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View Poll Results: What rom are you running
RootRom Standard Sense 2.5 81 23.55%
RootRom Sense 2.1 46 13.37%
DarkRoot Sense 2.5 32 9.30%
MaxDarkRoot Sense 2.5 33 9.59%
MaxDarkRootCombo Sense 2.5 117 34.01%
Titanuim Root 38 11.05%
Ninja Rom TF3D 2.1 13 3.78%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 344. You may not vote on this poll

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  #5581 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 11:13 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM and Themed roms - Sense 2.5 - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 05/26/

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
Anyone using the kitchen?

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I am still trying to figure out some things but I see what you mean when you use to say you use to be really busy because work with the kitchen seems like a lot.

Thanks for all your hard work and effort you gave for the roms.
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  #5582 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 01:27 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM and Themed roms - Sense 2.5 - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 05/26/

So I created my first rom. I am very excited because I was able to get menu enhancement working and it seems like everything I didn't want is no longer there. Only thing I wasn't able to get rid of was these keyboards. I removed the EZ input and I thought that was the only one but I was fooled because when I went to text message the 6.1 STOCK keyboards came back UGH!!! I think I seen that in the kitchen but discarded it since those keyboards wasn't an option in the last WhiteRoot Rom.

Also I am running with 93.4 MB phone storage.

Hey Root how does that work? Is it possible for me to create a Rom with no soft keyboards cooked in?

I have a Swype keyboard I am going to install from a cab file but I want that keyboard always. I don't want to have to keep selecting it after every soft reset.

Also I changed everything that showed Twitter to false and it was still in the ROM is there something else I need to do in the kitchen to disable it?

Any help would be appreciated.

Well I guess my next thing will be to learn how to cook new things in, that new CHT looking really nice.

Root did you take down the download page? I keep getting the forbidden error.

Thanks again Root and everyone else for the help!!!
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  #5583 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 10:48 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM and Themed roms - Sense 2.5 - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 05/26/

Honestly Root - I don't know how you did it, thanks again for all your hard work.

I've been slowly peicing together an updated white-root, but I've had so few problems with the white (carbon) that I posted earlier that I'm really just not that motivated .

I really want to post an update for everyone when GTX goes to Cookie 1.8.5 - any suggestions on that?

I also thought about a MaxSense white-root too, but that seems like it would be a buttload of work...
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  #5584 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2010, 12:08 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM and Themed roms - Sense 2.5 - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 05/26/

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
Loving Android on EVO as well

When are you going to start making roms for the evo buddy? Winmonewbie is already over here and we're just waiting for you

I'm glad so many from my tp days are still around.
Out of desperation breeds ingenuity....
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  #5585 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2010, 01:29 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM and Themed roms - Sense 2.5 - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 05/26/

Originally Posted by somemorestuff View Post

Well, there's 2 ways:
1. Download an OEM for the proggie (good luck)
2. Create the OEM from the CAB (I used these instructions for G-Alarm, worked great!)
3. Add your personal registry settings to the (could be a giant #).reg file
4. Copy the entire directory to appropriate place in kitchen (SIPs are in .\EXT\Touch_Pro\Common\Packages)
5. You'll see your DIRECTORY NAME as an option next time you open the kitchen (just double-click to make it "true")
So I am at step 3 where would I go to put the settings in?

I used the instruction to turn the Cab to OEM but now I need to figure out how to add it to the registry.

Any help?
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  #5586 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2010, 10:10 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM and Themed roms - Sense 2.5 - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 05/26/

Originally Posted by money711 View Post
So I am at step 3 where would I go to put the settings in?
Ha - Thanks for the catch! I had a typo in the original instructions - put the registry settings you want in the *.rgu file (not *.reg).

Just cut-and-paste from the .reg or .rgu file that you create using CERegEditor or the old trusty PHM Registry Editor (or similar).

I noticed that the above instructions actually create a "OEM" type package, which probably doesn't belong in the "EXT" folder (with the other user-type apps). I found THIS PAGE that explains all and gives other tools for the OEM and EXT creation.

If you create an EXT, then just copy-paste your settings into the app.reg file.

Last edited by somemorestuff; 06-28-2010 at 12:41 AM.
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  #5587 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2010, 08:07 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM and Themed roms - Sense 2.5 - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 05/26/

Originally Posted by somemorestuff View Post
Ha - Thanks for the catch! I had a typo in the original instructions - put the registry settings you want in the *.rgu file (not *.reg).

Just cut-and-paste from the .reg or .rgu file that you create using CERegEditor or the old trusty PHM Registry Editor (or similar).

I noticed that the above instructions actually create a "OEM" type package, which probably doesn't belong in the "EXT" folder (with the other user-type apps). I found THIS PAGE that explains all and gives other tools for the OEM and EXT creation.

If you create an EXT, then just copy-paste your settings into the app.reg file.
Ok I am confused now ok I think I going to need a lot of free time to do this LOL!

I knew this would not be easy but I didnt think it would be this difficult DANG!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for the help!
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  #5588 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2010, 08:46 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM and Themed roms - Sense 2.5 - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 05/26/

Originally Posted by money711 View Post
Ok I am confused now ok I think I going to need a lot of free time to do this LOL!
You know it! PM me if you want more, examples, etc - I figure we've hijacked Root's thread long enough .
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  #5589 (permalink)  
Old 06-29-2010, 08:05 PM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM and Themed roms - Sense 2.5 - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 05/26/

Hello my friends.

Sorry I have been in here much.
Work has crazy busy lately.
Had all 4 kids for over a week. Mine an my gf son.
Sleep walking right now. LOL

I hope you are having fun with and learning the kitchen.
If I can get time to figure out more on the EVO I plan to try and cook for it.
No time lately.
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  #5590 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 10:58 AM
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Talking Re: [ROM] ROOTROM and Themed roms - Sense 2.5 - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - 05/26/

Hi, I am using the new WhiteRootRom and it is great. I was wondering if anyone could help me as I would love to use the taskbar icons and slider icons in images attached to this message (found on Dusk thread in xda) but I could not find any cab for these icons. I was able to change the softkey bar but could not understand a lot of the Dusk site and how things worked and if these icons were available. I am not a newbie but I am not a developer. self taught user.

Is it possible for me to use these icons? I actually liked the wallpaper too.

Also, anyone else having problems with the lock screen? I updated to cookies 1.8.5 home editor versions. I have used it before and worked great. I select to activate lock screen as in the past but I only get an UNLOCK button on bottom of screen. It locks the screen but it does not change to one of the 3 lock screens in cookies app.

Thank you for any help!
Attached Images
File Type: jpg taskbar and slider icons.jpg (20.0 KB, 6 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by bg407; 06-30-2010 at 11:01 AM. Reason: added lock screen question
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