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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 05:44 PM
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I have put together some info and a couple of files pertaining to task 29. This info is from memory of several threads here at PPCGeeks and XDA. I will give credit where dueif at all possible. I don't have all the information so maybe with your help i can edit this post and make it complete and give credit where due.

Task 29 should eliminate the "flash dance" when reflashing to a custom rom that many of us have become accustomed to.
If you are not familiar with flashdancing it is the process of flashing the stock rom then the custom rom instead of just flashing a custom rom. This has been a solution promoted by several chefs for people who have had problems with random bugginess and even more random lockups and self initiating hard resets.

Why should I do this instead of flashdancing? Well it is alot faster and it works!

The following is the best explanation of task29 that I have found. It is from MordyT's TP2 guide. http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=116920

Originally Posted by MordyT View Post
Ok, I have seen a few questions around the forums asking about Task29, so with this post I hope to answer all.

Q: What is Task29?
A: While the exact details of what Task29 does is beyond the scope of this post, in short what it does is wipe the RAM on your device.

Q: Why would I use Task29?
A: When flashing custom ROM's, you will find after a lot of flashes that things are buggy. You can help most of these bugs disappear when you do a clear storage. However, after many flashes, clear storage doesn't seem to clear all bugs.

Q: So what does Clear Storage do?
A: When you flash a ROM, you overwrite the data on you RAM chip with new data. Sometimes data that might be on a block in one ROM may not exist in another ROM. As a result, since the data doesn't exist in the second ROM, you don't overwrite it. That data then interferes with the new ROM. Clear Storage attempts to "wipes" all the data off the chip...but not all of it. Comes close, but there is still old data sometime.

Q: What is the difference between Clear storage and a Hard Reset with the button combo?
A: A Clear Storage, for reasons beyond the scope of this post, clears more data then doing a Hard Reset with the button combo. Both methods clear all data.

Q: What does "The Flash Dance" do?
A: Since stuff still can be left behind even after a clear storage, you sometimes need to flash your SP's (Service Providers) Stock ROM. The stock RUU goes through Task28 before the flash. Task28 clears FATFS (storage memory), Task29 clears BINFS (where our XIP is and the files we cooked in to a rom). So technically, flashing stock is even better then this...more info1, more info2
Q: All of this was great, what does it have to with Task29?
A: Task29 "wipes" EVERY SINGLE block with blank data. After running Task29, you should not be able to boot past the splash screen! Sine you wiped the entire chip (instead of overwriting with a different ROM)

Q: OMG, I did Task29 and now I can't bot into windows to flash a new ROM.
A: Establish a active-sync connection by 1) Going into bootloader from power off by pushing and holding Power+Volume down until you see the tricolor screen. Connect your phone to you PC, wait till it says USB on the bottom, flash as normal. Or 2) Place the rhodimg.nbh (orginally named ruu_signed.nbh) on the root of the storage card and go into bootloader using above method.

Q: What is that I hear about Radio flashing etc?
A: Task29 runs from a RUU just like a custom ROM/Radio. It needs to flash something, since we don't want to use a ROM, we can use 1 of 2 things...a Radio or a Splash Screen.

Q: Can I just flash my current radio? Or must I change to a different one?
A: You can use your current one if you want.

Q: Should I re-flash the Radio or the Splash Screen?
A: I would HIGHLY recommend only re-flashing the Splash Screen. One of the ways to brick a phone is a bad radio flash. Splash Screens are much safer.

Q: Do I need to be Radio-Unlocked?
A: You need to be HSPL Unlocked...which if you are flashing ROM's you are. Nothing else.

Q: Where can I find the OFFICAL Task29 thread?
A: Here.

P.S. - Please note that there is no "readme" included in the RUU that Ziggy provides.
Parts of quote edited to avoid confusion between TP and TP2

By running task 29 before flashing your new rom it wipes the memory clean thus eliminating many of the problems that some users experience, examples include random hard resets etc.

These files are for the Touch Pro CDMA.

Task29 with splash screen: I have tried and it works. I also have not experienced any hard resets even without doing a mandatory hard reset post flash.

Task29 with splash screen includes the stock splash screen. you flash it and it wipes the memory without wipeing out your radio. after the flash is complete and the device reboots it will hang at the splash screen, this is normal. You are now ready to flash your phone by putting the phone in bootloader mode by pressing power+vol down+ soft reset.

Task 29 no NBH does not include the splash screen and needs the radio NBH file of your choice added to it. It will then wipe your device and then flash the radio for you. Again ready to flash via bootloader mode when done.

The task29 with radio WILL CLEAR your memory unlike a normal radio flash. These are useful if you want to reflash your current radio or try a new one. Please remember that these will task29 your phone and you will lose all data and need to reflash a rom afterwords.

The remainder of the task29 radios are in post #5
Swinn has uploaded an additional file in post #21 that flashes neither a radio nor a splash screen

Again, some help would be appreciated in making this an accurate and helpful post.

I have done task 29 with my sd card installed, It does not format the sd card.

The file without the NBH, I have no idea what would happen if you used it with no NBH or the incorrect NBH, be careful.

Interesting links:
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=670358 Note: this is a GSM link, but relevant
http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=1614089 the post Tank refers to in post 4

Special thanks to Tank, Swinn, NRGZ28, Accessing, and MordyT for their help.

Last edited by frizzlefry; 06-06-2010 at 11:27 AM. Reason: major cleanup
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 05:50 PM
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Re: Task29

wow this is interesting. good information, will be curious to see how this continues to develop. great work!
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Old 05-19-2010, 06:26 PM
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Re: Task29

Neat stuff! Thanks for the post.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 07:03 PM
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Re: Task29

Flashing with radio NBH works great I have had to do this before and even have Task29 tool attached in my 2.1 ROM thread (post #10) with Telus radio NBH for anyone to use
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 07:40 PM
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Re: Task29

Originally Posted by tank001 View Post
Flashing with radio NBH works great I have had to do this before and even have Task29 tool attached in my 2.1 ROM thread (post #10) with Telus radio NBH for anyone to use
Thanks for responding Tank. I added a link to your post at the top.

Last edited by frizzlefry; 05-19-2010 at 09:17 PM.
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Old 05-20-2010, 12:08 PM
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Re: Task29

Looks good I will add a link to this thread in my ROM threads so people can task29 to any radio they want

Great Work!!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-21-2010, 06:21 PM
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Re: Task29

I see task29 mentioned in alot of the rom threads, most recently NRG said it was a good idea.

http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...765606#1765606 see post 25996 and 25997

If we can get some feedback on whether or not it works better or faster than a flashdance to solve random hiccups it could be helpful to others who are on the fence about using it or haven't heard about it.
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Old 05-22-2010, 10:11 AM
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Re: Task29

This is great! Anything to get around doing a flashdance.

I used 'task 29 with splash screen'. Pressed the 'action button' (d-pad) to skip the custom rom on the SD card and then it connected via USB to execute task 29. When it rebooted to the TouchPro screen, I loaded the rom the SD card.

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Old 05-23-2010, 07:57 AM
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Re: Task29

This thread should be made as a sticky
Thanks button? It's at the corner of this post.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2010, 11:35 AM
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Re: Task29

Originally Posted by accessing View Post
This thread should be made as a sticky
Thanks, I am not sure if its ready for prime time yet as I think it needs more editing.
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