Originally Posted by rjc02648
Is there any way an x-button function can be installed on this? Task manager is a real PITA to use
Try Quickmenu. It's cooked in in the TOOLS folder. You can increase the size of the menu's (to be finger friendly) and you can move the "Q" icon and even hide it. I recommend quickmenu highly.
Originally Posted by WAH
yea,about the taskbar..
firstly,i love the rom.
cosmetically,its all u could ever ask for in a rom.
batterywise,its yet to be determined.
i do like the dropdown taskbar,usually in the right corner when u hit the clock.
i noticed that this rom didnt have it,so i installed the gs roundtaskbar and it ****ed the pooch bad.now theres this bar at the bottom,and im not able to hit the windows to go to programs,etc.
furthermore,when texting,it covers the send button.

any help?
Careful on the mods with 6.5.3 and even more so on the MaxDusk version. The manila on that version is HIGHLY modified which means very few other mods will actually work. This is what I can recommend. Try my standard version and if you want Max manila then just install from a cab. The version in the MaxDusk ROM is Max Manila 2.519202525 Ultimate - v2.5.
Originally Posted by Joelm815
downloading now. in regards to the drop down menu. i have stuck with quick menu since you can leave the icon in the top taskbar and easily access it without having to tap a magical spot on the screen. I'll let you know how i go with the rom.
Ditto on the quickmenu.
Originally Posted by dizzthebarber
i like it but its just orange it doesnt really go with the look
Hide the "Q" icon.
Originally Posted by ou812nv
First off great rom! thanks for the work.
Now for my question sorry if it has been asked, is there any way to get the weather to work for smaller towns, I live in North Dakota and nothing even close to me is an option.
If you can't add the city. Try the modifier listed in the post below yours. I haven't tried it and therefore can't recommend but it's worth a spin.
Thanks for all of your support with the ROM's. I was surprised by the interest. If you haven't tried it you should give the Standard a spin it is WICKED fast. I'll be cooking up two newer builds tonight. Changelog on post #2 soon.