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  #561 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 03:15 PM
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Re: *BLACK ROM* [02-02-09] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.8[OS 5.2.20769 Build 20769 Ivans Pro][

on the comm manager tab how can i set it to show data connection instead of direct push? I noticed that my battery drain is caused by this. and i would like an easier way to monitor my data connection.

i am still on version 1.7 but i am going to upgrade again to 1.8 in 2:45mins
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  #562 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2009, 11:33 AM
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Re: *BLACK ROM* [02-02-09] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.8[OS 5.2.20769 Build 20769 Ivans Pro][


Here is my story:

On Wednesday night I was looking anything new I could implement to the release 1.9 and I couldn't find anything. I downloaded a few programs and was testing them such as "Torch Button", "Manila Customizer", "Personalizer", "New Google maps", and "Smartphone Tracker".

Well it all seemed to work fine but did not want to add anything to the actual build.
Saturday night I went out and I lost my phone!!!!
I remembered that I had installed the "smartphone tracker" so I sent the SMS to locate it and it replied back to me the exact location of my beloved TP. I went to the guys house and asked for my phone. The guy was in shock and told me he was about to call the number on the contacts that said "home" (Bull). then he asked me "HOW DID YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR PHONE WAS?" I told him the phone could do anything that it was like a transmitter and I knew all he was talkin all morning.. It was so funny.

That will teach him to take other people's devices...

just wanted to share..

Shoul I add "Smart Phone locator" to the v1.9 build????

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  #563 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2009, 01:13 PM
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Re: *BLACK ROM* [02-02-09] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.8[OS 5.2.20769 Build 20769 Ivans Pro][

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  #564 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2009, 01:24 PM
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Re: *BLACK ROM* [02-02-09] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.8[OS 5.2.20769 Build 20769 Ivans Pro][

That's crazy! That program would definately be a good upgrade to your rom. Bet that guy is all paranoid right now.
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  #565 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2009, 02:16 PM
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Re: *BLACK ROM* [02-02-09] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.8[OS 5.2.20769 Build 20769 Ivans Pro][

i HOPE HE IS..thief
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  #566 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2009, 10:42 PM
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Re: *BLACK ROM* [02-02-09] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.8[OS 5.2.20769 Build 20769 Ivans Pro][

yes please add that.

not to be a jerk but can u trade powersms for sms cheduler? i just hate having programs on my phone that i cant use because i know to pay for it. not a big deal just an idea
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  #567 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2009, 10:44 PM
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Re: *BLACK ROM* [02-02-09] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.8[OS 5.2.20769 Build 20769 Ivans Pro][

Originally Posted by markppc6700 View Post
yes please add that.

not to be a jerk but can u trade powersms for sms cheduler? i just hate having programs on my phone that i cant use because i know to pay for it. not a big deal just an idea
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  #568 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2009, 02:28 AM
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Re: *BLACK ROM* [02-02-09] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.8[OS 5.2.20769 Build 20769 Ivans Pro][

Damn..did you leave it somewhere and someone took it?
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  #569 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2009, 10:39 AM
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Re: *BLACK ROM* [02-02-09] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.8[OS 5.2.20769 Build 20769 Ivans Pro][

yeah he took it from the bar where I was. I dont really remember too much.. had like 20 shots of patron.

since I know the bar owner I dont pay for shots there. That alone can be a problem..lol
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  #570 (permalink)  
Old 02-09-2009, 10:52 AM
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Re: *BLACK ROM* [02-02-09] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.8[OS 5.2.20769 Build 20769 Ivans Pro][

That's awesome that you got it back! I would hate to lose my TP...

Now, a question for you on the 1.8 rom:

If I go to Programs/Comm Manager and enable WiFi and then later disable WiFi from the Comm Manager tab in TF3D, WiFi will re-enable itself within a few seconds. No matter how many times I disable WiFi from the Comm Manager tab in TF3D, it will re-enable itself. To get it to stay disabled I have to go back to Proograms/Comm Manager to turn it off again.

Is that the way it supposed to work? I would think one Comm Manager is the same as the other, but apparently I am wrong...
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