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  #1261 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 08:07 PM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

I agree with Spokenwordd, this rom is pretty light and very fast as is. As far as windows live and messenger, some of us use those, me being one. I don't think you should mess with something that is excellent as is
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  #1262 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 08:47 PM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

Originally Posted by savior02 View Post

No offense intended but it amazes me that people get a HEAVY DUTY mulimedia device like the Touch Pro and then make requests for light ROMs... They make phones like that already, they are called BlackBerrys.

Why bother having a device that do everything and then want it to do nothing? Just curious....

Personally I prefer a ROM that has meat to it and offers "extras". If I didn't I would just keep the boring old Sprint ROM it came with or I would just get a Flip phone or something....

These ROMS have been perfect as is... and they are not slowed down by any means with "bloatware". Bloatware is isht that you don't want not stuff that you need...

Just my 2 cents...

dude just because i want some oem's off doesnt mean i will be using my TP lightly believe me i have many many and too many apps that i use and yes windows live and messenger is quite huge and considered bloatware if you dont use it and u have alot of apps that u do use....trust me im a heavy duty user i just dont use ordinary apps..i have my own and would appreciate more space from the used space i dont use

Originally Posted by CarlaDarla View Post
I agree with Spokenwordd, this rom is pretty light and very fast as is. As far as windows live and messenger, some of us use those, me being one. I don't think you should mess with something that is excellent as is

excellent for you since u use it..not for me....but whats all the fuss about the light version will not even effect the release of the standard one
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  #1263 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 10:33 PM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

There is no fuss, just opinions. I thought we were all allowed to voice them. The only thing I see is if there is oem's you don't use, what about the next guy that has others he does not use and wants those off. It is hard to cater to everyone's specific wants. I could care less if a lite version is made, I was just pointing out that just because you don't use something does not automatically make it bloat ware or useless.
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  #1264 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2009, 11:49 PM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

Why not just delete the included apps that you don't use? Would take a total of 5 minutes at the most whereas uploading a rom takes close to an hour.
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  #1265 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 07:47 AM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

how do you delete apps like windows live or messenger that are cooked in? me personally I would rip out the live stufff, the youtube stuff, MP3 trimmer, facebook, streaming media, rss, spb screenshot, and the Chome config.. but even with these installed the ROM works great and my memory usage is normally around 60-70%. kinda wish it was lower, but hey it seems to work where it is at.

and this is on a Verizon Gimped Pro, with the PP set to 12.
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  #1266 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 11:12 AM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

I open file explorer and go to My Device>Windows>Start Menu> Programs and delete the apps that I don't want from there. This ROM doesn't show all the included program files under My Device>Program Files so Im not sure if my method deletes the program entirely but it frees up storage memory and removes the icons from the start menu.
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  #1267 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 12:58 PM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

Flashed to Demolition, and LOVING it so far! Couple things that might help others:

Titanium weather wouldn't work, so I searched and found a update. I then had to add File Commander to get it to install correctly in the Windows folder. After that, it worked wonderfully! Both files are attached for your downloading pleasure

Keep up the good work!

EDIT: Titanium Weather fix can be found at http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...782#post995782
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Last edited by ChaosTheory; 06-29-2009 at 04:22 PM.
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  #1268 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 02:07 PM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

Originally Posted by lwrdrchvy2 View Post
Why not just delete the included apps that you don't use? Would take a total of 5 minutes at the most whereas uploading a rom takes close to an hour.

why because you cant delete anything inside the rom....the files in the rom are protected by the os

Originally Posted by lwrdrchvy2 View Post
I open file explorer and go to My Device>Windows>Start Menu> Programs and delete the apps that I don't want from there. This ROM doesn't show all the included program files under My Device>Program Files so Im not sure if my method deletes the program entirely but it frees up storage memory and removes the icons from the start menu.

you are just deleting the shortcuts..it doesnt show up on the start menu but the files are still hidden in the rom hogging up space...it does however make the start menu more simplified to get to the other apps u do use..but it does not strip the apps from the rom.....i cook my own roms i just like the demolition rom because i love the customizations....i cannot customize my own rom because no time and i have a baby
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  #1269 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 02:19 PM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

thats what I thought Savior. what cooked into a ROM is there to stay. I love the customizations in the Demolition ROM, but there are a number of programs that I never use, nor will I ever use. I understand that I am only using my Touch Pro to maybe a third of its potential, but hey, its my phone. if I only want to use it for a cople things thats my business.
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  #1270 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 02:27 PM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

Is anyone else having problems with Titanium Radar? Whenever I go to the radar section (at least I assume that is where I am at, I go left 1 from the default screen, and it is blank, so I press it and it comes up with "An error occurred on sub_main_nextimage_click. Value does not fall within the expected range. Continue?" And when I click Yes OR No it comes up with a white screen with an X in the corner. I've looked around and tried using all the images and fixes that I could find. Any other ideas?
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