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  #1011 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2009, 02:05 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by upparoom View Post
running this now.

looks good so far. only thing I see is Google Maps cant seem to lock into GPS no matter what
Did you change the Com port and verify location is one? I will try it real quick as well....

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  #1012 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2009, 02:07 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by upparoom View Post
running this now.

looks good so far. only thing I see is Google Maps cant seem to lock into GPS no matter what
Have you ever done the GPS Fix? It is not integrated with this ROM.
My Device:VZW Droid X
My ROM of choice: Stock ROM for now

If I have helped you in anyway, please click Thank You.
  #1013 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2009, 02:44 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Think IM gonna give this ROM a try. Any other Sprint users tried it or am I the first?
  #1014 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2009, 02:45 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Scott, what's up buddy, doing great things I see. Looking to try your latest beta4 release before I ultimately return my Vzw TP back to the store.

Have the beta files been updated anymore since your post #976 where you put you links? Can I still use that link to get the latest beta ROM?

Thanks again.
  #1015 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2009, 02:47 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Originally Posted by aaron130 View Post
Think IM gonna give this ROM a try. Any other Sprint users tried it or am I the first?
I think you're the first one bro.
  #1016 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2009, 02:49 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

Is there anything specific you would like me to test with sprint Scott?
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  #1017 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2009, 02:54 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* ++VZW and SPRINT++

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post

Ok, here is the quick low down on this beta
1. Now Sprint capable! I split the carrier files which I have been wanting to do for a longtime. Currenlty Sprint and VZW. More to come depending on beta results.

2. I reverted back to the first version of the XIP from FormerPalmOS so its a hybrid build again like 1.2. Dont worry about this when checking sys info.

3. Packaged and updated most of the OEM Apps instead. Thanks to Conflipper for the updated files.

4. Set PP back to 12 Megs

5. Stripped out of Beta - HTC Keyboard, Large Title Bar, and large Start Menu.

6. Added - SSK Blue Splash screen, Some games (even though I said I never would!), White Slide to Answer with curtain, Slide2Unlock 1.42, Opera 9.5.15316

7. Minor: Reorganized Apps in the start menu

8. Kitchen is pretty hot. Lets you part out more stuff than ever before. Added some more usefull OEM's and Games. Kitchen will be uploaded depending on beta results. All stripped items can be added back in.

My thoughts: Overall Solid Performance just like the 1.2 version (I hope ;c). I think this could easily be final release worthy at this point but before I stick my foot in my mouth I will say its "beta." During the initial AutoRUN the screen will freak out because S2U2 locks. This is normal and planned to be resolved in final. I need to change initial time out for S2U2. Once beta is done I will rebrand as 1.5 Final. Once this OEM set proves itself I will start migrating over to differnt builds of WinMo 6.1 and 6.5 to find the best mix.

VZW: http://www.scottcrosler.com/TouchPro...1_4_B4_VZW.rar
Sprint: http://www.scottcrosler.com/TouchPro..._B4_Sprint.rar

Sprint users if you so choose to try the ROM can you report the following?
GPS and Sprint provision for data.... Also, a couple sprint only cabs in MyDocuments for Sprint TV and PicMail.
I'm all over this like, well, you know.

Thanks Scott, I've been wanting to try your ROM's for a while now.
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  #1018 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2009, 02:56 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* ++VZW and SPRINT++

Originally Posted by keaolyen View Post
I'm all over this like, well, you know.

Thanks Scott, I've been wanting to try your ROM's for a while now.

I actually have been too. I read alot of the forums and I klike what his roms entail. Flashing now.
  #1019 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2009, 03:00 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* ++VZW and SPRINT++

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post

Ok, here is the quick low down on this beta
1. Now Sprint capable! I split the carrier files which I have been wanting to do for a longtime. Currenlty Sprint and VZW. More to come depending on beta results.

2. I reverted back to the first version of the XIP from FormerPalmOS so its a hybrid build again like 1.2. Dont worry about this when checking sys info.

3. Packaged and updated most of the OEM Apps instead. Thanks to Conflipper for the updated files.

4. Set PP back to 12 Megs

5. Stripped out of Beta - HTC Keyboard, Large Title Bar, and large Start Menu.

6. Added - SSK Blue Splash screen, Some games (even though I said I never would!), White Slide to Answer with curtain, Slide2Unlock 1.42, Opera 9.5.15316

7. Minor: Reorganized Apps in the start menu

8. Kitchen is pretty hot. Lets you part out more stuff than ever before. Added some more usefull OEM's and Games. Kitchen will be uploaded depending on beta results. All stripped items can be added back in.

My thoughts: Overall Solid Performance just like the 1.2 version (I hope ;c). I think this could easily be final release worthy at this point but before I stick my foot in my mouth I will say its "beta." During the initial AutoRUN the screen will freak out because S2U2 locks. This is normal and planned to be resolved in final. I need to change initial time out for S2U2. Once beta is done I will rebrand as 1.5 Final. Once this OEM set proves itself I will start migrating over to differnt builds of WinMo 6.1 and 6.5 to find the best mix.

VZW: http://www.scottcrosler.com/TouchPro...1_4_B4_VZW.rar
Sprint: http://www.scottcrosler.com/TouchPro..._B4_Sprint.rar

Sprint users if you so choose to try the ROM can you report the following?
GPS and Sprint provision for data.... Also, a couple sprint only cabs in MyDocuments for Sprint TV and PicMail.
BTW Scott, you might want to update your first post; it's still at 1.2 (same as your website)...
  #1020 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2009, 03:03 PM
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Re: -=+Feb 1+=- *SSK 1.4 Beta 4* +VZW and SPRINT+ - See OP! {CE OS 21109} Kitchen and

BTW, has anyone messed with setting the pagepool to 0?
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