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  #1511 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 03:23 PM
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Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.5 Beta 2!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and R

Originally Posted by bast525 View Post
Not sure if someone posted this, regarding the issue with Opera opening and closing on it's own. I think I know how to fix it.

Open up the registry and go to: \HKCU\Software\HTC\BootLauncher\Apps

Delete the Opera9 folder.


See if that fixes it
Did not fix the issue, but thanks for the info
  #1512 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 03:26 PM
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Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.5 Beta 2!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and R

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
.....Tell me what you want and you shall recieve ;c)

What i would really love... is if you could provide the Manila you used in 1.5 preview... OEM would rock, but i would take a CAB if need be!


Pretty please?

I'll buy you some more rockstars!!
  #1513 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 03:32 PM
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Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.5 Beta 2!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and R

For those that want to add apps to the TF3D browser window, or change the default browser, here are a couple of links I found

Change Default Browser: http://www.fuzemobility.com/?p=1441

Change the Default Page and add apps: http://www.fuzemobility.com/?p=667
  #1514 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 03:48 PM
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Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.5 Beta 2!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and R

Ok i got my Opera to start working correctly without crashing out. Been playing with it for about 15 minutes now and before this it would crash righaway or after going into a couple of pages.

1. downloaded and reinstalled the Opera cab from:


2. reset
3. in windows there is a file called _opera.ini copied it to windows PC renamed to opera.ini and placed it back in PPC windows folder
4. reset

Now i am still on with opera and TF3D.

EDIT: well this did not completely fix it i apoke to soon, the issue still there on the crashes. It does however work for longer periods of time but evntually it crashes back to the TF3D tab. Seems that scrolling will do it but i cannot pinpoint it.

Last edited by Taurus; 02-06-2009 at 07:05 PM.
  #1515 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 05:05 PM
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Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.5 Beta 2!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and R

Originally Posted by keaolyen View Post
Wouldn't ring for me till I went in and selected a ring tone...
Scott - there is a provxml in _OEMDrivers (in your SSK 1.2) called mxip_HtcApps_HTC_Ringtone_2008.provxml. This one copies ringtones from the \Windows directory to \Windows\Rings. If that provxml got culled out somehow (or not cooked in due to BuildOS selections) then the \Windows\Rings directory would only have three rings (from SYS) in it - and that may cause no ringing on the phone until a ring tone is manually selected.

Just a thought...
ROM: WM6.5 nk.exe (Da_G), sys 23518 (Da_G), VZW OEM pack (scrosler)
Apps: Manila 2.1 (yozgatag), Leo dialer (pyrorob)

Last edited by FormerPalmOS; 02-06-2009 at 06:45 PM.
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  #1516 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 06:02 PM
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Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.5 Beta 2!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and R

Did anyone had an issue with the inputs. It seems that the QWERTY input on the touch screen isn't loading.
  #1517 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 06:24 PM
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Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.5 Beta 2!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and R

Originally Posted by whs2569 View Post
Did anyone had an issue with the inputs. It seems that the QWERTY input on the touch screen isn't loading.
which version are you running?
  #1518 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 06:39 PM
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Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.5 Beta 2!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and R

3 things I've noticed with 1.4 and 1.5

after a while, and I cant replicate the conditions leading up to it, 3 things happen.

1. I have a ring tone setup, the lights on the phone flash, the screen comes up and says a call is coming in, and the phone vibrates, but it never rings. no matter what ringtone I use. If I go into phone properties and play the ringtone, it sounds just fine. SMS and all other tones work just fine. reflashin fixes it until it breaks again.

2. I go to settings, the Phone, and I want to change the ring tone. I choose the ring tone and hit OK. The screen flashes and the ringtone goes back to the original tone. Also no matter how many times I hit the OK button, it never leaves that window. I have to soft reboot to get out of the PHONE window.

3. 1 out of 4 calls will disconnect at random. Phone makes a 1/2 second tone noise like when you first pick up a regular land line, then disconnects. I can call the person right back and continue the conversation, but just randomly disconnects the call.

all these issues are fixed temporarily after reflashing. Not seeing these issues with 1.2
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  #1519 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 06:45 PM
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Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.5 Beta 2!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and R

Originally Posted by upparoom View Post
3 things I've noticed with 1.4 and 1.5

after a while, and I cant replicate the conditions leading up to it, 3 things happen.

1. I have a ring tone setup, the lights on the phone flash, the screen comes up and says a call is coming in, and the phone vibrates, but it never rings. no matter what ringtone I use. If I go into phone properties and play the ringtone, it sounds just fine. SMS and all other tones work just fine. reflashin fixes it until it breaks again.

2. I go to settings, the Phone, and I want to change the ring tone. I choose the ring tone and hit OK. The screen flashes and the ringtone goes back to the original tone. Also no matter how many times I hit the OK button, it never leaves that window. I have to soft reboot to get out of the PHONE window.

3. 1 out of 4 calls will disconnect at random. Phone makes a 1/2 second tone noise like when you first pick up a regular land line, then disconnects. I can call the person right back and continue the conversation, but just randomly disconnects the call.

all these issues are fixed temporarily after reflashing. Not seeing these issues with 1.2
These all sound like problems with the XIP that were fixed in ver 3E (and the new uploaded version 2E). If you have a ROM cooked with the old 2E, it will cause these problems. Scott can advise. But to the extent that these problems are indeed caused by the XIP, they have been fixed with 3E. I know the phone settings issue was for sure a problem, was for sure caused by XIP 2E and was for sure fixed in 3E.
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  #1520 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 07:26 PM
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Re: +Feb 5+ *SSK 1.5 Beta 2!* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP!! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and R

scott, i loved your titan roms and have recently added a touch pro to my toybox. I use sprint for my carrier. does this rom support sprint out of the box or is that strictly sprint phones that are verizonized? i would love to get your work on this phone too if at all possible. tried to rtfm searching this thread but since sprint is in the subject line it finds every post, all 100something pages full! thanks dude.
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