Re: [2-4-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21009 Build 21109] [UC]
I ran dotfred taskmgr looked at cpu usage and Idle process is 87.55 and dF_TaskMgr.exe is 13.81. I think that Idle process is eating up my battery life. The task mgr has very low usage and that is obviously because I am using that program to view the CPU Usage. Battery Monitor reads Charge current 2mA and DisCharge current 412 mA. Thanks, Justin |
Re: [2-4-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21009 Build 21109] [UC]
Now, the 412ma of discharge. That is killing your battery but I don't know what it doing it. Were there any programs running when you got those numbers? |
Re: [2-4-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21009 Build 21109] [UC]
yea 421 is way high bro mine at idle is at about 57 try a soft reset and after everything is loaded check your discharge current it shouldnt be over 100...
Re: [2-4-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21009 Build 21109] [UC]
DisCharge was as high as 733 but is now 685 now 620. CPU Ide process is 86.86 dFtaskMgr is 13.22. everything else is 0 Switched back and DisCharge is 591 to 610. |
Re: [2-4-09] KK's Loaded ROM v1.4 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21009 Build 21109] [UC]
Great Rom Kevan.. love it..
My discharge current is at 134... while the phone is charging its at 174 Appreicate all your hard work..
ATT Tilt -> Sprint HTC Touch Pro -> TP2 -> Epic 4g Soon!!!
Re: [1-20-09] KK's Loaded ROM v0.9 Sprint and Others [OS 5.2.21009 Build 21109] [UC]
sorry... been out an about for a few weeks... and now im back. this rom is awesome-er actually... playing w/ it somemore... other than it hits serious lags... everything is good. but i found a fix to it... delete all txt msgs, and restart. sorry its loaded... ur right... im sorry i dont have a name for the bt program... but ill check my mogul if i can find that program. i still have colonel flashed on it. but i can't find the phone right now. ill check w/ colonel. oooh... crap... there was this one program someone showed me on their diamond. it was this cool program... that tracked your phone. so if someone stole it. you would send a text to your phone w/ a certain code you made up or randomly generated. (like a 30 character code) and it will authorize u to get continuous updates on where it is every 5 mins. and where its headed. via longitude and latitude. and has certain codes like erase entire sytem. lock phone to no one can use it unless u put in the 30 character code... and stuff like that. its basically onstar for your phone. ill ask around for that program too. when i connect to orb.com, it can't make orb work on it... ill retry w/ some tweaking of file association. but file streaming through tcpmp is much faster. oh and diamond tv can't find tcpmp. it only sees wmp. yea... and mms... i know its a clusterturd but if you get that working... ill be so happy cuz i miss getting neked pics of my girl. while im at work. lol. oh btw... sorry to doubt u on the light thing. i didn't mean to come off that way. this is an awesome rom. if i forgot to mention that. but 1.4 doesn't still seem to have oz im. im still using 0.9
being a knew bee, im always learning stuff im forgetting, ADHD Sucks balls. i knew i should have listened to my mommy when she said drugs are bad... but i was never this bad at remembering stuff... anyways... learning, yea... ADHD makes me a person that writes long and useless stuff... anyways back to learning... i will be a new bee for life because by the time i understand something, im 2 updates behind. sorry.
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