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  #281 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 11:22 AM
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Re: *LATEST* [12-16-08] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.3[OS 5.2.20759 Build 20759 Ivans v1.3][UC

Originally Posted by twmobile View Post
Ivan -- I can no longer run your rom because on the first day of testing it pocket-dialed my girlfriend for 6 minutes. This is the worst way to fail friend. Sorry, you are fired. The lock system you selected is the suck. There can be no mistake here. There is no margin for error. Some understand, some do not. Today it was my girlfriend, tomorrow my boss, the next day ....???

You must rethink your novelty shake-to-lock / roll-to-lock / throw-in-the-air to lock choice of applications.

Personally, I like "slide 2 not be fired".
REALLY... ARE YOU SERIOUS. Why dont you install your "slide 2 not be fired" and accept the fact Ivan has included the lock program HE prefers in HIS roms.
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  #282 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 01:13 PM
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Re: *LATEST* [12-16-08] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.3[OS 5.2.20759 Build 20759 Ivans v1.3][UC

I had trouble with the lock application at first but found out the easiest way and the most accurate way to unlock the phone was to phone the phone in the flat position.

Imagine the touch pro laying horizontal on a table or something, and roll it 360 degrees (left or right who cares). That unlocks or locks my phone 99% of the time on the first try. (this may be known as a barrel roll in some sports) . I am only saying this to help those who have trouble with this. If you knew this already then you are amazing.

ps: that was a really D-Bag thing to say twmobile, considering it's free.

On a side note, what happen to the functionality of Windows Live? Does the included live no have driving directions, and voice enabled search?
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  #283 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 01:20 PM
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Re: *LATEST* [12-16-08] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.3[OS 5.2.20759 Build 20759 Ivans v1.3][UC

Originally Posted by phaze View Post
I had trouble with the lock application at first but found out the easiest way and the most accurate way to unlock the phone was to phone the phone in the flat position.

Imagine the touch pro laying horizontal on a table or something, and roll it 360 degrees (left or right who cares). That unlocks or locks my phone 99% of the time on the first try. (this may be known as a barrel roll in some sports) . I am only saying this to help those who have trouble with this. If you knew this already then you are amazing.

ps: that was a really D-Bag thing to say twmobile, considering it's free.

On a side note, what happen to the functionality of Windows Live? Does the included live no have driving directions, and voice enabled search?

live search was not included due to google maps being there. I will post a cab file on the first post for you ok. I use live search as well on my personalized rom. A lot of people wanted google maps so thats why i added that one.

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click "THANKS" or click the button. Thanks!
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  #284 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 01:34 PM
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Re: *LATEST* [12-16-08] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.3[OS 5.2.20759 Build 20759 Ivans v1.3][UC

I have been using the rom for a week and loving the great work you have been doing....flashing to 1.3 now
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  #285 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 01:48 PM
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Re: *LATEST* [12-16-08] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.3[OS 5.2.20759 Build 20759 Ivans v1.3][UC

So far its great, didnt know about the lock program so i got worried at first since it seemed my it was locking up....is there a way to unisntall sensor lock?
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  #286 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 02:11 PM
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Re: *LATEST* [12-16-08] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.3[OS 5.2.20759 Build 20759 Ivans v1.3][UC

Loaded your ROM; my first on the TP (Sprint). Providing a little feedback after one day of running on the Sprint Version:
1 - Speed is much better than stock and I have not changed the pp size.

2 - I have not used the 2ndtoday yet but I do want some capability like that. I thought of using WKTask just for the launcher built into it but only after I learn what I can do with Secondtoday.

3 - I like loading my owe major apps like LS, Goggle maps, etc. so that I have the option to upgrade them w/o a major ROM upgrade. But I also know that this seldom happens since once you get on ROM flashing it is very hard to kick the habit.

4 - The one program that seems not to run is Sprint TV. Hardly use it but I have the big package from Sprint so I get all this for "free".

5 - Small issues... flip to mute is not activated by default. E-mail defaults to "reply all" instead of "reply". Old fashion woad complete is not set. These are all minor reg edits but it would be nice to have them built in.

6 - Programs included that I like a lot: Opera, BAF, Adobe reader, GS player seems nice but need to play with it some more, Google maps, Jetcet, Music ID, PHM regedits, PIM backup, and I am still checking out the value, if any, of psshutxp. I installed Sprint navigation and Windows LS also.

Thanks for the work! Very good overall. Will continue to eval and provide feedback.

Thanks again,
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  #287 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 02:17 PM
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Re: *LATEST* [12-16-08] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.3[OS 5.2.20759 Build 20759 Ivans v1.3][UC

Originally Posted by tsperez View Post
Loaded your ROM; my first on the TP (Sprint). Providing a little feedback after one day of running on the Sprint Version:
1 - Speed is much better than stock and I have not changed the pp size.

2 - I have not used the 2ndtoday yet but I do want some capability like that. I thought of using WKTask just for the launcher built into it but only after I learn what I can do with Secondtoday.

3 - I like loading my owe major apps like LS, Goggle maps, etc. so that I have the option to upgrade them w/o a major ROM upgrade. But I also know that this seldom happens since once you get on ROM flashing it is very hard to kick the habit.

4 - The one program that seems not to run is Sprint TV. Hardly use it but I have the big package from Sprint so I get all this for "free".

5 - Small issues... flip to mute is not activated by default. E-mail defaults to "reply all" instead of "reply". Old fashion woad complete is not set. These are all minor reg edits but it would be nice to have them built in.

6 - Programs included that I like a lot: Opera, BAF, Adobe reader, GS player seems nice but need to play with it some more, Google maps, Jetcet, Music ID, PHM regedits, PIM backup, and I am still checking out the value, if any, of psshutxp. I installed Sprint navigation and Windows LS also.

Thanks for the work! Very good overall. Will continue to eval and provide feedback.

Thanks again,
Im glad you like it. The sprint TV needs to be installed as it does not come built in. check the (hint hint). lol also it has to be installed on your device and not storage card if you want it to launch from the tv tab in TF3D.

hope it helps.
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  #288 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 02:51 PM
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ok... two days down... no reply from the chef

this rom has been uber-stable... liking that a lot.

i seem to be chewing up battery life though.

the sensor lock app is nice but i almost dropped the phone twice trying a one-handed roll... i found that making it a 180 flip is easier (but you will look funny as hell trying to hit the stop record but if you set this in public... people were giving me funny looks as i held my phone over my head)

no other issues noticed besides those previously stated... i reg edited out "Second Today" so it fits what i need it for (basically i run a blank today with just the Calendar+ app to fit avail. area... this lets me see over a weeks worth of appointments.)

good work Ivan... your rom may just make it thru the rest of the year.
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  #289 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 03:53 PM
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Re: *LATEST* [12-16-08] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.3[OS 5.2.20759 Build 20759 Ivans v1.3][UC

What is SprintDM_DMClientApp_ProdSetting in the hint, hint?

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  #290 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 04:00 PM
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Re: *LATEST* [12-16-08] Ivan's Sprint ROM 1.3[OS 5.2.20759 Build 20759 Ivans v1.3][UC

Originally Posted by tsperez View Post
What is SprintDM_DMClientApp_ProdSetting in the hint, hint?

prl update but is not working yet
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