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Old 03-12-2010, 12:47 PM
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DamageControl v1.0 - Sense 2.1 w/video rec - LIGHTNING FAST! - 100% complete!

This Rom is combined of the Great Fresh Rom by Flipz and the Eris Dump. IT was put together by Damageless with assistance by Gbhill of Gumbo ROM , toast and a few others over at XDA

This ROM is now 100% for a reason! Please read below!

Why is this 100%
There is a fix for nearly every problem - just search the thread!
For things there isn't a fix for, there is a workaround that works better
The rest of the problems are problems that cannot be fixed until there is a better leak, we get our hands on the source of the kernel, or Sprint releases something. However, it should be noted that the problems are extremely minimal. Microscopic, even.

There are workarounds to nearly everything. Things that cannot be fixed are problems with the leak itself. There is really no reason not to upgrade to this ROM as far as functionality is concerned - problems are MICROSCOPIC!!! If you believe the Sprint update really is going to come in two weeks, go ahead and use this ROM now! Changing to the official one will be easy!

Installation Steps:
-Download whichever ROM you want between Expresso or Normal (Decaf?)
-Rename the file to update.zip and flash like you would any other ROM. Note: it may be a good idea to wipe EVERYTHING!!! You MUST flash if you are coming from a different ROM.

If the ROM fails to boot, wipe your ext partition!!!

To get Apps2SD (Applications are stored on your SD card - must be partitioned!

MMS Problems?:
-If you have MMS problems, download this: http://damageless.kingspond.com/signed-mms-fix.zip
-Rename to update.zip and flash it to your phone.

Other reported problems:
-Handcent will not send MMS. This is a problem with every 2.1 ROM and is not something that we can fix.

-Wifi tether is included.
-If you refuse to tether using wifi, you can use EasyTether Lite or something similar that is available in the Market.

Worse signal?
-You do not have a worse signal because of this ROM. It has less bars at the top.

Apps force closing all the time?
-Boot into recovery, go to Other and select the Fix UID option.

Invalid authentication with Google
-There is something wrong that is fairly deep, but it is a problem with the leak of the Eris 2.1 ROM. This only happens when you have a message or voicemail waiting.

Voicemail notification
-Go into the menu, then go to settings, click the call menu and then click Clear Voicemail Notification. Also make sure you change the voicemail service number to your own number!!!

Visual Voicemail
Use Google Voice or Youmail. We need something from Sprint to get Visual Voicemail to work.

Other Problems?:
-Try rebooting.
-If that doesn't work, backup your device through nandroid and then wipe everything!
-Search, then post. There are over 1,000 posts here, most likely someone has experienced the same problem as you.

Why won't Handcent send MMS?
Because it is an incompatibility issue.

Why can't I send MMS?
Because either you are not on Sprint or you need to apply the fix.

What is the difference between Expresso and the normal version?
Check the screenshots.

What about Visual Voicemail?
Until we get something from Sprint, this won't work. However, you can use Google Voice or you can use Youmail. Both work great.

My Google Voice doesn't work!
Use version 0.20 to fix it.

Bank of America, other apps don't work
Something is wrong with the hosts file, download adfree android and update your hosts file (super easy)

Superuser shows up blank
Make sure you have debug mode on.

What's Next for this ROM?:
I will continue to update this ROM with small fixes and things that are nice, but I consider this fully functional. I am going to work on smaller things that will enhance the ROM a bit. This isn't the last update!

About this ROM:
I decided to make this ROM after some other ROMs just weren't working out for me. Things were far too buggy, didn't seem to work very well, and it all seemed a little clunky. I decided that I would try to combine the best of the ROMs, not doing it the typical way (by just combining stuff I like), but by combining things to make it functional. This ROM is meant to be fast, stable and reliable. I will not add things that will load down the system or kill battery life.

I decided on the name (with help) because of the recent problems on XDA. The community was not united, and I thought the best way to unite everyone was to bring in a new ROM with a new vision and focus. This ROM has been incredibly successful in this way, thanks to those who started this ROM's thread out the right way. I believe we have a lot of good spirit here and we can continue with the attitude of helping one another and helping one another out, all personal interests aside.

I hope that you enjoy this ROM and find that it suits your needs.

Make sure you wipe if you are coming from a different ROM!!!

Microscopic quirks:
Trackball light intermittent
Asks you to log in when you have some type of message waiting

Special thanks goes to Avalaunchmods, gbhil, flipz, and everybody who has helped out and to every community member who has been supportive and uplifting! Each of you have helped in your own ways, and that is the essence of a true community.

Last updated on:
3/11/2010 at 10:55 PM - Normal!
3/11/2010 at 12:42 PM - Expresso!

Latest ROM:

Download here:
Build: 3/11/2010 10:55 PM
http://www.4shared.com/file/23948783...Controlv1.html - v1.0
Torrent: http://members.cox.net/morbidpete/si...v1.zip.torrent
Mirror: http://onecoolpuppy.net/roms/signed-DamageControlv1.zip
Mirror 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8EKNO308


Build: 3/11/2010 11:30 PM
URL: http://www.4shared.com/file/23950664...1Expresso.html
Torrent: <not yet available>
Mirror: http://onecoolpuppy.net/roms/signed-...v1Expresso.zip
Mirror 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=DWTY7FKB

I am usually not someone who asks for donations, however I am getting married soon and it certainly wouldn't hurt. You can donate whatever by clicking here. I strongly believe in open source and in developers working together towards a common good. I hope you all enjoy the ROM and that we can build this together.

Super-Special thanks goes to gbhil!

Scheduled Update: 3/12/2010???

Changelog (as of 0.999):
Memory settings
Multi-touch Maps
Default IM App
More bugfixes (MMS, etc)
Genie widget
Updated busybox
Misc. bug fixes

Version 0.9999
Adobe Flash updated to 10.1
Minor bugfixes & updates
Updated Market
Updated HTC Framework
Bug fixes
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Last edited by athlet1c; 03-12-2010 at 12:51 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 02:02 PM
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Re: DamageControl v1.0 - Sense 2.1 w/video rec - LIGHTNING FAST! - 100% complete!

thanks alot. will test out today
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 04:21 PM
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Re: DamageControl v1.0 - Sense 2.1 w/video rec - LIGHTNING FAST! - 100% complete!

Nice downloading now I'll give it a try

Check out my blog: http://brownhandstech.blogspot.com
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 05:18 PM
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Re: DamageControl v1.0 - Sense 2.1 w/video rec - LIGHTNING FAST! - 100% complete!

if i have fresh 2.0b flashed with the new radio flash, if i download and flash this will it work with that radio?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 05:29 PM
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Re: DamageControl v1.0 - Sense 2.1 w/video rec - LIGHTNING FAST! - 100% complete!

ya.. your radio will remain..
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 05:42 PM
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Re: DamageControl v1.0 - Sense 2.1 w/video rec - LIGHTNING FAST! - 100% complete!

Originally Posted by spiritcrusher33 View Post
ya.. your radio will remain..
ok, but will this rom work with that radio?
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 06:37 PM
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Re: DamageControl v1.0 - Sense 2.1 w/video rec - LIGHTNING FAST! - 100% complete!

Originally Posted by BruceBanner View Post
if i have fresh 2.0b flashed with the new radio flash, if i download and flash this will it work with that radio?
I had that same set up, and have flashed and I cant usse it at al thus far I keep getting major force closes and the com.htc.launcher seems to be causing the most issues. I did the uid fix still no go

Man I really dont feel like wiping this phone

Last edited by princem131; 03-12-2010 at 06:40 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 06:45 PM
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Re: DamageControl v1.0 - Sense 2.1 w/video rec - LIGHTNING FAST! - 100% complete!

Sorry i was away you need to do a wipe. also partition your card i would back the card up first partition and drag it all back on. Rom runs really well. Remember its a 2.1 rom with many features
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 07:42 PM
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Re: DamageControl v1.0 - Sense 2.1 w/video rec - LIGHTNING FAST! - 100% complete!

Originally Posted by princem131 View Post
I had that same set up, and have flashed and I cant usse it at al thus far I keep getting major force closes and the com.htc.launcher seems to be causing the most issues. I did the uid fix still no go

Man I really dont feel like wiping this phone

yea i think ill just stick with 2.0b fresh......i dont use video recorder anyways and everything else on it works fine, i only use 1 or 2 apps...itll hold me over till official sprint 2.1
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-12-2010, 08:12 PM
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Re: DamageControl v1.0 - Sense 2.1 w/video rec - LIGHTNING FAST! - 100% complete!

Just flashed Espresso Version and noticed two things:

My Titanium Backup for [DESKTOP] HTC Sense gave me FC error and had to Wipe and restore again without it. (Maybe it's beacuse it came from Fresh 2.0b)

Google Voice 0.3.0 works on this ROM, you just have to reactive the number through google voice settings on the website.

other than that..everything is good
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