Re: freeing more memory.
I never used MS Voice Command. If you don't use it, you can stop it from starting up which will free some memory. Delete the link under \Windows\Startup\Voice Command.lnk
Re: freeing more memory.
Mike's will work fine with Verizon phones. Just change the pagepool size to 6MB or 12MB.
Last edited by Maverick77; 04-14-2009 at 06:00 PM. |
Re: freeing more memory.
Mike builds his TP ROM"s fopr laarge memory phones. He is more than likely using a large pagepoopl which is decreasing your memory. You can... 1. Reflash his ROM with the page pool lowered this freeing your mmemory. 2. Flash my TP ROM's as I am the ONLY developer working on VZW solutions. I build ALL my ROM's on verizon Touch Pro. Anyways... good luck. Why did VZW do this? Because they can. They dont care about useability. Its all bottom line. The bottom line in this case is 256 megs of RAM Cost more than 128 so they used 128 and charged even more for the phone!!!!!!! I left them for this reason. They did the same **** with the diamond. I hope they burn in hell for what they do.... Im not joking. This is an emotional topic for me. I just left VZW for this andf got a sprint diamond. As soon as I saw VZW was crippling yet anotyher phone I said I can tsupport them any more. They ONLY WAY THEY WILL STOP DOING THIS is if you stop being there customer. Dont complain, make a move. Kiss them goodby. SO mach happier with Sprint now. But I kept my phone and keep the ROM"s and kitchen currnet ;c) Last edited by scrosler; 04-14-2009 at 06:01 PM. |
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Re: freeing more memory.
and doesnt lllboredlll cook specifically for vzw too? |
Re: freeing more memory.
I find the 12 MB PP to work best on my VZW TP.
I'd switch, but Verizon has the best service in the areas I'm usually in. Laaaaaame.
Current: HTC Droid Incredible [MikMik]Droid Incredible HD-1.0.3[sense 3.5 GB 2.3.5]
Previous: HTC Touch Pro (VZW)||ROM: MightyROM 6 (Final) Lets go out west and bask/in the overcast/walking in the rain/we'll see the beauty in life again/ -Darkest Hour Search is your best friend. |
Re: freeing more memory.
my pagepool is at 6. not 24. i wish i can set it to 32 and have a faster phone, but that wouldnt be too great with this vzw phone
Re: freeing more memory.
any thing else i can delete to make it faster, just did the voice command and now at 44mbs free.
also, is changing the pagepool to 12 from 6.. any noticeable? worth the hassel? Thanks Marc |
Re: freeing more memory.
i also cook for vzw tp. i havent really found the need for turning my tp into a desktop computer. i mean i love the roms everyone else builds but they take and use alot of memory for alot of unneeded things. I think its just my point of view on things but i keep my phone for what it is and does. Its first roll is a phone. works very good in this roll, 2nd is the minor appz and games to keep u ocupied when waiting. I mean there are times where i do things or try to like a desktop but there is really no need to in thsi world atm. The vzw phone works great and i havent ran into any problems with slow speed at all. I originaly had a alltel tp and now have the vzw one and it actually out performs the alltel one.
but anywho that another debate that lasts forever. You can give my rom a shot if you like or u can dl the base build i have and install whatever u want onto it. thx
## Rom: None # Provider: Verizon # Experience: Advanced # Phone:Verizon TP2 ## ############################################################# |
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