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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2009, 03:11 PM
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Re: Juggalo_X & Conflippers OEM from leaked Sprint Diamond rom, Converted for the pro

Originally Posted by Juggalo_X View Post
correct provxml's only move copies of files out of rom to other directories they cannot delete them.
Well ya, I suppose delete isn't needed if the file was moved lol...my fault for not correctly stating. So that said, provxml is probably the way to go about placing programs in respective folders without creating copies in the windows folder. I believe that also means there is no reason to use the intitflashfile.txt. That said, can it be done ....I was going to test this but never got around to it. I figured if it was possible, someone with far more experience than I would have done it a long time ago....
"Why do people who make more money have to be so stupid?"
"If you can't figure out something simple like how to use Google to search, don't even try flashing your phone!"

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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2009, 03:18 PM
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Re: Juggalo_X & Conflippers OEM from leaked Sprint Diamond rom, Converted for the pro

Originally Posted by aceracer24 View Post
Well ya, I suppose delete isn't needed if the file was moved lol...my fault for not correctly stating. So that said, provxml is probably the way to go about placing programs in respective folders without creating copies in the windows folder. I believe that also means there is no reason to use the intitflashfile.txt. That said, can it be done ....I was going to test this but never got around to it. I figured if it was possible, someone with far more experience than I would have done it a long time ago....
see i thought initflashes were ran before it builds.

appears they serve the same purpose as a prov xml but easier to write by and.... kinda useless IMO lol

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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2009, 03:22 PM
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Re: Juggalo_X & Conflippers OEM from leaked Sprint Diamond rom, Converted for the pro

Originally Posted by Juggalo_X View Post
see i thought initflashes were ran before it builds.

appears they serve the same purpose as a prov xml but easier to write by and.... kinda useless IMO lol
Now thats what caused me to ask the question when I first started using a kitchen. What purpose does the initflashfile.txt serve if all it does is make a copy of the file and move it to someplace else. This just doubles the size of all created OEMs if they are not kept in the Rom default instal location.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2009, 03:23 PM
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Re: Juggalo_X & Conflippers OEM from leaked Sprint Diamond rom, Converted for the pro

Originally Posted by Juggalo_X View Post
[B][COLOR=#ff9933]gguruusa,[COLOR=LightBlue]does initflashes.txt not mandate where a file is placed, and if one does not exist or the file is only referenced in DSM it is placed in /windows?

that seems ot be the way my kitchen operates.
No. That's not how it operates.

Originally Posted by aceracer24 View Post
It does but only after the fact. The initflashfile.txt only "copies" the program from windows and places it into what ever folder you decide. If there is no file listed in the initflash.txt, it is then placed only in the windows folder. Based on another thread that was being dicussed, the provxml is the best way to "move" and then delete the existing copy..however, I was also told that that process happens after the build process and thus making the file a "rom" file and not possible to delete.

When the ROM builds, directories don't exist. Not even /windows. There is no mechanism to create them and there is no mechanism to read them even they existed. There is only a collection of files.

At cold boot, all the files in the ROM are "defined" to be in /windows, and initflashfiles is processed. This can create directories and copy files from /windows (which are the only files that exist at this point) to anywhere else you want. Delete is not implemented because why would you need it? (you can't delete ROM files) Then the os is started.

Early in the OS boot process, provs are run. Unlike initflashfiles, provs can do more actions than create dirs and copy files (mainly because the OS is now minimally alive). You still can't delete ROM files (ROM, rememeber?)

Then all the "run once" processes run

Eventually, everything finishes and the user gets to interact.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2009, 03:27 PM
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Re: Juggalo_X & Conflippers OEM from leaked Sprint Diamond rom, Converted for the pro

Originally Posted by aceracer24 View Post
Now thats what caused me to ask the question when I first started using a kitchen. What purpose does the initflashfile.txt serve if all it does is make a copy of the file and move it to someplace else. This just doubles the size of all created OEMs if they are not kept in the Rom default instal location.
a) it's easy to use
b) it runs before the os starts, so you can create files and folders that the os needs when it starts. provs, while more powerful, run after the os has started.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2009, 10:08 PM
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Re: Juggalo_X & Conflippers OEM from leaked Sprint Diamond rom, Converted for the pro

Juggalo do you know what PRI is included with the leaked rom?
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