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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 03:52 PM
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Re: For The Oncomers ....

one more thought on this, we live in a time of instant gratification now so i think it will only get worse as younger and younger people acquire more high tech devices. half of the kids my sister's age seem to have ADD now, so i really don't see this problem getting any better.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 04:27 PM
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Re: For The Oncomers ....

Member at both sites, and rarely post at either. Not because I am just here to "make my phone pretty and shiny" but because 1) I am not a developer and refuse to even pretend to be one... yet. 2) I find it a waste of time to type out something that has little interest to anyone except myself. 3) The addition of the Google search has made this site 100% easier to locate things. With that said, you will see comments from me like this one to both encourage certain posters in their thoughts and work, and to help out "N00B's" so they can get the most out of their purchase. With that said, I think I may have to actually suggest a "dream build" and the reasons for such, if only to remind some people that more goes into a build than just "this would be cool on a phone." (PS. JD... you know you have at least one more time in the kitchen in you.)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 04:56 PM
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Re: For The Oncomers ....

i think some of the people take the approach of "i found this but i won't tell you , you have to find out for yourself".i'm a member of xda also but have yet to post because after reading some of the comments, some of those guys are brutal. but most of the hacks and tweaks come from there and most users here just post a link to it. my thoughts are let's help everyone, newb or veteran.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 05:00 PM
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Re: For The Oncomers ....

ummmm.....i can see where this is coming from, but it doesn't make it any less of a steaming pile of pompous BS. the Dev&Hacking forum may have been started as a place to share knowledge, but it has not been anything but a dog and pony show for apps and mods as long is i have known(1.5 years). some of those threads and threads for certain ROMs here (no2Chem anyone?) are pushing THOUSANDS of posts long.....as someone else stated already, it is only going to get worse as time goes on and more people buy PPCs. hate to break it to ya....its just the way it is. in fairness, i'm going to post the OP of the thread this post came from, because it also has some valid points:


I've been a member of this forum for a few months now and am sincerely grateful for all the useful advice and help I have received. My own posting count is relatively low because I only try to help if I have something useful to say.

The one overriding post I tend to see these days is the idiot who likes bash the other users for not reading threads, doing searches etc. Now I actually have a full time job in the I.T industry, am pretty much computer savvy and enjoy tinkering with my phone when time allows. It seems to me some of the members here have far much too time on their hands and spend it endlessly trawling to give someone a mauling.

I wonder how many useful posts these people ever actually put in to the forum.

Now I agree that if you have the time to read all the relevant threads, do the searches etc you have a good chance of finding an answer. But there comes a time when some of these posts are just not feasible anymore. Dutty's rom post for 6.1 is a major epic these days and I for one don't have the time or inclination to scroll through all this especially when a whole load of it is just crap from people increasing their post count.

So my point is let people ask, especially the n00bs who probably don't realise the lambasting they're going to get. If you know the answer then reply, if you don't then shut up. That way the posts will get shorter and the idiots will get bored quicker."
Senior Member
17-03-2008, 11:14 AM

i think the real lesson to take from these 2 conflicting views, is the age old mantra, "if you don't have anything nice/constructive to say/contribute, don't say anything". you are NEVER going to stop noobs from asking questions, so stop *****ing about it. simply ignore them, or lead them in the right direction so they learn something in the process. the WORST thing to do would be to chide them, berate them as an "noob/idiot/etc", and clog the thread up with more useless nonsense because then YOU are as much at fault as they are for making the threads unreadable to people with lives outside of PPC flashing/modding.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 05:07 PM
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Re: For The Oncomers ....

Originally Posted by yerp View Post
ummmm.....i can see where this is coming from, but it doesn't make it any less of a steaming pile of pompous BS. the Dev&Hacking forum may have been started as a place to share knowledge, but it has not been anything but a dog and pony show for apps and mods as long is i have known(1.5 years). some of those threads and threads for certain ROMs here (no2Chem anyone?) are pushing THOUSANDS of posts long.....as someone else stated already, it is only going to get worse as time goes on and more people buy PPCs. hate to break it to ya....its just the way it is. in fairness, i'm going to post the OP of the thread this post came from, because it also has some valid points:


I've been a member of this forum for a few months now and am sincerely grateful for all the useful advice and help I have received. My own posting count is relatively low because I only try to help if I have something useful to say.

The one overriding post I tend to see these days is the idiot who likes bash the other users for not reading threads, doing searches etc. Now I actually have a full time job in the I.T industry, am pretty much computer savvy and enjoy tinkering with my phone when time allows. It seems to me some of the members here have far much too time on their hands and spend it endlessly trawling to give someone a mauling.

I wonder how many useful posts these people ever actually put in to the forum.

Now I agree that if you have the time to read all the relevant threads, do the searches etc you have a good chance of finding an answer. But there comes a time when some of these posts are just not feasible anymore. Dutty's rom post for 6.1 is a major epic these days and I for one don't have the time or inclination to scroll through all this especially when a whole load of it is just crap from people increasing their post count.

So my point is let people ask, especially the n00bs who probably don't realise the lambasting they're going to get. If you know the answer then reply, if you don't then shut up. That way the posts will get shorter and the idiots will get bored quicker."
Senior Member
17-03-2008, 11:14 AM

i think the real lesson to take from these 2 conflicting views, is the age old mantra, "if you don't have anything nice/constructive to say/contribute, don't say anything". you are NEVER going to stop noobs from asking questions, so stop *****ing about it. simply ignore them, or lead them in the right direction so they learn something in the process. the WORST thing to do would be to chide them, berate them as an "noob/idiot/etc", and clog the thread up with more useless nonsense because then YOU are as much at fault as they are for making the threads unreadable to people with lives outside of PPC flashing/modding.

Totally agree
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 05:10 PM
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Re: For The Oncomers ....

Very nice

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 05:52 PM
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Re: For The Oncomers ....

Everybody has their kingdoms, and will probably get butt-hurt if you don't agree with their point of view. Welcome to the internet. Move along. There's nothing to see here.
Clear Flip Clocks are for tools.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 08:19 PM
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Re: For The Oncomers ....

Originally Posted by yerp View Post
ummmm.....i can see where this is coming from, but it doesn't make it any less of a steaming pile of pompous BS. the Dev&Hacking forum may have been started as a place to share knowledge, but it has not been anything but a dog and pony show for apps and mods as long is i have known(1.5 years). some of those threads and threads for certain ROMs here (no2Chem anyone?) are pushing THOUSANDS of posts long.....as someone else stated already, it is only going to get worse as time goes on and more people buy PPCs. hate to break it to ya....its just the way it is. in fairness, i'm going to post the OP of the thread this post came from, because it also has some valid points:


I've been a member of this forum for a few months now and am sincerely grateful for all the useful advice and help I have received. My own posting count is relatively low because I only try to help if I have something useful to say.

The one overriding post I tend to see these days is the idiot who likes bash the other users for not reading threads, doing searches etc. Now I actually have a full time job in the I.T industry, am pretty much computer savvy and enjoy tinkering with my phone when time allows. It seems to me some of the members here have far much too time on their hands and spend it endlessly trawling to give someone a mauling.

I wonder how many useful posts these people ever actually put in to the forum.

Now I agree that if you have the time to read all the relevant threads, do the searches etc you have a good chance of finding an answer. But there comes a time when some of these posts are just not feasible anymore. Dutty's rom post for 6.1 is a major epic these days and I for one don't have the time or inclination to scroll through all this especially when a whole load of it is just crap from people increasing their post count.

So my point is let people ask, especially the n00bs who probably don't realise the lambasting they're going to get. If you know the answer then reply, if you don't then shut up. That way the posts will get shorter and the idiots will get bored quicker."
Senior Member
17-03-2008, 11:14 AM

i think the real lesson to take from these 2 conflicting views, is the age old mantra, "if you don't have anything nice/constructive to say/contribute, don't say anything". you are NEVER going to stop noobs from asking questions, so stop *****ing about it. simply ignore them, or lead them in the right direction so they learn something in the process. the WORST thing to do would be to chide them, berate them as an "noob/idiot/etc", and clog the thread up with more useless nonsense because then YOU are as much at fault as they are for making the threads unreadable to people with lives outside of PPC flashing/modding.
+1 here too.

Same boat here, relatively tech savvy but short on time. I try not to ask stupid questions but when I can't quickly find the answer (I do search) I'll ask or PM someone I think would know. I do help where I can but it's not very often I stumble across a question I know the answer to which hasn't been answered already.

I don't know if it exists or not but perhaps you might consider starting a private "Chefs Only" section that is invite only. That way those who are only interested in higher level discussions won't get bothered by those of us who are less knowledgeable or who want to get better performance from their PPC but don't have the time to devote to cooking up their own custom ROM.

OH, and JD, I do use your ROMs and appreciate the work you put into them, and I don't mean to sound rude or unappreciative here, but if you're really feeling this way then maybe its time to step back for a while? I know I got that way after doing tech support at my company (and PR, and FAE, etc)...

Just a thought...
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2009, 10:54 PM
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Re: For The Oncomers ....

Originally Posted by tom6433 View Post
JD i thanked you not because i am on the same side of the fence as you, but rather a guy that does take the time to read up on 90% of the things i do or want to do to my phone. i have not contributed anything, but i try to apply what i read on here to my own device and needs. i have tried a few roms, yours included, and they are great but they are not me. i am still struggling along, trying to read as much as i can whenever i can. i am sure i could list out what i want in a rom and someone could build it for me in a matter of minutes, but that doesn't help me. i am hoping most users will read what you copied from XDA (i am a mamber there too and do a lot of reading there as well) and learn something from it. i will likely never have half the knowledge that most of the chefs have, but i will keep plugging away.
I'm with you Tom. I may not know how to build a bug proof rom but I love to check in here everyday, read, and try to learn everything I can. That way I can fix any trouble I run into in the future, plus help someone else down the line...
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