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  #1271 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 03:13 PM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

Originally Posted by ChaosTheory View Post
Is anyone else having problems with Titanium Radar? Whenever I go to the radar section (at least I assume that is where I am at, I go left 1 from the default screen, and it is blank, so I press it and it comes up with "An error occurred on sub_main_nextimage_click. Value does not fall within the expected range. Continue?" And when I click Yes OR No it comes up with a white screen with an X in the corner. I've looked around and tried using all the images and fixes that I could find. Any other ideas?
Once that page pulls up, hold down on the screen and select edit urls. You have to enter the url for each image that you want to use. I have been able to get jpg and gif images to work but the gifs are not animated. I recieved the same answer before I set up my images and when I tried an image that the app didn't recognize.
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  #1272 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 03:19 PM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

Thanks I've tried every link I could find, and get the same error on all of them. I even tried updating to v. 4.2. That took out the weather bar completely. Tried uninstalling it and it is still gone. Installed 4.1 and same thing.

When I installed them they both say that they were meant for an different version of windows, but it says it is for 6.5? Also, when I reboot something about mort comes up (doont recall exactly what it says) but I think it possibly has to do with the titanium notifications update that I installed with Demolition?

Anyone have the original Titanium weather that came with Demolition, that way I can at least go back to that? Is it possible the cab is trying to install it wrong somehow?

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  #1273 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 03:47 PM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

Im using version 4.2 of Titanium Weather and it works fine. If you want let me know the area you are trying to get weather for and I can see if I find some that work so you know if its the links or something with your setup that is causing the problem.
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  #1274 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 04:01 PM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

the problem is with this rom the weather panel is not up to date 4.2 is the latest..he will update the weather panel hopefully to 4.2..if u manually install 4.2 cab u will lose the custom icons on titanium so best is just leave it like that until he releases the new rom..i cant wait..im running the newest build for 6.5 right now and its super fast with no bugs so far....so i cant wait for the new demolution rom....light verson! lol
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Last edited by savior02; 06-24-2009 at 06:16 PM.
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  #1275 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 05:19 PM
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Smile Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

I cant wait to try the next version this is by far the best rom i have used Thanks!!!!
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  #1276 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2009, 07:41 PM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

Ok here is where everyone gets to make fun of the local idiot

So all this time apparently TW 4.2 was there, it just wasn't where the other one was, i.e. it was originally below the time, and after it was almost at the top, so I didn't see it. Once I found it I used the radar maps that were already in it, just replacing my town with the ones in there. So now I have 3 maps, and if I feel up to it I might go looking for an animated one or something.

Anyway, thanks for the help, and sorry it ended up being over nothing.
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  #1277 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2009, 05:04 AM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

the newest build 21815 is fast as hell, the best build so far. Im not crazy about 21728 really. I do have a build uploaded but its not finished yet. I could post it so you can see what its going to be like. What do you all think?
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  #1278 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2009, 08:15 AM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!!

was that a bit over the top?

yea, I diddnt think so either.
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  #1279 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2009, 08:28 AM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

Originally Posted by schollianmj View Post
POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!! POST IT!!!! POST IT!!!!!

was that a bit over the top?

yea, I diddnt think so either.
lmao haha hmm well since no one wants me to post it i guess i wont..
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  #1280 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2009, 08:31 AM
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Re: ||JUNE 4 Demolition Titanium|| ||21728||

Demolition 2.0 pre-beta PASSWORD IS: demo
Please hit if you download!

Im going to be changing a lot still. I want to finish the icons first and fix the new theme

BTW this is a completly new theme for this rom! I have to fix the dialer pad skin, it works great but when you press a button, the theme changes for a second.

This is 21815 build titanium

Last edited by bikeandestroyx; 06-25-2009 at 11:48 AM.
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