Re: [10-26-2009] Medium Hill ROM WM 6.5.1 (23081) --- 6.5 & 6.1
Any plans on making the 21501 without the home panel that still make red X's???
Re: [10-26-2009] Medium Hill ROM WM 6.5.1 (23081) --- 6.5 & 6.1
A cab fix for the red X's were posted a few pages back actually. But anyways, yes, big changes are coming across the board to all ROM's and this Thread. I have been working on lots of things the last few days, and I am soo close to being done. Smoothing out the rough edges now, hopefully nothing major will pop up while doing that. I am hoping to start rolling all of the changes out tonight, at least with a couple of ROM updates. But every ROM build I have out now will receive an update and more ROMs will be added. So keep an eye out.
Re: [10-26-2009] Medium Hill ROM WM 6.5.1 (23081) --- 6.5 & 6.1
Thanks Dibbbson! So far the best 6.5 ROM I've had. But for the X's even with the cab downloaded earlier I still have some empty lines in the home panel. Anyway I will wait for you to remove it from the Titanium version without the bottom buttons.
Re: [10-26-2009] Medium Hill ROM WM 6.5.1 (23081) --- 6.5 & 6.1
in regards to Opera , can it be Opera Mini ?
my biz run from my Touch www.DiningComments.com Palm 3x -> Palm Tungsten T3 -> HTC Touch (Vogue)-> HTC Diamond WM6.5.3 Energy ROM 28014
Re: [10-26-2009] Medium Hill ROM WM 6.5.1 (23081) --- 6.5 & 6.1
Thx Slac10. As far as Opera, thats one of the last things i'm going to have to take care of, but Opera will be included in a ROM or 2. Things are moving smoothly, and slowly, but it's picking up a bit now. I definitely think I'm going to get a really nice and new 6.5.1 ROM out tonight. Been working on this one hard, and it's forced me to mod my kitchen a little more. But all ROMs will benefit from this.
Re: [10-26-2009] Medium Hill ROM WM 6.5.1 (23081) --- 6.5 & 6.1
The battery indicator in 23081 does not seem to work right. I have soft reset a few times but not hard reset yet. Figured I would wait for the next update.
Re: [10-26-2009] Medium Hill ROM WM 6.5.1 (23081) --- 6.5 & 6.1
Thanks for the CAB. That will save me some time later. Testing a build now, but I am VERY close on this new 6.5.1 ROM and it's got some neat stuff!
Re: [10-26-2009] Medium Hill ROM WM 6.5.1 (23081) --- 6.5 & 6.1
The first 2 people to post here in the next 20 Minutes will get a PM from me with a link to a Beta ROM 6.5.1. It's almost done, just gotta clean up the Start Menu just a little more. Titanium has been rearranged as well, opera added, and a few other things. So 20 Minutes cuz thats how long it will take to upload, and i'm going to sleep after that. Just leave the feedback on here for me.