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  #2311 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2010, 02:09 PM
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Re: [ROM] [FINAL] [06.26.09] MightyROM4 w. OEM BASE Included

Sorry for the double post, wanted to be sure someone would see this.

I wanted to say thanks Mighty and everyone who has posted instructions and help, last night I went through the whole flashing process, factory > hard spl > Mighty Rom @ 6.1. I have to say it was a relatively easy process as I did an immense amount of research before jumping in. My phone is working unbelievably, no real complaints at all. Runs so smoothly, comes with some great programs. I'm so happy that this was the rom I decided to go with.

I wanted to post a few a things that made me reread some notes and guides online in case someone is a little confused at the stages I was.

1) The Mighty Rom 4 (06.26.09) (this thread) is for Windows Mobile 6.1, the other Mighty Rom thread is for 6.5. Pretty easy to distinguish but I wasn't sure which was which when I first started to look into roms for my TP.

2) I wanted to give a quick newbies guide as to how to flash MR onto VZW TP which is what I have. Thank you lordshadowz, your extensive FAQ and guide was a tremendous help. I just wanted to share my process which was based from your walkthrough.

i) Unlock your phone using the Hard SPL package found right here at PPCGeeks.com, http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=42503 That is the topic. Download the Verizon_HSPL_Package.zip and extract the Rom Update Utility titled "Raphael_VZW_HSPL_035". Run the RUU (Rom Update Utility) and flash your VZW TP. Once you do this I would go back into the bootloader holding down the power button, volume down, and the reset button by the usb port to make sure the HSPL flashed ok, look for the word CMONEX. This step is listed in the HSPL guide but I figured I'd list it here too since I think its important to check.

ii) Download MR http://www.mightyrom.com/mightyrom/touch-pro/ and choose MightyRom 4 (or 6 if you want to go with WinMo 6.5). The rom exe is titled MightyROM4_06.20.09_Herman, this actually confused me as previous versions of MR4 are titled with RAPH (for TP Raphael obv). I made sure that Herman wasn't for a different device, just a paranoid check but hey it didn't hurt. After downloading your file, right click the exe and extract the files to your desired location. You will see similar files to the HSPL package.

iii) Change the Page Pool. THANK YOU LORDSHADOWZ!!! I highly recommend reading up on what the Page Pool is if you aren't familiar with it. http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index...ename=PagePool . Open the folder where you extracted your MR files in step 2 and run the program called "PagePool_Changer". This opens up a utility that allows you to modify the page pool of your desired rom, in this case MR (not sure if this is a program for other roms but I'd assume it would work). Run the program a window will open up, click the "Select" button. Navigate to your MR destination, (where you extracted your MR files in step 2), and select the file "RUU_signed.nbh". From what I've read this is the rom itself but I could be wrong. Once you select RUU_signed.nbh the buttons in the Page Pool Changer will become active. The first line is called "Whole part" and I believe MR starts at a setting of 16. Change this to 8 by checking the circle to the left of 8. Don't change anything else. Once you have 8 checked off, click the "Change to" button. You have successfully updated your MR Rom with a proper Page Pool for VZW.

iv) Almost done, now its time to actually flash your phone with MR. Make sure you have a full battery, active sync it up, etc. Run "ROMUpdateUtility". Now at first glimpse of this update utility you would think its for a different carrier than VZW as the picture in the update utility is NOT of the VZW TP. Don't worry about it hehe, you may proceed. Go through the steps in the update utility and MR should flash just fine. Once its done do a hard reset by going to Settings > System tab > Clear Storage and put in 1234. The phone will reset. After doing the hard reset its a good idea to a soft reset as well by clicking the reset button by the usb port with your stylus. Once your back in after the soft reset, customize your phone, change some settings, make it your own ya know. Obviously don't change anything you aren't sure about, once your done customizing your bad ass MR TP give it another soft reset. Doesn't hurt.

Thats it! You will be more than satisfied with MR. There are some more nifty tricks you can do to improve MR and your TP even more. Disabling the dialer is a cool trick, I wont lie I didn't really know what the dialer was so I disabled it and it was totally worth it. You can read up on how to do this in lordshadowz guide here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...postcount=9629

Well thats my process on how I flashed it. I never got into custom roms on my old HTC so this was a new experience for me. Crazy to think how far these have come since the days of seem editing on my old Moto E815. I hope I cleared up a few newb questions for those who might still be rocking the TP and want to boost it up until WinMo7 comes out.

I had a quick question about the Peoples tab in TF3d, I was wondering if it was possible for it to display all your contacts as opposed to just your favorites.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the TP.

Last edited by MattMan657; 06-20-2010 at 08:33 PM.
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  #2312 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2010, 02:51 PM
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Re: [ROM] [FINAL] [06.26.09] MightyROM4 w. OEM BASE Included

Anyone have the MightyRom Stock EZInput cab by chance????
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