TP2 roms and PST Timezone problems
Has anyone else encountered their phones sync'ing the wrong hour with the new batch of roms out? We actually had a power outage a few days ago for a while and I set my microwave and stove to my phones clock and a few days later I noticed they were off an hour when compared to my cable box time. I checked my phone and there it was it was behind a hole hour. I tried a few different roms and the same thing keeps happening when I goto settings>phone>time sync> update. I decided to try my stock sprint rom and see what happened and it synced to the right hour and timezone. Loaded up a new 3/26/09 rom last night and after a few resets my clock was down an hour, also a few of my calendar reminders were off an hour too, i tried syncing it but it would fix, so i chose another time zone like mountain and it showed the right time, then i went to pacific and it updated to right time. but this morning something happened and it went back to being an hour behind....what gives? is there a daylightsavings patch i'm missing or something?