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  #3421 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 03:32 AM
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Re: [ROM] [Aug 31] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

new sys 23047 new new new
psyki please new new rom lol hahahaha i bet you are allready working on it ha lol
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  #3422 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 08:40 AM
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Re: [ROM] [Aug 31] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

Originally Posted by timetraveler View Post
new sys 23047 new new new
psyki please new new rom lol hahahaha i bet you are allready working on it ha lol

You guys can be a real pain, I'm glad Psyki doesn't update his ROM everyday. I like the fact that he seems to take his time and make sure its right before he dishes it out. If you take a look at his releases you will get a feel for how often he dishes out a ROM, about twice a month. Not every week so if you need to flash that often you might want to look at another ROM. You guys seem to push and push and then you publish a "Bug List", of stuff no one else is having problems with, drives me crazy.
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  #3423 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 10:29 AM
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Re: [ROM] [Aug 31] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

I agree the only thing I am anxiously awaiting is the memory leak fix. But, other than that it's hard to improve on perfection. Seriously I tried to flash even the newest energyrom but the battery drain was soooooooo bbbaaaaaddd I've come right back to Psyki.
I don't think I can find a better rom, better battery life, etc...list continues

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  #3424 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 10:41 AM
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Re: [ROM] [Aug 31] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

Originally Posted by twisteddan View Post
I agree the only thing I am anxiously awaiting is the memory leak fix. But, other than that it's hard to improve on perfection. Seriously I tried to flash even the newest energyrom but the battery drain was soooooooo bbbaaaaaddd I've come right back to Psyki.
I don't think I can find a better rom, better battery life, etc...list continues
Ya the battery drain in EnergyROM is pretty bad. Don't get me wrong I love a new flash as well, but I also like for the ROM to work.
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  #3425 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 11:43 AM
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Re: [ROM] [Aug 31] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

That is why I stick with Psyki roms.
Because like I said I have flashed a lot and I mean A LOT of roms and none of them give the performance, battery life, options and customization that Psyki roms provide. Plus PYSKI roms contain some of the best and most popular programs so there is no need to install a ton of cabs. I think I have maybe 4 things installed max.
I know that it is only an opinion but I believe it is more a statement of fact.
With very heavy use my battery will last me at least a day and a half. Where as most other roms I might see a half a day.

So again THANKS PSYKI!!!=D>
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  #3426 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 12:41 PM
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Re: [ROM] [Aug 31] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

Great job as always Psyki! Up until my upgrade to your Psyki 4 6.5 rom I was using your 3 6.1 version. There are some very nice elements to the 6.5 rom that I am enjoying but I have a few issues that I hope you can help with me right away.

1) With your 6.1 rom I was able to, without changing settings or anything, use my phone as modem. I would be prompted when connecting to my laptop, i would choose use phone as modem, and BAm connected! The problem is now with the 6.5 rom when i attempt to do this I get an error message from Sprint and it wont allow me to log on ( Error 67? or something of that nature) I reallllly need this phone to modem option to if anyone can help me get it working with the 6.5 rom i would be eternally grateful.

2) Can someone help me set up a hotmail account on my 6.5 rom? It was fairly straight forward on the 6.1 version but now here is what I see when trying to add a new email account: I go to the email wizard and select "other" for my account. I type in my hotmail account here and it then takes me to my windows live webpage - but this is not where i wish to receive my mail. before i had my hotmail set up on outlook so i could check it right thru the touchflo icon. Can someone help with this...before on the 6.1 rom i was able to enter the pop3 info etc for my hotmail account and voila! Now i am stuck!

Thanks in advance for any help regarding my problems... I apologize if this has already been discussed in the thread but I dont have sufficient time to to track it. I can't thank Psyki enough for cookin up the dopeness in this rom. I really want to get this rom perfect so it can be mine!
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  #3427 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 12:54 PM
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Re: [ROM] [Aug 31] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

So i made sure my data was connected before i tried to do the phone for modem option. This solved getting the sprint 67 error message but the modem gets stuck now on the internet sharing screen : status: Waiting for Network. My connection becomes local only so no access to internet.
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  #3428 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 03:17 PM
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Re: [ROM] [Aug 31] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

Originally Posted by makelite View Post
So i made sure my data was connected before i tried to do the phone for modem option. This solved getting the sprint 67 error message but the modem gets stuck now on the internet sharing screen : status: Waiting for Network. My connection becomes local only so no access to internet.
Install this.
Attached Files
File Type: cab Internet Sharing FIX.cab (3.9 KB, 16 views) Click for barcode!
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  #3429 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 04:06 PM
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Re: [ROM] [Aug 31] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

Originally Posted by t0mmyr View Post
I present to you, a sneak peak into the future....

2 new Glass skins for the tachi dialer

keep the black theme going and try this out
Download black.button.Dialer.Skin

or try the glass dialer with a tradition green talk button
Download green.button.Dialer.Skin

there are few other enhancements, and best of all.. no more white circles!!
Ok, possibly dumb question, whats different in these than what came with the ROM? I just pulled up my dialer and other than the color of the TALK button there is no difference. Also, what white circles?
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  #3430 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 04:50 PM
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Re: [ROM] [Aug 31] Psyki 4 - Custom Glass Manila 2.1 (23017.5.3.0)

Originally Posted by Urufu_Shinjiro View Post
Ok, possibly dumb question, whats different in these than what came with the ROM? I just pulled up my dialer and other than the color of the TALK button there is no difference. Also, what white circles?
this is what the dialer looked like before (cooked into this version of psyki4)

here are the 2 dialers i made up for comparison in the same screenshot layout

main changes was that i removed the white energyrom type circles from the dialer, added the green/red talk end key, and also added the green/red slide to answer function back. the glass feature can be noted when selecting a smartdial contact and in a few more long buttons too...i also made the pressed digit buttons black instead of gray so theres more contrast when dialing numbers, the black version cab i posted has 3Dish pressed digits highlights while the green version cab has white pressed digits, both on black

also, isn't this a psyki wallpaper?

or was it included with some version of wm?

Last edited by t0mmyr; 09-10-2009 at 05:27 PM.
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