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  #601 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2009, 01:54 AM
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Re: 11-2 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.95 || 21869

Haven't posted here in a while! This is worth it though!

I just wanted to personally thank you for your rom. This is hands down the best rom I have used. I was giving up on my Diamond and this rom gave my diamond a new life! This is the fastest and most bug free rom I have EVER had on the Diamond!

If anyone is new to roms this is a great place to start. Looking forward to updates (not too much to improve on )
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  #602 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2009, 08:56 AM
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Re: 11-2 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.95 || 21869

Update: It seems that not everything has been ported yet for 2.5, contrary to earlier reports...
2009-11-14 Full VGA Ported Packages

Here the full packages updates, It contain all newest VGA ported manila files.

This day update:
New Manila_Music (Full Ported)
I try to make it just look like original as I can, and didn't rescale any 3D elements ( It will reduce performance if I rescale it ), so the result is not bad... Also the rotation animation is so smooth ( Not as smooth as picture tab )

Ported Progress Report
Manila_Core - Full Ported. but need some tweaks & reposition the dialog box (confirmation)

Manila_Calendar - Full Ported

Manila_Footprints - Untouched ( last thing & last priority, because it wasn't run properly in our device )

Manila_Home - Partial Ported. Need to re-porting the Launcher/Shortcut. Porting the citypicker, etc.

Manila_Internet - Full Ported, Will add some tweak to make it more useful for our device (Separated packages)

Manila_Mail - Full Ported

Manila_Message - Full Ported

Manila_Music - Full Ported, Need fix the reflection on rotation animations

Manila_People - 95% Ported, Need scrolling fix in contact picker (action type), and consistency of letter picker fontsize.

Manila_Photo - Full Ported (I don't want to touch this page )

Manila_Settings - Full Ported, But need to re-check it.

Manila_Stock - Untouched Yet

Manila_Twitter - Full Ported, But need to re-check + re-positioning the compose box it.

Manila_Weather - 90% Ported, Need to fix the scrolling on rearrange city & citypicker.
I'm still going to be working on the graphics, but it may still be a week or two now before I push out a 2.5 version since I don't like pushing out buggy software...

WM 6.5 Taskbars | GadgetROM for Touch Diamond

Donations are always strictly voluntary and completely appreciated. Thank you!
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  #603 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2009, 02:45 PM
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Re: 11-2 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.95 || 21869

good luck
  #604 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2009, 06:25 PM
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Re: 11-2 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.95 || 21869

i re flashed this rom and fixed this problem but it seems to me that my texting is delayed and it pops up an error about not being able to save messages ,,, any ideas?
  #605 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2009, 08:10 AM
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Re: 11-2 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.95 || 21869

Haven't seen that problem before, so I don't have any insight for you.
  #606 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2009, 08:40 AM
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Re: 11-2 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.95 || 21869

While I've been waiting for 2.5 to get into a little bit better shape (1921 build is being ported right now. It seems to be more stable...), I've been working on re-skinning almost all of the TF3D icons in 2.1. I should have this out in the next few days, mainly because it is a very tedious process of resizing, duplicating and testing.
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  #607 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2009, 09:52 AM
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Re: 11-2 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.95 || 21869

Originally Posted by gadgetfreak View Post
While I've been waiting for 2.5 to get into a little bit better shape (1921 build is being ported right now. It seems to be more stable...), I've been working on re-skinning almost all of the TF3D icons in 2.1. I should have this out in the next few days, mainly because it is a very tedious process of resizing, duplicating and testing.
Always look forward to your work, GF ... and good luck with manila 2.5.
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  #608 (permalink)  
Old 11-17-2009, 01:44 PM
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Re: 11-2 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.95 || 21869

I have a question for you. This has been an on-going issue since I started using this phone, but I did not notice until after some point in time. When listening to netcasts on the phone, when I get to the 54 to 60 minute marker, the phone completely cuts off all audio. This means ringers don't make noise and nothing else wants to work. I believe I used to have a fix for this but kind of forgot. Another issue I'm having are random restarts. That annoys me so much. "Blah blah blah. Yes, that's a good idea, but what you should do is-- *restart*" The restarts are random. I can't possibly be the only one with these issues. I've gone through 5 of these phones already.

The audio bug is related to the audio booster I'm sure because it only happens if I've got something plugged in like the car or headphones or even the mini-USB headset that came with it.

The other one? I have no clue. As far as I know, it only does it when playing music. I can't remember a time where I was in Google Maps and BAM! restart.
  #609 (permalink)  
Old 11-18-2009, 11:54 AM
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Re: 11-2 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.95 || 21869

Nice ROM! How can I add foreign cities to the weather network? I mean countries, like in Europe

Last edited by machold; 11-19-2009 at 12:40 PM.
  #610 (permalink)  
Old 11-19-2009, 12:58 PM
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Re: 11-2 | ROM | WM 6.5 | Rhodium 2.1 || GadgetROM v1.95 || 21869

Sorry for the long silence. Image replacement is about half done for 2.1 (Man is this tedious...). I've played around with 2.5 some. It looks great, but man is it slow on a diamond (Which makes figures since it's designed to work on a device with twice the horse power of our phones), and not everything is ported yet. Of greater interest to me is the Sense 2.1 port going on that is due out any time now, and has be tested and ported on a CDMA Touch Pro, so there should be few issues. Reportedly, it is much, much faster than 2.5 on our phones. So this may be a good stop gap until 2.5 gets perfected.
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