Re: [11/17]Hibby's Pro Rom 1.6
Hibby, I've been running your 1.6 for a couple of days. It's good stuff. No issues at all, except the landscape thing. It's very fast and stable. Thanks very much for your work.
Re: [11/17]Hibby's Pro Rom 1.6
In order to go to the black manilla theme, do we need TF3D Config? Or is there another way to make the switch after getting it in the \windows folder?
Re: [11/17]Hibby's Pro Rom 1.6
I was having a little fun with the boy wonder about how FUGLY his choice of theme is. So take a valium and relax = I meant no offense and Hibby if you took offense my sincere and humble apologies. |
Re: [11/17]Hibby's Pro Rom 1.6
I was wondering by installing the landscape fix, would it interfere with the Portrait theme.
Re: [11/17]Hibby's Pro Rom 1.6
So to update the theme, we have to disable TF3D and soft reset the phone?
Systems Engineer - Sprint Executive Briefing Center
Phones: HTC Evo 4G || Blackberry Bold Sprint Employee Disclaimer My replies and comments contain my opinion on the matters which have been posted, and do not represent the rules, policies and regulations of my employer and should not be taken as such. |
Re: [11/17]Hibby's Pro Rom 1.6
you usualyl dont need to reset if you disable tf3d its basically you just need the files to be not in use so you can overwrite them.
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