirish, I don't want people to screw up their picture mail.
It is an old bug with personalizer. I used to use it, but had to remove it due to the fact that it messed up picture mail. that was about a two months ago though. I am on sprint but I don't know if it carrier specific though.
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