Personally I think the whole "location for radio" thing is crap. That's just me though. That said 1.11F works fine for me.
I used to think so too, but then I realized that some radios are more aggressive than others. I find the Telus radio tends to poll the towers less often and is much less likely to bounce between 1x and EVDO which definitely saves battery life. I use the sprint now because I live in a big city and I rarely have trouble with signal, but I have noticed that rural areas and those who are not surrounded by cell towers are better off with Telus.
edit: I usually even change my radio when I am going to the cottage just because of this. Without a doubt I get better battery life up there with Telus. I got bored and since nobody was calling me (basically I never touched the phone), I left my phone out for 2 days on each radio twice too see which one drained faster.