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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2009, 02:25 PM
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Re: [1-10-09] KK's Loaded ROM v0.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954] [UC]

Hey Kevank, The rom is running GREAT! Great work. One issue Ive noticed you might wanna look into, when your typing with the pullout keyboard, there is a MAJOR delay in the words showing up on the screen.

EDIT: Actually I realized its only the 1st few minutes after you open it then it goes back to normal and is pretty fast.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2009, 03:24 PM
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Re: [1-10-09] KK's Loaded ROM v0.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954] [UC]

I love the rom but still cant get any of the gps to work, any subjestions?
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2009, 03:30 PM
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Re: [1-10-09] KK's Loaded ROM v0.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954] [UC]

GPS works now. You gotta make sure location setting is turned "on". Go to settings//personal/phone/services. under location setting click get settings, and make sure its turned "on"

Last edited by aaron130; 01-10-2009 at 03:35 PM.
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  #44 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2009, 03:31 PM
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Re: [1-10-09] KK's Loaded ROM v0.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954] [UC]

Also, its said that keeping this setting off saves some battery power, so what I do is only turn it on when I need to use gps.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2009, 03:51 PM
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Re: [1-10-09] KK's Loaded ROM v0.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954] [UC]

hey kevank,
i remember your name from No2C's titan roms.....you provided the ultra fast mirror's to his ROMs, thanks! I wanted to congratulate you on your release! I haven't actually tried your ROM yet, but it looks very interesting. i'm still running the first custom rom i flashed on this device (Yay4Juggs 4.0) and am reluctant to flash because i am very happy with how my phone has run on this firmware. i am starting to feel the itch though, and now your Rom is on my radar along with some of the others.

i saw you wanted input on more usefull sofware to add, so i figured i'd chime in and throw some of the progs i find usefull out there....

1. TaskFacade 4 - excellent, visual task manager....very vista/ubuntu-compiz like....if you can map it to the "home button", it is an exelent way to switch-to/close open apps.

2. Sensory Overload - another cool tilt sensor game!

3. the Diamond Hologram program - mindless eye candy.....it may not work with your 3d drivers, it's hit or miss (sometimes it will run, but very choppy...if you find this happpens, try just keeping a thumb rested on the center d-pad clicker as you move it around)

4. NES/SNES emulators - i know game ROMs are legal nightmare, but there are decent emulators for these consoles available for this device (there's a thread in the xda Raph Software forums with lots of info). since this is a "loaded" ROM, i figured it wouldn't hurt to just suggst thier inclusion. many people, like me, have archived ROMs of their favorate retro games that they DO OWN and could take advantage of on their device. and since the touch pro has so much device memory, those that don't can just forget the emulators are there.

5. i want to say S2U2, but really, i think it is best not to include any "device locking" software as there are many available and they often conflict with each other and WM settings even if they are not active

thats all i can think of at the moment, keep at it bud! and again congrats!

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  #46 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2009, 04:15 PM
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Re: [1-10-09] KK's Loaded ROM v0.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954] [UC]

Keep up the good work!!! Welcome to the restaurant!!!

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  #47 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2009, 04:35 PM
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Re: [1-09-09] KK's Loaded ROM v0.3 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954] [UC]

Originally Posted by jonnyboy313 View Post
The Second thing is the clear storage icon did not show up or work.
It is in the Utils folder on the start menu.
-- Kevan

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  #48 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2009, 04:41 PM
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Re: [1-10-09] KK's Loaded ROM v0.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954] [UC]

Originally Posted by aaron130 View Post
Hey Kevank, The rom is running GREAT! Great work. One issue Ive noticed you might wanna look into, when your typing with the pullout keyboard, there is a MAJOR delay in the words showing up on the screen.

EDIT: Actually I realized its only the 1st few minutes after you open it then it goes back to normal and is pretty fast.
I have noticed it too... It seems to be worst on the first boot. I have it noted but have marked it low priority.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2009, 04:42 PM
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Re: [1-10-09] KK's Loaded ROM v0.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954] [UC]

Originally Posted by ivan1.ruiz View Post
Keep up the good work!!! Welcome to the restaurant!!!
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  #50 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2009, 09:31 PM
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Re: [1-10-09] KK's Loaded ROM v0.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954] [UC]

love the rom one or even the best loaded rom i come accoss only problems for me major delays texting and opening keyboard......... but other that great work.... guy...
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