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  #781 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 09:53 PM
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Re: [01/06/09] Juicy ROM 4.6 [SYS OS 5.2.21009 Build 21009.1.6.0]

Originally Posted by Juicy47 View Post
just for the record, I don't find this rude.

I haven't tried Dream's but I know Juggalo's is similar in speed to my 4.5. To me 4.6 seems a lot faster in almost every regard. Juggalo will likely switch to a faster SYS when he deems his development on 19972 to be stable/complete/whatever-you-want-to-call-it

If you're still on the ROM I suggest you perform a manual hard reset as switching kernels sometimes yields sluggish results until you hard reset.

Otherwise enjoy whatever works best for you. You won't hurt my feelings
Originally Posted by Juicy47 View Post
not everyone likes custom taskbars... especially me. most of the stuff you see is available in cabs, and you can automate the process through UC - it is a painless process. Don't ask how, use search to reduce clutter.

As for switching to another ROM... no worries, there is alot of quality out there; especially Juggalo and ConFlipper's ROMs

sorry for the comment. It was first typed out as my first instinct therefore i wasn't thinking about peoples feelings and their work.

I'm currently still on your rom. testing out the bbattery life and the speed.
I've installed Herg's Manilla Update w/ landscape. Perhaps that the cause of slowness? i can't seem to find the reason for it.

I also got the custom icon going

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  #782 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 09:56 PM
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Re: [01/06/09] Juicy ROM 4.6 [SYS OS 5.2.21009 Build 21009.1.6.0]

Originally Posted by twe90kid View Post
I don't want to comment further since it would cause chaos.
Sorry if I gave you the impression that your opinion is not important or that you are not free to speak your mind. You are of course free to do so. Constructive feedback as others have stated is key and I found your remark more criticism then constructive. That said, Juicy obviously didn't, perhaps I am just more sensitive to things then he is. I myself have tried most of the roms in these forums and currently building my own. All of the roms are excellent and all have strengths and weaknesses.
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  #783 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 11:03 PM
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Re: [01/06/09] Juicy ROM 4.6 [SYS OS 5.2.21009 Build 21009.1.6.0]

Originally Posted by twe90kid View Post
sorry for the comment. It was first typed out as my first instinct therefore i wasn't thinking about peoples feelings and their work.

I'm currently still on your rom. testing out the bbattery life and the speed.
I've installed Herg's Manilla Update w/ landscape. Perhaps that the cause of slowness? i can't seem to find the reason for it.

I also got the custom icon going
the manila could be goofing things up... my manila is running the dlls as modules thanks to conflipper
  #784 (permalink)  
Old 01-07-2009, 11:40 PM
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Re: [01/06/09] Juicy ROM 4.6 [SYS OS 5.2.21009 Build 21009.1.6.0]


[ ] CE OS 5.2.21014 Build 21014.1.6.0
[#] Fixed GUI bug when searching YouTube in landscape
[+] HTC SignatureReplace (
[-] Transcriber
[-] MS VoiceCommand

Some of you may be up in arms over the removal of the last two packages... but every new build I've been seeing has these removed (MS VC is apparently only in CDMA builds) and I would view them as non-essential

MS VC is available through cab

SYSversion 1.2 by MrVanx - 2008
SYS Directory Found
No DSM Found!   |   .ROM
No DSM Found!   |   .VM
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   AdobeFlash
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   AdobeFlash_Lang_0409
 5.2.21014 aku 1600   |   BaseApps
 5.2.21014 aku 1600   |   BaseAppsFiles
 5.2.21009 aku 1600   |   Base_DPI_192
 5.2.21000 aku 1600   |   base_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
 5.2.20764 aku 1403   |   Base_Lang_0409
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Base_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.20924 aku 1500   |   Base_Lang_0409_DPI_192_RESH_480_RESV_640
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   Bluetooth
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Bluetooth_Lang_0409
 5.2.21014 aku 1600   |   BROWSING
 5.2.21014 aku 1600   |   BROWSINGCORE
 5.2.21014 aku 1600   |   browsingie
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   browsingie_LANG_0409
 5.2.21007 aku 1600   |   Browsing_DPI_192
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Browsing_Lang_0409
 5.2.21014 aku 1600   |   BTDUN
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   Bth_A2DP
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Bth_A2DP_Lang_0409
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   Bth_HID
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Bth_HID_Lang_0409
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   CommonEA
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   DRM
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   Enterprise
 5.2.21000 aku 1600   |   Enterprise_DPI_192
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Enterprise_Lang_0409
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Enterprise_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   Entertainment
 5.2.21000 aku 1600   |   Entertainment_DPI_192
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Entertainment_Lang_0409
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Entertainment_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   FWUPDATE
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Fwupdate_Lang_0409
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   GPSID
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   INTERNETSHARING
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   IPSECVPN
 5.2.21007 aku 1600   |   IPSECVPN_DPI_192
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   IPSECVPN_Lang_0409
 0.0.0 aku 0   |   LangDB
 5.2.21014 aku 1600   |   MediaOS
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   MediaOSFiles
 5.2.21000 aku 1600   |   MediaOS_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   MediaOS_Lang_0409
 0.0.0 aku 0   |   Metadata
dsm not correct size   |   NetCF
 5.2.21009 aku 1600   |   Office
 5.2.21007 aku 1600   |   Office_DPI_192
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Office_Lang_0409
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Office_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.21000 aku 1600   |   OneNote
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   OneNote_lang_0409
 5.2.21014 aku 1600   |   OS
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   OSFiles
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   Phone
 5.2.21014 aku 1600   |   PhoneRedist
 5.2.21000 aku 1600   |   PhoneRedist_DPI_192
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   PhoneRedist_Lang_0409
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   PhoneRedist_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.21000 aku 1600   |   Phone_DPI_192
 5.2.21000 aku 1600   |   Phone_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Phone_Lang_0409
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Phone_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   ppgprov
 5.2.21014 aku 1600   |   Redist
 5.2.21007 aku 1600   |   Redist_DPI_192
 5.2.21000 aku 1600   |   Redist_dpi_192_resh_480_resv_640
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Redist_Lang_0409
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   Redist_Lang_0409_DPI_192
 5.2.21014 aku 1600   |   RemoteDesktopMobile
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   RemoteDesktopMobile_Lang_0409
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   RUNTIMES
 5.2.21014 aku 1600   |   Shell
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   SMIME
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   SMS_Providers
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   SQLCE
 5.2.21000 aku 1600   |   SqlCeMobile
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   SqlCeMobile_Lang_0409
dsm not correct size   |   SqlCeMobile_Repl
 0.0.0 aku 0   |   SQM_Fake
 5.2.20929 aku 1500   |   VoIP
 5.2.20929 aku 1500   |   VoIPOS
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   WindowsLive
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   WindowsLiveIM
 5.2.21000 aku 1600   |   WindowsLive_DPI_192
 5.2.20757 aku 1400   |   WindowsLive_Lang_0409
 5.2.21013 aku 1600   |   WWAN
Build version has been patched at some stage

Last edited by Juicy47; 01-07-2009 at 11:42 PM.
  #785 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2009, 12:18 AM
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Re: [01/06/09] Juicy ROM 4.6 [SYS OS 5.2.21009 Build 21009.1.6.0]

still using the rom. i might do a hard reset and re-install stuff...
sorry for asking, do you have internet tethering hack include? how about WMP hotfix so that it keeps playing? audiopara?

perhaps i should read through your first post to check the list
  #786 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2009, 12:21 AM
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Re: [01/06/09] Juicy ROM 4.6 [SYS OS 5.2.21009 Build 21009.1.6.0]

Originally Posted by twe90kid View Post

perhaps i should read through your first post to check the list
I would recommend it
  #787 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2009, 12:27 AM
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Re: [01/06/09] Juicy ROM 4.6 [SYS OS 5.2.21009 Build 21009.1.6.0]

Great battery life! This thing is hanging in there! OMG, a Pro can last long :0
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  #788 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2009, 01:26 AM
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Re: [01/06/09] Juicy ROM 4.6 [SYS OS 5.2.21009 Build 21009.1.6.0]

Originally Posted by Juicy47 View Post

[ ] CE OS 5.2.21014 Build 21014.1.6.0
[#] Fixed GUI bug when searching YouTube in landscape
[+] HTC SignatureReplace (
[-] Transcriber
[-] MS VoiceCommand

Some of you may be up in arms over the removal of the last two packages... but every new build I've been seeing has these removed (MS VC is apparently only in CDMA builds) and I would view them as non-essential

MS VC is available through cab
That's awesome!! BTW, what is HTC SignatureReplace ?
  #789 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2009, 01:35 AM
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Re: [01/06/09] Juicy ROM 4.6 [SYS OS 5.2.21009 Build 21009.1.6.0]

Since installing this ROM this afternoon, I've had one issue. When the phone goes to sleep after not being used, it shuts down and powers off completely. When I need to use it, I have to start it, let it power on, boot up...How can I stop this from happening? I need to be able to receive phone calls. Any ideas?

I did go into the settings and set it to not power off when not in use, but this hasn't resolved it.
  #790 (permalink)  
Old 01-08-2009, 01:40 AM
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Thumbs up Re: [12/27/08] Juicy ROM 4.5 [SYS OS 5.2.20954 Build 20954.1.5.0]

Originally Posted by Juicy47 View Post
That's because I'm not using it lol

I'm picky about having the data arrows fade to grey.
Juicy, with this in mind, I was wondering if installing Slide to Answer will fudge up you work here?

I tried out Juggalo's Telus 06B and the 2 things that I like that you do not include is the ubber cool Slide to Answer and the Landscape TF3D.

I think I may get 4.6 all setup and then track down the cabs fpr these two but absolutley love the speed and "vanilla flavored" UI that we can change to our liking. I like it as is with the exception of those 2 features and of the 2, S2Answer would be first on my Juicy wish list. That curtain that locks the buttons is pretty sweet.

Thanks again and keep up thw great and impressive work here.
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