Re: ||MAY 24 Demolition Titanium|| ||Beta 21232|| ||UC||
use to be sooooo great at making sig's but lost my touch havent mad 1 in a long long long time lol.. I tried a cpl days ago and it came out crap mean if you go HERE my account and look over what I did for others and myself a cpl years ago you'd see.. I use to could make animated or plain sigs pretty decent lol.... Time is an amazing thing..I mean a wife leaves a guy and it seems things that use to matter 2 or 3 years ago dont matter any more :-p
Re: ||MAY 24 Demolition Titanium|| ||Beta 21232|| ||UC||
oh wow those are really good! **** im sorry yeah it really is. on a good note the 21725 rom is almost ready to be released everyone!! That build has been pissing me off for the past two days but its worth it, very good build might i say! |
Re: ||MAY 24 Demolition Titanium|| ||Beta 21232|| ||UC||
Re: ||MAY 24 Demolition Titanium|| ||Beta 21232|| ||UC||
He usually never does, he just likes to talk about how good his ROM is, and then we follow along and say things like "oh wow, this is a great rom" or "wow this is the fastest rom I have ever flashed to" when really there wasn't ever a rom at all. Its just in your imagination, so just pretend that you downloaded it, kinda like when Peter Pan in the movie Hook, when he was having dinner with the lost boys.
Believe Peter, believe!
Re: ||MAY 24 Demolition Titanium|| ||Beta 21232|| ||UC||
By the way, bricked my phone with someone elses ROM last night but recovered back to Demolition 6.1V2 from the SD card. It was the first time I did it that way. The wonderful part, my GPS works again. I tried about 4-5 different ROMs trying to get GPS working with no success. The programs would talk to the GPS but it could not access any satilites. I am dumbfounded as to what brought it back to life.
Re: ||MAY 24 Demolition Titanium|| ||Beta 21232|| ||UC||
Re: ||MAY 24 Demolition Titanium|| ||Beta 21232|| ||UC||
with people sitting here waiting for this rom (best rom out) not kool to talk **** about the people trying to make this avail for us
Re: ||MAY 24 Demolition Titanium|| ||Beta 21232|| ||UC||
I for one and very appreciative of what he's done. I mean, he just finished finals, let the guy have a night out to celebrate.