Originally Posted by combatstang
how can i free up a bit more memory???
I have verizon with the mighty rom. and wont get anything else.. this rom is amazing.
Total: 113.29
I use: 85.21
Free: 28.08
fustrating. why verizon would do this.
thanks guys.
You have two options and both require a reflash.....
Mike builds his TP ROM"s fopr laarge memory phones. He is more than likely using a large pagepoopl which is decreasing your memory.
You can...
1. Reflash his ROM with the page pool lowered this freeing your mmemory.
2. Flash my TP ROM's as I am the ONLY developer working on VZW solutions. I build ALL my ROM's on verizon Touch Pro.
Anyways... good luck.
Why did VZW do this? Because they can. They dont care about useability. Its all bottom line. The bottom line in this case is 256 megs of RAM Cost more than 128 so they used 128 and charged even more for the phone!!!!!!!
I left them for this reason. They did the same **** with the diamond. I hope they burn in hell for what they do.... Im not joking. This is an emotional topic for me.
I just left VZW for this andf got a sprint diamond. As soon as I saw VZW was crippling yet anotyher phone I said I can tsupport them any more.
They ONLY WAY THEY WILL STOP DOING THIS is if you stop being there customer.
Dont complain, make a move. Kiss them goodby. SO mach happier with Sprint now.
But I kept my phone and keep the ROM"s and kitchen currnet ;c)