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Old 10-30-2010, 01:22 AM
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[ROM] Azrael X v4.0 01/31/2011 (3.70.651.1 OTA/HTC #15 kernel)

Last updated: 01/31/2011 9:00 AM CST
  • Azrael X v4.0 available for download now!

Please take a moment and read this entire first post!

Please see the second post for installation instructions and other useful information

Azrael X v4.0 by Ricsim78 *NEW*

List of changes from the last version (v3.1):
-Everything working
-Made with the newest DSIXDA ROM Kitchen v1.12
-Latest 3.70 OTA (latest available for the Evo)
-HTC#15 kernel with undervolt and Perflock enabled
-SDcard speed fixed, enjoy maximum SD card speed now
-New custom boot animation done by myself using Adobe PhotoShop CS5
-DSP Manager added as intended (oops for v3.1 :P)
-All APK's and framework files optimized (except for ones that cannot be)
-Clear Rosie
-Wireless tether reverted back to Vaelpak's 2.05 (tested working perfectly with an iPod, Laptop, and a Samsung Captivate). DO NOT Update Wireless Tether on the market or you might break it again!
-4 ringtones added from the Samsung Captivate's Andromeda ROM
-Removed Blockbuster, Kindle, Nascar, and the Nova demo
-All apps updated to the latest versions
Azrael X v4.0

Note: I highly recommend a full wipe (Data, cache, Dalvik, and SD:Ext) before installing. If not, enjoy your gamble!

The ROM:
-Made with the latest dsixda ROM Kitchen v1.12
-Stock Deodexed 3.70.651.1 OTA base (thanks to teshxx!)
-Stock HTC Kernel #15 with undervolt and Perflock disabled
-Everything working!
-400+ MB memory available after a clean installation
-Extremely Fast and stable
-Optimized Framework and most system apps
-PNGOUT optimized stock wallpapers
-Fully Deodexed
-Data/App functionality
-BASH shell support
-All data/apps updated to latest
-Automatically Zipaligns all apps after each boot to help them load up faster
-Moved Dalvik to cache instead of eating up main memory.
-Custom Wallpapers
-Custom Ringtones (more added now!)
-Custom Notification sounds from previous versions of Azrael, along with the stock ones! Tons to choose from now!
-Custom Fonts
-Black Clock with white lettering
-GPS Icon hidden when GPS is turned off (Thanks XDA for the suggestion!)
-Wireless Tether added
-DSP Manager (EQ for speaker, headphone, and Bluetooth)
-Gingerbread keyboard added (To active it, just click on any text box and hold your finger down on it, input options>Android Keyboard)
-Themed HTC_IME Mod keyboard (To activate it, just click on any text box and hold your finger down on it, input options>HTC_IME mod.)
-Swype from 3.70.651.1 OTA included (total of 4 keyboard choices!)
-Calkulin's SNQ reboot menu updated to latest 4-in-1 with hot reboot option (updated for new 3.70 OTA Framework)
-Calkulin's MMS Compression MOD
-Calkulin's USB Tether MOD (unlocks hotspot)
-Tun.Ko added to system/lib/modules for OpenVPN and tether
-EPST downgraded so all ## codes work
-DSPManager (EQ) added as intended
-Wireless Tether brought back to fully working version for everyone


-Any slow downs? Use the new Cache Mate to clean it!
-In Spare Parts, set Window Animations and Transition Animations to Fast and watch this fly!
-After installing all of your programs, do a reboot and let it Zipalign all of the programs
Note: To remove the HTC Lockscreen or to remove the startup sound, please download and flash either zip attached to this thread.
Apps added:
+Astro File Manager
+Cache Mate
+Cooliris 3D Gallery (Froyo version)
+DSP Manager (EQ for speaker, headphone, and Bluetooth)
+Uninstaller by Rhythm Software
+Titanium Backup (Note: Open the program and hit, "Problems?" and download Busybox 1.60 or the phone will reboot if you try and use it.)
+Spare Parts
+XDA App
Apps taken out: **Available for download below**
-Amazon MP3
-Sprint Navigation
-Sprint Qik
**For installation instructions, please see the second post**
A Special thanks to:
*My girlfriend Grace for being there for me and putting up with me and this damn phone that she got for me for my birthday!
*Myn (for the Deodexed OTA 3.29.651.5 ROM base) used for various Azrael versions.
*Aamikam for the Deodexed OTA 3.30.651.2 base used in Azrael 2.3. and 2.4
*xxBabiboy228xx for the Deodexed OTA 3.30.651.3 base used in Azrael X v2.1 (3.29 edition)
*The artists who made the wallpapers used (Just amazing)
*DSIXDA for the excellent ROM kitchen v1.09, without which none of this would be possible
*Manup for his awesome Revolution theme (still my favorite)
*Calkulin (for all of his contributions)
*Kingklick and Netarchy (for their awesome kernels and all their contributions to the community.)
*XxXViRuSXxX for making some amazing ROMS
*HTC (for finally fixing the bleeping 30 FPS limit on the Evo)
*gimpSTA for the modded HTC_IME MOD
*LovethyEVO for getting the boot animation working for Azrael 2.1, thanks again!!!
*iknowsquat for all of his help and suggestions
*Vaelek & Novarider for the Wireless Tethering fix
*My mom for having me
*Every person that supports me here. Thanks everyone!
*Anyone else significant that I am forgetting!
PLEASE NOTE: I am not responsible for anything that happens to your device. This includes acts of God, your wife/girlfriend breaking it over your head for using it too much, or jealous iPhone owners!

I hope you like, please provide feedback to me and let me know what you think! Please also rate the thread and if you like my work (or even feel like I do not know what the hell I am doing) let me know! I will consider any suggestions but I of course cannot/will not implement everything. But, if your suggestion makes sense, I will definitely take it and see what I can do!

(Click on the name of the file you want to download.)

Get it here!

Azrael X v4.0 by Ricsim78 **Available for download now!**

Azrael X v4.0 Theme Use this to add a battery indicator with percentage, custom icons, and a custom notification screen. Flash via recovery after wiping Dalvik and cache. For 3.70 ROMS only.

Stock fonts Use this to return the fonts to the stock Evo ones. Flash via recovery.

Wallpaper Sets: (flash these to change the wallpaper sets. Wipe the cache and Dalvik first.)
Azrael_Wallpapers-signed.zip (2.05 MB) Azrael Wallpapers, PNGOUT optimized
Omega_Wallpapers-signed.zip (2.38 MB) Omega Wallpapers, PNGOUT optimized
Stock_Wallpapers-signed.zip (1.5 MB) Stock Wallpapers, PNGOUT optimized

Font Sets:
To change the system fonts to whatever you wish, please see Facha****'s thread HERE

Clock Widgets:
For different clocks, please see Wes342's thread here with download links. Flash these after installing the ROM and theme (if any theme used). Click HERE

And a special thanks to The_Real_D/\SH for making a nice video review of Azrael v2.1 Director's Cut.
Azrael V2.1 video review

Last edited by ricsim78; 01-31-2011 at 11:00 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2010, 01:23 AM
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Re: [ROM] Azrael v2.3 [[NEW 3.30.651.2 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] [[Sense]] Updated 10/26/20

To install on your Evo:

1. Copy Azrael_v2.5_by_Ricsim78.zip to the root of your SD card.
2. Shut off your phone and boot into recovery.
3. Do a full wipe (Data, cache, Dalvik, SD Ext.) Do it twice to be sure if you want to!
4. Install Azrael_v2.5_by_Ricsim78.zip. It should take a few minutes to install.
5. Reboot the phone. It should take a long time to start up the first time. Please be patient!
6. If all goes well, enjoy your new ROM!
7. If not, start over from step 2 after pulling your battery.

To install a custom kernel: Let it load into the ROM first and then reboot into recovery and wipe the cache and Dalvik. Then install the custom kernel and reboot.

To install a theme: Let it load into the ROM first and then reboot into recovery and wipe the cache and Dalvik. Then install the theme and reboot.

How to backup and restore using Titanium backup Here is the method I use to backup my phone information before I wipe and install a new ROM
  • I backup my entire phone with a batch "Backup all user apps + system data"
  • Wipe and install the new ROM,
  • I open Titanium Backup (TB) and give it super user rights.
  • I hit "Updates?" in TB and make sure I am running the latest.
  • I hit "Problems?" in TB and make sure I am using Busybox 1.60
  • Hit menu and select batch
  • Select "Backup all new apps + newer versions of apps", if any.
  • Select "Restore missing apps with data"
  • Go over the list and make sure you are restoring only what you want
  • Hit run batch operation
  • After it completes, go back into TB and backup restore.
  • Restore contacts twice
  • Restore MMS twice
  • Restore Mail twice
  • If any of the 3 above do not take, do it again
  • Restart your phone
  • Verify mail, MMS, and contacts restored. If not, restore again.

Why Amon RA and not Clockwork recovery?

Clockwork does not wipe the Dalvik properly (if at all). I personally have had nothing but problems with both Clockwork and ROM manager

I have said countless times that if you use either of the above, it is at your own risk. Install Amon RA recovery and I bet any wiping/installing problems will go away.

If you already are using ROM manager, pick the option to install a custom recovery, choose Amon RA 1.8. If that option is greyed out, reinstall the latest Clockwork then install RA.

Note: Do not do a fix permissions with anything unless you need to, you can screw stuff up that way.

Trust me, the new ROM is devoid of problems (I have never tested a ROM this much before releasing it). If you experience any, it is either something you are doing wrong or incomplete wipes thanks to your recovery not doing it's job properly.

Which kernels work with this ROM?

Any that are designed for a Sense ROM. This includes:
  • Netarchy's
  • Kingclick's
  • Hero Over's
  • Ziggy's
  • HTC's

Which kernel do you recommend to use?

I cannot recommend a kernel for you because each EVO reacts different. The best for my phone can be the worse for yours.

You have to try the different ones available and pick the one that works best for you. What I do is start with their latest and work your way down until you find one that works well. Then stick with it.

This also goes for overclocking, SetCPU settings, etc.

Which themes work with this ROM?

Themes make your phone look nice but can also add problems to an otherwise smooth running ROM. You can use any theme you wish, but Nandroid first and if anything is broken, please do not blame the ROM as it is the theme that added the problem.

This includes my older modded themes and any theme made for 3.29 and 3.30 OTA updates They may work or they may work but break things.

Using my theme avoids this problem. It matches with my ROM perfectly and breaks nothing. Also, my theme is optimized for maximum speed and reduces the overhead of a theme (most themes are not optimized and add a bunch of stuff which increases system overhead, reduces battery life and speed a bit). As an added perk, it is a small download.

Hey, why are you using an older OTA when everyone else seems to be running the new 3.30.XXX.X OTA?
  1. The new OTA is not made for hardware versions 0003, 0002, or 0001. It is made for new Evo's that were made a few weeks ago and have hardware 0004
  2. The new OTA happens to drain battery faster on the older hardware.
  3. Azrael is identical to OmegaEVO is all ways except they have different bases.
  4. On my version 0003 hardware, Azrael is much faster
  5. Battery life increased immediately for me as soon as I used Azrael. With Omega, my idle usage was abnormally high
  6. Downloads and everything seem to work much better now.

The other Devs likely do not realize it yet, or they want to have the bleeding edge in their ROMS. For me, I listened to the feedback of my users and I acted accordingly (also basing it on my own personal experience).

Azrael will work better for HW versions 0001,0002, and 0003.
OmegaEVO will work better for HW versions 0004 (newer EVO's).

The new Evo's have a different camera in them, plus the software for the camera is different. The kernel is also different. There is also some hardware setting XML files in the new 3.30.XXX.X ROMS.

Last edited by ricsim78; 11-17-2010 at 05:09 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2010, 01:24 AM
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Re: [ROM] Azrael v2.3 [[NEW 3.30.651.2 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] [[Sense]] Updated 10/26/20

**Wireless tethering fix** (Thanks to Novarider for mentioning it, Vaelek for making it!)

To get wireless tethering working, Just follow the instructions below.

To install:

First, please uninstall any previous version of Wireless tethering you have installed.

  1. located at /sdcard/Azrael_apps
  2. Go to Settings>Applications and put a check on Unknown sources. Ignore the warnings, you are fine!
  3. Use Astro (or file manager of choice) Choose File manager>Install
  4. Click on Install.
  5. Profit!

Last edited by ricsim78; 10-30-2010 at 01:28 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2010, 02:16 PM
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Talking Re: [ROM] Azrael v2.3 [[NEW 3.30.651.2 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] [[Sense]] Updated 10/26/20

Whoot, first post. Glad to see this rom here at ppcgeeks
So far this rom screems of speed. Especially after
putting kingklicks bfs #11. Thanks for all the hard
hard work im sure everyone will also feel the same.
Remember to keep it between the lines and shiny side up.
  #5 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2010, 02:39 PM
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Re: [ROM] Azrael v2.3 [[NEW 3.30.651.2 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] [[Sense]] Updated 10/26/20

Great work OP! Thanks as well for posting this on PPCGeeks! Definitely will check this out
  #6 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2010, 04:08 PM
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Re: [ROM] Azrael v2.3 [[NEW 3.30.651.2 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] [[Sense]] Updated 10/26/20

Originally Posted by rileyd5 View Post
Great work OP! Thanks as well for posting this on PPCGeeks! Definitely will check this out
Thank you, if you do decide to check it out please let me know what you think.

I am new to PPCGeeks but been around XDA for a couple of months now. Plan to be active on both from here on out.
HTC Evo 4G
Azrael X v3.1 (my custom ROM)
HTC #15 Kernel
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 10-30-2010, 04:20 PM
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Re: [ROM] Azrael v2.3 [[NEW 3.30.651.2 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] [[Sense]] Updated 10/26/20

Originally Posted by ricsim78 View Post
Thank you, if you do decide to check it out please let me know what you think.

I am new to PPCGeeks but been around XDA for a couple of months now. Plan to be active on both from here on out.
Thanks. I'm sure everyone here will appreciate it! Already flashed and setting up. Next lowrider theme. So far so good!
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Old 10-30-2010, 10:01 PM
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Re: [ROM] Azrael v2.3 [[NEW 3.30.651.2 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] [[Sense]] Updated 10/26/20

Been running well for me. lowrider theme is very nice with a great looking dialer. going to check out battery and see how it responds. Everything seems to working including 4g. thanks for the tip on spare parts, window transitions are very quick Surprised no one else has chimed in yet? This is a very good rom.
  #9 (permalink)  
Old 10-31-2010, 10:05 AM
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Re: [ROM] Azrael v2.3 [[NEW 3.30.651.2 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] [[Sense]] Updated 10/26/20

Originally Posted by rileyd5 View Post
Been running well for me. lowrider theme is very nice with a great looking dialer. going to check out battery and see how it responds. Everything seems to working including 4g. thanks for the tip on spare parts, window transitions are very quick Surprised no one else has chimed in yet? This is a very good rom.
Thank you very much, glad you like it!

Just to let you know, LowRider just updated his theme to version 2.6. He said the Gmail is fixed for good and there is all sorts of other enhancements.

You can download the version he customized for my ROM in my OP.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2010, 05:03 PM
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Re: [ROM] Azrael v2.4 [[NEW 3.30.651.2 OTA]] [[Froyo 2.2]] [[Sense]] Updated 11/01/20

Newest version has been working very well, all response on XDA has been very positive.

If you do decide to try out my ROM, please give me your thoughts. Thank you.

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