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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2010, 06:10 PM
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Re: [Updated 5/6!!] Just Works 6.1 21055 Rom - Simple, Effective, Fast, Reliable

Originally Posted by popssracer View Post
Ok, im working on the stealth rom packages, and i have the alltel one about where i like it. Theres one catch, im hoping some of you other chefs can help me out here. Once TF3D loads, its the colors and theme i want, except for the top and bottom bars (start menu very very bottom) are black, and i have to go into settings:today and choose "allteltouchflo3d" theme, and then its perfect. Anyone know how to cook the rom so it does this automagically?
Read this tutorial it should tell you all you need for this http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=34770
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 01:18 AM
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Re: [Updated 5/6!!] Just Works 6.1 21055 Rom - Simple, Effective, Fast, Reliable

Progress Update: Working on the stealth roms, testing one while i work on trying to get the custom settings to cook in.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2010, 03:10 PM
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Re: [Updated 5/6!!] Just Works 6.1 21055 Rom - Simple, Effective, Fast, Reliable

Do any of you guys have a link to the latest Internet Explorer CAB?

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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 07:34 AM
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Re: [Updated 5/6!!] Just Works 6.1 21055 Rom - Simple, Effective, Fast, Reliable

Really, really love the rom. Runs so fast, and is great on battery.

A couple questions.

1) I received multiple texts, all at the same time last night. I must have been out of service for a couple minutes. Two different people sent me 3 texts each, yet the time stamp on the texts was all for the same exact time. I know they arent typing and sending that quick, is there an update CAB to get the timestamps on the texts from when they were sent, not from when they were received?

I have the 2012 fix CAB still, Im not sure if thats the appropriate one to install though.

2) Also, I seem to always have this issue with my Touch Pro that the screen will randomly go on. Does anyone know why this happens?
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2010, 08:23 PM
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Re: [Updated 5/6!!] Just Works 6.1 21055 Rom - Simple, Effective, Fast, Reliable

I just switched to this after giving the 6.5.1 roms a try and so far I'm loving it! It's even better than the last official ROM (which I ran for a month previous to this until I started having trouble with it). I wanted to love RaidZero's but ultimately just couldn't get into the "hacked together" feeling of the custom build. The phone just seemed clunky, slow, and unreliable with all the non-native programs like the taskbar, clock, S2U apps, touchflo 2.5, etc. This 6.1 rom may not be as "pretty", but the overall usability is just damn good for the way my brain works and the way I use my phone...

Looking forward to your future Sprint version!
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 01:06 AM
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Re: [Updated 5/6!!] Just Works 6.1 21055 Rom - Simple, Effective, Fast, Reliable

Originally Posted by khowe View Post
Really, really love the rom. Runs so fast, and is great on battery.

A couple questions.

1) I received multiple texts, all at the same time last night. I must have been out of service for a couple minutes. Two different people sent me 3 texts each, yet the time stamp on the texts was all for the same exact time. I know they arent typing and sending that quick, is there an update CAB to get the timestamps on the texts from when they were sent, not from when they were received?

I have the 2012 fix CAB still, Im not sure if thats the appropriate one to install though.

2) Also, I seem to always have this issue with my Touch Pro that the screen will randomly go on. Does anyone know why this happens?
To answer your first question, I also have this problem occationally. I find its related in my case to the PRL and the radio. Did you install a new radio with this rom? If so, you should definitely update your prl, and it might not be a bad idea to update it anyway just to be sure. This advice isnt based on tech knowledge, its just from experience, when I've had this problem it was prl related. Ive found that when it does this, it time stamps them when the texts were recieved as well, i dont know if you can make it timestamp by sent time instead.

As far as the screen randomly going on, i dont have this problem, so im not sure its rom related. The screen goes on when you slide the keyboard out, perhaps there is a fault somewhere in the hardware slider thats telling it you're waking it up when you arent. Beyond that, maybe some of the more experienced users here can contribute.
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 07:14 AM
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Re: [Updated 5/6!!] Just Works 6.1 21055 Rom - Simple, Effective, Fast, Reliable

Originally Posted by popssracer View Post
To answer your first question, I also have this problem occationally. I find its related in my case to the PRL and the radio. Did you install a new radio with this rom? If so, you should definitely update your prl, and it might not be a bad idea to update it anyway just to be sure. This advice isnt based on tech knowledge, its just from experience, when I've had this problem it was prl related. Ive found that when it does this, it time stamps them when the texts were recieved as well, i dont know if you can make it timestamp by sent time instead.

As far as the screen randomly going on, i dont have this problem, so im not sure its rom related. The screen goes on when you slide the keyboard out, perhaps there is a fault somewhere in the hardware slider thats telling it you're waking it up when you arent. Beyond that, maybe some of the more experienced users here can contribute.
Thanks for the help. I did not change the radio, just flashed the Sprint Rom you loaded. Oh well, its not the end of the world, just didnt know if there was a quick fix. Ill update the PRL and Profile.

The screen thing has been an issue for me regardless of what Rom I have flashed. Its weird, and it stinks when it happens in my pocket because I have no idea the screens on and just drains my battery. Ill have to make a more general post now that I know its not ROM related.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 09:31 AM
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Re: [Updated 5/6!!] Just Works 6.1 21055 Rom - Simple, Effective, Fast, Reliable

Great rom. I just installed it and it's definitely a lot more reliable and stable. I have 2 problems though. Ever since installing this rom NONE of my wall chargers charge the phone anymore, but it charges perfectly fine with a usb cable connected to my pc/ps3. The wall chargers are working perfectly fine and worked on previous roms that I used and also worked on my cousins MyTouch. My second problem is much smaller, but I can't seem to get Beejive IM to work on this rom. Any suggestions??
Also as someone else stated my internet tab doesn't work. How can I get it to launch Opera 10?

Last edited by michaelm718; 05-20-2010 at 10:00 AM.
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 05-20-2010, 09:46 AM
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Re: [Updated 5/6!!] Just Works 6.1 21055 Rom - Simple, Effective, Fast, Reliable

I installed yesterday - great ROM! One question though - even though PIE is installed and I can add the shortcut to the Programs screen and it works, the "Internet" screen won't launch it. Is there a fix for this that I missed?

Thanks for your hard work!
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 05-22-2010, 04:25 AM
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Re: [Updated 5/6!!] Just Works 6.1 21055 Rom - Simple, Effective, Fast, Reliable

thank you for your rom, so far so good but i havent messed with it yet.

i have metro pcs and i used the generic version... when attempting to install my wap and mms cab it runs into a problem... not sure why but it just says it cannot be installed when its nearly finished.

edit: just found a prob with the camera, not able to switch save location from main memory to memory card

Last edited by VanDeez; 05-22-2010 at 05:08 AM.
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  PPCGeeks > Windows Mobile > WM HTC Devices > HTC Touch Pro > CDMA TP Development

21055, 6.1, custom rom

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