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  #151 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 10:20 AM
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Re: Twisted Access 1.1 (5.15.10)

Originally Posted by pmassey31545 View Post
Mine took immediately. No problems. You flashing with USB cable or SD card? I noticed mine would do that often when using a USB cale, so I started with the SD card. May wanna give it a shot.

I tried the 3 flashes with my usual cable system... I have never tried from memory... Ill need to read up on the before trying...
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  #152 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 02:28 PM
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Re: Twisted Access 1.1 (5.15.10)

Ok so here's my review so far just from messing with it today. I like everything about it, and so far its not messed up on me near as bad as previous roms I've had. Battery life not half bad. My last rom was the energy, and my battery by this time of day would be sitting around 20-30%. I'm now at 43%, so that's some better.

I was able to adjust the home screen just to my liking so I'm good to go on the homescreen. Everything seems pretty quick, and the ONLY issue i've had with it so far today was when going to sync my email it locked up and when i did a soft reset the home screen wouldn't come up. All I had was my wallpaper, and on the bottom left it said calendar and bottom right contacts...After 2 more soft resets it was fine.

I do kinda wish the icons were there on the call history for incoming/outgoing, etc. but i can live w/o them. Whats the "video call" for? I pressed it and dialed someone but it did nothing on either end.

I also have a "wi-fi" icon which you can see in the pic I've attached. Whats that for? When i go to my settings, wi-fi is not on so I was curious about that...Have the round circle representing the circle is something different to get used to vs. the bars, but it works.

I'm fairly new to all this and this will be my 3rd rom I've loaded on my tp1. First I had mightrom 6.0 which was ok, but wasn't crazy about it due to all the lock ups i had. I then downloaded the tankrom which was fine, but i could not get my pocket cam app to work for nothing so i had to drop that rom...i then headed to the energy rom which was cool, but it locked up so bad half the time and after a couple days of soft resetting to only for the boot screen to lock up and then start doing a hard reset for no reason I gave up.

Just to confirm, when i go to download the rom i'm only running the "romupdateutility.exe" correct? I mean I see there's bootloader.exe's, launchppst.exe's, getdevicedata.exe's, rapitool.exe's, and ruugetinfo.exe's but i've never messed with any of them, only the main romupdateutility.exe..Am i doing it right or do I need to run any of the other .exe's for any reason?

thanks again for all your help, as so far i'm LOVING this rom!!
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  #153 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 03:34 PM
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Re: Twisted Access 1.1 (5.15.10)

Originally Posted by mattlenderman View Post
Ok so here's my review so far just from messing with it today. I like everything about it, and so far its not messed up on me near as bad as previous roms I've had. Battery life not half bad. My last rom was the energy, and my battery by this time of day would be sitting around 20-30%. I'm now at 43%, so that's some better.

I was able to adjust the home screen just to my liking so I'm good to go on the homescreen. Everything seems pretty quick, and the ONLY issue i've had with it so far today was when going to sync my email it locked up and when i did a soft reset the home screen wouldn't come up. All I had was my wallpaper, and on the bottom left it said calendar and bottom right contacts...After 2 more soft resets it was fine.

I do kinda wish the icons were there on the call history for incoming/outgoing, etc. but i can live w/o them. Whats the "video call" for? I pressed it and dialed someone but it did nothing on either end.

I also have a "wi-fi" icon which you can see in the pic I've attached. Whats that for? When i go to my settings, wi-fi is not on so I was curious about that...Have the round circle representing the circle is something different to get used to vs. the bars, but it works.

I'm fairly new to all this and this will be my 3rd rom I've loaded on my tp1. First I had mightrom 6.0 which was ok, but wasn't crazy about it due to all the lock ups i had. I then downloaded the tankrom which was fine, but i could not get my pocket cam app to work for nothing so i had to drop that rom...i then headed to the energy rom which was cool, but it locked up so bad half the time and after a couple days of soft resetting to only for the boot screen to lock up and then start doing a hard reset for no reason I gave up.

Just to confirm, when i go to download the rom i'm only running the "romupdateutility.exe" correct? I mean I see there's bootloader.exe's, launchppst.exe's, getdevicedata.exe's, rapitool.exe's, and ruugetinfo.exe's but i've never messed with any of them, only the main romupdateutility.exe..Am i doing it right or do I need to run any of the other .exe's for any reason?

thanks again for all your help, as so far i'm LOVING this rom!!
The battery is great on the rom and even though I do not like 1% batt driver, I must boast that this is the best I've ever experienced with it. I only put it in because it was requested, depending on the feedback I will see whether to keep it in or not.

Did you download the cht editor? I did have that issue once where calendar and contacts came up after a reset. It was after I used the editor to incorporate the co0kies lockscreen - which might be needed. I have discovered that music sometimes gets choppy when using default lockscreen so you can use the lockscreen that comes with the editor as a workaround. I think it has to do with the new version of the co0kies home tab. 1.6.1 was perfect! The good news is: you can uninstall it at any time if it becomes too much of a problem.

Guys, I must admit that I was caught up more with the color of the dialer and did not pay too much to what was missing or included. I only tested it for incoming calls, making sure that the slide to answer works. If you have the keyboard out when a call comes in you will have to close the keyboard to answer the call. Again, you can uninstall it and replace it with one of your liking.

Please install the notification manager cab that was posted. It may provide more information as to why the wifi came up. It could be that wireless networks were detected in the area that you were. Might be something new about this build. Something to look into. Also double check that you did not turn on wifi by mistake.

You are correct to only use the ruu. The rest are there if any errors happen during installation. Glad you came on board. I believe you will enjoy it.
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Last edited by accessing; 05-14-2010 at 03:36 PM.
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  #154 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 05:11 PM
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Re: Twisted Access 1.1 (5.15.10)

Seems pretty darn good so far. Couldn't get CoOkies home to display right. The first row of quick links were on the main home, not when you flip it. Had to uninstall CHT and install 1.6 then 1.6 CHTEditor. But now no notifications. The other new to me issue is......I have iDialer installed and Green button. And I cannot place a phone call. Any ideas? I can't even get to the dialer to use it. I can dial with iDialer, but when I hit send, it just goes to the home screen. ????????

Everything seems great other than the above so far.

Yep, tried all I know and can't make or recieve calls. CRAP!!!! Thought I had found the ONE!!!!

Correction.....INstall NSFfans Alltel Provisioning cab and BOOM!!!!

Last edited by pmassey31545; 05-14-2010 at 05:24 PM.
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  #155 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 05:35 PM
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Re: Twisted Access 1.1 (5.15.10)

Originally Posted by pmassey31545 View Post
Seems pretty darn good so far. Couldn't get CoOkies home to display right. The first row of quick links were on the main home, not when you flip it. Had to uninstall CHT and install 1.6 then 1.6 CHTEditor. But now no notifications. The other new to me issue is......I have iDialer installed and Green button. And I cannot place a phone call. Any ideas? I can't even get to the dialer to use it. I can dial with iDialer, but when I hit send, it just goes to the home screen. ????????

Everything seems great other than the above so far.
The first row of quick links show on the main page when the show quicks links button is selected in the advanced section of co0kies home tab. If you had unchecked it, it would have returned to normal. With 1.6 there is no notifications, and clock array (double clock) had to be installed separately. There was an earlier version of advance notification tab that could have been installed as well. My 1.0 version had the co0kie with clock array, but it was cooked in, so you could not uninstall it.

Here's a dialer you can try.
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  #156 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 07:51 PM
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Re: Twisted Access 1.1 (5.15.10)

Thanks for your hardwork, im new to this and i flashed my first phone with no problem! I have a Htch touch pro on metro pcs and its running smooth

im having one problem and its stopping me from setting up my Wap and MMS. I cant get into my epst, every time i dial the ##778# it dials the number instead of asking me for the code.... anyone knows whats the problem?
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  #157 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 02:04 AM
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Re: Twisted Access 1.1 (5.15.10)


FYI, shopping list mobile is up to ver 1.23. See attached.

Is the bluetooth notification icon missing from this build?
Could also use a flashlight app....
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  #158 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 05:31 AM
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Re: Twisted Access 1.1 (5.15.10)

1st I want 2 say I love your rom but here's some questions/concerns...

No S2U2 in this version? Also I don't see voice command? I ADORE the 1% battery driver but other than that, version 1.0 is looking better & better

Last edited by GimpDaddy; 05-15-2010 at 05:47 AM. Reason: Found answer to 1 of my questions
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  #159 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 08:27 AM
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Re: Twisted Access 1.1 (5.15.10)

ok i have tried flashing this rom everyway possible,and it just gets stuck on the verizon boot screen. Not sure as to why but i think the verizon gimp is s.o.l lol
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  #160 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 04:06 PM
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Re: Twisted Access 1.1 (5.15.10)

Beautiful! Great work. Only thing I'm still having trouble with is Bing! Cab't get a GPS location with it. The gps is definitely working though in other programs. Sup? Again, great work!!!!!!

Again, not complaining, just asking for help. No voice command as mentioned earlier, but when I try to install a cab for it I get the 'unrecoverable error' message. I use and love MSVC. Ideas anyone?

Last edited by pmassey31545; 05-15-2010 at 05:13 PM.
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