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  #7861 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2009, 03:51 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M

I'm a little ashamed to admit in this thread that I've never used a Mighty Rom before...but in my defense I just got my TP a few weeks ago and have used ATR3, Phantom, Kaos Hybrid, and Copper so far. I of course stepped up from a Mogul which I used DCD's and No2chem's most of the time. So I'm basically posting here to be alerted to the release of MR5 (I just waded through damn near 800 pages to get here, whew!)

......maybe I'll flash MR4.16 real quick to check the hub bub

This has been an interesting read and I am now anxiously awaiting the release like the rest of you!
  #7862 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2009, 04:24 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M

Originally Posted by Cochoz View Post
Gotta recruit them 1 at a time eh?

Hey is the texting on MR5 lagless?

I would get on AIM to not spam but it's not letting me connect from it TP
The keyboard lag is there, but to me it is better then 4.16.... IDK, maybe its me..... Too many things going on to accurately notice I'm sorry... Ask me tomorrow
Originally Posted by xtkxhom3r View Post
hey quick question.... do i need to install all the hot fix's for the latest rom?
If you install 4.16 you DO NOT need to install the hot fixes... Those are for prior releases. 4.16 is a one stop download.
Originally Posted by Bralgar View Post
I'm a little ashamed to admit in this thread that I've never used a Mighty Rom before...but in my defense I just got my TP a few weeks ago and have used ATR3, Phantom, Kaos Hybrid, and Copper so far. I of course stepped up from a Mogul which I used DCD's and No2chem's most of the time. So I'm basically posting here to be alerted to the release of MR5 (I just waded through damn near 800 pages to get here, whew!)

......maybe I'll flash MR4.16 real quick to check the hub bub

This has been an interesting read and I am now anxiously awaiting the release like the rest of you!
Ah, DCD... Been a while... He did a lot for me for my Titan, now MightyMike is filling his void for me with my TP....

Okay, so that's all for tonight.... I left MightyMike 4 pieces of work to look at tomorrow. Take care everyone! I'm exhausted
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  #7863 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2009, 04:55 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M

Originally Posted by Cochoz View Post
I know I let myself down for never be able to finish the FAQs but I got promoted to manager so I was in training and well besides competitive Halo(yes I travel around the country to go to the MLGs events), promotion, and college I barely had time for anything else. I'm wondering if you guys are ok with me making a FAQ for the new MR5? I'll keep it updated 100% I'm almost done with training so I have time <3
Hi Cochoz,

I had already started a FAQ for Mighty Rom 5 based on copper and 4.16. I have it outlined already. What I8 might do since you want to do a General FAQ is I'll make mine Verizon centric. Specifically for Verizon TP users. Then we can link off eachothers FAQ. Based on copper Most of my verizon fixes and apps worked the same and changing the pagepool to 8 didnt slow it down too much. I will test mr5 to make sure its still stable but after that I will post my new FAQ.

Billy a.k.a. LordShadowz
Verizon HTC Touch Pro
Running Mighty Rom 5 (5/8/09)
Running Telus Radio 1.04.05v

My Custom R3BORN/MR5 TF3D mods- [HERE]
My MR5 Review

VERIZON TOUCH PRO USERS, go [HERE] for Help Installing and tweaking MIGHTY ROM4 R3BORN AND MIGHTY ROM 5 with ADDED RAM, NATIVE VzW apps, Tips, Bugs with fixes, GPS Issues and essential apps attached! Updated regularly with new Info. Last Update 5/13/09
  #7864 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2009, 05:50 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M

Originally Posted by lordshadowz View Post
Hi Cochoz,

I had already started a FAQ for Mighty Rom 5 based on copper and 4.16. I have it outlined already. What I8 might do since you want to do a General FAQ is I'll make mine Verizon centric. Specifically for Verizon TP users. Then we can link off eachothers FAQ. Based on copper Most of my verizon fixes and apps worked the same and changing the pagepool to 8 didnt slow it down too much. I will test mr5 to make sure its still stable but after that I will post my new FAQ.
I PMd you. I guess you can do the Verizon portion. Idk I'll ask Rico to see what he thinks since the only difference between the Sprint and Verizon is the memory I believe so I don't really see a necesity for it. Once again I'll ask Rico
  #7865 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2009, 06:40 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M

Originally Posted by DCLocal View Post
I agree this is the best. I'm not in favor of adding anything spinning in the background, this looks great as is. If anything, once the animation finishes leave five squares centered below Mighty ROM to represent v5.

Mighty ROM
* * * * *

(asterisks represent solid white squares)
good call!

Did I help? The is down to the right

  #7866 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2009, 07:57 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M

Originally Posted by Cochoz View Post
I PMd you. I guess you can do the Verizon portion. Idk I'll ask Rico to see what he thinks since the only difference between the Sprint and Verizon is the memory I believe so I don't really see a necesity for it. Once again I'll ask Rico
Your forgetting Theres also Verizon Native apps, and some other Verizon stuff as well such as the data connection stuff. I PMed you back Brother. Check my signature you'll see the link. I've completely redone some sections because I still get lots of questions about MSVC and the Voice announcing, and about the GPS not working, and some other items. I havent added the MSVC or GPS stuff yet, that was for MR5. BTW Nice work on the FAQ on page 4. I have had it linked off of my Verizon one since it was put up. It's the first place I send people to actually.

You da man !

Last edited by lordshadowz; 04-19-2009 at 08:22 AM.
  #7867 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2009, 10:07 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M

I have Garmin XT on my phone, if I switch to your ROM after it's released (winmo 6.5) does that mean I won't be able to run Garmin? Are most of the apps made for 6.1 compatible with 6.5?
  #7868 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2009, 10:27 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M

Originally Posted by thesfactor View Post
I have Garmin XT on my phone, if I switch to your ROM after it's released (winmo 6.5) does that mean I won't be able to run Garmin? Are most of the apps made for 6.1 compatible with 6.5?

You shouldnt have a problem, Im running my Tom Tom on 6.5 no problem, AND all my programs I had with 6.1 are also working fine.
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  #7869 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2009, 10:29 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M

Originally Posted by aaron130 View Post
You shouldnt have a problem, Im running my Tom Tom on 6.5 no problem, AND all my programs I had with 6.1 are also working fine.
All the programs are running fine as well except the app I had to add custom weather. Anyone know how to do it on 6.5?
  #7870 (permalink)  
Old 04-19-2009, 10:44 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.16 [20771] [UC] [24M

How can I find my IMEI number? i can't seem to find it under Settings>System>device Info>Identity...
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