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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-05-2010, 09:30 AM
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[ROM][11-4] SynergyROM beta1 [3.30.651.2|2.2]

SynergyROM beta 1 **NEW (11/04/2010)**
Synergy ROM is a brand new ROM that I cooked up utilizing a combination of all the hard work done across the XDA community. I baked this based on my personal preferences and a general consistency across a lot of EVO users. I wanted it to be fast, stable and usable. I think that I have a good start. I would love to hear your feedback.


The ROM:
-Made with the latest dsixda ROM Kitchen v1.04
-Using themed Launcher Pro as the default launcher (requires Plus license to see themed widgets)
-Built using Azrael 2.4 as the base (Thanks ricsim7
-Using King’s #11 CFS Kernel
-Removed mostly all of Sense with the exception of the lockscreen and music player since I find the controls on the lockscreen very useful.

-Everything working (4G, HDMI, 3G, Wifi etc…)
-403+ MB memory available after a clean installation.
-Fly in & Fold custom transition animations
-Fully Deodexed
-Data/App functionality
-BASH shell support
-Added Nano text editor, SYSRO, and SYSRW
-All data/apps updated to latest or near latest
-Automatically Zipaligns all apps after each boot to help them load up faster
-Numerous file system tweaks
-Moved Dalvik to cache instead of eating up main memory.

-A few additional wallpapers and ringtones/notifications
-Comes without any theme added
-Removed the GPS reticle when GPS is off

-SNQ reboot menu updated to latest 4-in-1 with hot reboot option
-DSP Manager (EQ for speaker, headphone, and Bluetooth)
-Calkulin's MMS Compression and 5MB size limit mods
-Themed HTC_IME Mod

Apps added:
+Astro File Manager
+Cache Cleaner
+DSP Manager (EQ for speaker, headphone, and Bluetooth)
+Uninstaller by Rhythm Software
+Titanium Backup
+Spare Parts
+XDA App
+Fancy widgets clock (HTC style) for those who like it!!
+4G Toggle Widget
+Circular Battery Indicator
+ROM Manager
+Typo Clock Widget

Download ROM here: SynergyROM beta 1

To install:
1. Copy SynergyROM beta1.zip to the root of your SD card.
2. Shut off your phone and boot into recovery.
3. Do a full wipe (Data, cache, Dalvik, SD Ext.) Do it twice to be sure if you want to!
4. Install SynergyROM beta1.zip. It should take a few minutes to install.
5. Reboot the phone. It should take a long time to start up the first time. Be patient.
6. If all goes well, enjoy your new ROM!

To install a custom kernel: Let it load into the ROM first and then reboot into recovery and wipe the cache and Dalvik. Then install the custom kernel and reboot.

A Special thanks to:
*Ricsim78 for creating such a great ROM
*DSIXDA for the excellent ROM kitchen v1.04, without which none of this would be possible
*Calkulin (for all of his contributions)
*Kingklick and Netarchy (for their awesome kernels and all their contributions to the community.)
*XxXViRuSXxX for making some amazing ROMS
*gimpSTA for the modded HTC_IME MOD
*Vaelek for his suggestions and help
*Every person that supports me here. Thanks everyone!
*Anyone else significant that I am forgetting!

PLEASE NOTE: I am not responsible for anything that happens to your device. This includes acts of God, your wife/girlfriend breaking it over your head for using it too much, or jealous iPhone owners!

I hope you like, please provide feedback to me and let me know what you think! Please also rate the thread and if you like my work (or even feel like I do not know what the hell I am doing) let me know! I will consider any suggestions but I of course cannot/will not implement everything. But, if your suggestion makes sense, I will definitely take it and see what I can do!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2010, 04:53 AM
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Re: [ROM][11-4] SynergyROM beta1 [3.30.651.2|2.2]

Links not working
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2010, 10:18 PM
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Re: [ROM][11-4] SynergyROM beta1 [3.30.651.2|2.2]

Love the rom .. but can you make the battery life last longer .. it has a constant drain it does not last very long at all. I have tried several different kernals but no one seems to help over the other. Good job
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-21-2010, 10:23 PM
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Re: [ROM][11-4] SynergyROM beta1 [3.30.651.2|2.2]

Can you post a new link. The one you have is broken.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2011, 09:12 AM
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Re: [ROM][11-4] SynergyROM beta1 [3.30.651.2|2.2]

Are you planning on updating to the 3.70 base?
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