Originally Posted by pmassey31545
Seems pretty darn good so far. Couldn't get CoOkies home to display right. The first row of quick links were on the main home, not when you flip it. Had to uninstall CHT and install 1.6 then 1.6 CHTEditor. But now no notifications. The other new to me issue is......I have iDialer installed and Green button. And I cannot place a phone call. Any ideas? I can't even get to the dialer to use it. I can dial with iDialer, but when I hit send, it just goes to the home screen. ????????
Everything seems great other than the above so far.
The first row of quick links show on the main page when the show quicks links button is selected in the advanced section of co0kies home tab. If you had unchecked it, it would have returned to normal. With 1.6 there is no notifications, and clock array (double clock) had to be installed separately. There was an earlier version of advance notification tab that could have been installed as well. My 1.0 version had the co0kie with clock array, but it was cooked in, so you could not uninstall it.
Here's a dialer you can try.