Re: Touch Pro Software/Hardware Issue. Help!
Update: If I disable TF3D I can use my phone. Teeter works but my camera won't work. This seems to be a video driver issue. Shouldn't this be ROM specific?
Re: Touch Pro Software/Hardware Issue. Help!
I've managed to make my phone somewhat usable. Here is what currently doesn't work: When ever TF3D is enabled It won't start on boot (displays HTC logo and never launches all the way). If I turn it off and turn it back on it works. Send key and End keys don't do anything. Back light gets stuck on after ending a call (only sometimes but eventually). When the back light is stuck on, when I push the button to turn it back on a white static appears on the screen for a split second before the display shows again. Doing a soft reset fixes this. Sending text messages randomly locks up the phone. Before this happens the phone becomes really slow and the keyboard completely stops working. Is there a way to completely wipe the software on the phone and start over? Something software wise seems to have messed up, and just reflashing the ROM doesn't seem to fix anything. Please any suggestions would be helpful as I'm running out of options. As a side note is there a way to return the phone to stock so I can try to get a replacement? |
Re: Touch Pro Software/Hardware Issue. Help!
I've tried but It doesn't work. I've tried a bunch of different ways but to no success. I'm trying clear storage right now. It seems a lot of people can't get the sprint version to hard reset (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=41981&page=2). Whats the difference between flashing a new ROM and a hard reset? shouldn't it be the same?
EDIT: Clear storage seems to have worked. What does clear storage reset that flashing a ROM doesn't? Last edited by drebbe; 01-07-2009 at 09:29 PM. |
Re: Touch Pro Software/Hardware Issue. Help!
You can clear the storage and nearly accomplish the same, but a hard reset does wipe out anything that could be left over from a previous rom upgrade.
John Becker -- Beck PC -- http://beck-pc.com
EVO 4G ... after 8 years of Windows Mobile devices, I've given up on WM toys and switched to Android. This is the way mobile should have been! |
Re: Touch Pro Software/Hardware Issue. Help!
Ok I've found what causes this problem initially. After a Clear Storage the phone works as expected. As soon as I go to send a text message the phone slows down to the point where I have to soft reset (it doesn't lockup but its so slow its unusable). After the soft reset I start getting all these issues.
Re: Touch Pro Software/Hardware Issue. Help!
hard resets return the phone to how it was when you bought it.the easiest way on the pro is to go to settings>system>clear storage and enter 1234 and press yes.i think your issue is something is wrong with the rom you downloaded.it might not be stable.i downloaded the new opera and it crashed my phone.others have it and it works fine,so sometimes it's just your phone.hard reset and exchange it and see if your new one can handle the new rom.if not,you might want to stay away from that rom.