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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 09:48 PM
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Sprint essential programs and original programs... where can I download?

Hey guys, I just flashed my Sprint HTC Diamond to the latest Mighty Rom version and I really like it.. except for a few things.. I miss some of the things the stock Sprint Rom had in it and was wondering if you guys can help me get it back the way I like.. Here are the things I want to do in order of priority..
Also, I read on the Mighty Rom thread that someone got the sprint picture mail app off a thread in here that had all the "Sprint Essentials" on it, but i cannot find that thread.. anyone know where it is??

1. Sprint Picture Mail
---> I know there is another picture mail app that everyone loves on here and recommends, but I really just want the stock sprint picture mail program back on my phone, does anyone know where I can download this from??

2. Sprint Theme
---> Where can I download the stock sprint theme to replace the HTC Black theme? I liked the Sprint theme because the touch flo Icons had color and such, it looked nicer in my opinion.

3. Start Menu Arrangement
---> The Mighty Rom Start Menu is laied out quite different than what it was with the original sprint rom. Originally, the most recently used programs were shown as little squares on the top of the start menu, now they are shown like all my other apps in the start menu list, how can I put it back to the little squares? Also the start menu items appear to be smaller and less finger friendly than with the original sprint rom, how can I adjust this?

4. Sprint TV
---> Yea.. it would be nice to have that back, and back on the touch-flo menu..

5. Microsoft Live Search with voice recognition

6. Sprint Music Store

7. Any other sprint apps that add sprint specific functionality that I may be missing and not thinking of at the moment..

Last edited by wmblalock; 04-05-2009 at 09:54 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 09:54 PM
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Re: Sprint essential programs and original programs... where can I download?

Originally Posted by wmblalock View Post
Hey guys, I just flashed my Sprint HTC Diamond to the latest Mighty Rom version and I really like it.. except for a few things.. I miss some of the things the stock Sprint Rom had in it and was wondering if you guys can help me get it back the way I like.. Here are the things I want to do in order of priority..
Also, I read on the Mighty Rom thread that someone got the sprint picture mail app off a thread in here that had all the "Sprint Essentials" on it, but i cannot find that thread.. anyone know where it is??

1. Sprint Picture Mail
---> I know there is another picture mail app that everyone loves on here and recommends, but I really just want the stock sprint picture mail program back on my phone, does anyone know where I can download this from??

2. Sprint Theme
---> Where can I download the stock sprint theme to replace the HTC Black theme? I liked the Sprint theme because the touch flo Icons had color and such, it looked nicer in my opinion.

3. Start Menu Arrangement
---> The Mighty Rom Start Menu is laied out quite different than what it was with the original sprint rom. Originally, the most recently used programs were shown as little squares on the top of the start menu, now they are shown like all my other apps in the start menu list, how can I put it back to the little squares? Also the start menu items appear to be smaller and less finger friendly than with the original sprint rom, how can I adjust this?

4. Sprint TV
---> Yea.. it would be nice to have that back, and back on the touch-flo menu..

5. Sprint Music Store

6. Any other sprint apps that add sprint specific functionality that I may be missing!

As for 1 and 4:

Check GrooveROM's first or second post. He has a zip file containing most of the stock sprint applications.

As far as the TouchFlo Sprint theme, assuming Mighty still uses the stock TF3D(I think he does), there is a cab file you can find in the second post of Calkulin's kitchen thread.

For the start menu: Settings>System>TouchFlo>Check Enable Large Start Menu

About the music store: All it is, is a link that opens Opera. I'm not quite sure of what it is.

Hope that helps,
Use intxROM

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-05-2009, 10:11 PM
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Re: Sprint essential programs and original programs... where can I download?

Originally Posted by intx View Post
As for 1 and 4:

Check GrooveROM's first or second post. He has a zip file containing most of the stock sprint applications.

As far as the TouchFlo Sprint theme, assuming Mighty still uses the stock TF3D(I think he does), there is a cab file you can find in the second post of Calkulin's kitchen thread.

For the start menu: Settings>System>TouchFlo>Check Enable Large Start Menu

About the music store: All it is, is a link that opens Opera. I'm not quite sure of what it is.

Hope that helps,
Thanks for you help so much man, it is greatly appreciated! I will work on these things and let you know how it turns out! Thanks!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2009, 03:00 AM
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Re: Sprint essential programs and original programs... where can I download?

Well I got pretty much everything setup the way I want it.. There is one other thing I wanted to do. With the Mighty Rom he changed the button on the bottom right of the LCD screen from "Programs" to "SMS". Does anyone know how to change this button back to "Programs"?

I also had a few issues with the other stuff I tried, but can live with it if need be. For example, I tried using the stock Sprint touchflo3d theme provided by Calkulin's kitchen thread, but when I do that, and then try to install a separate clock (a semi transparent flip clock cab that I downloaded), it will not allow the new clock to work. No matter what it seems to stick with the clock provided by Calkulin's kitchen thread / the stock Sprint theme.. strange.. any ideas?

I also had problems with the SprintTV shortcut on the touchflo3d slider menu. I installed Calkulin's kitchen thread's stock Sprint theme so that I could have the Original Sprint touchflo3d theme / colors / buttons (like the SprintTV button) After installing SprintTV, I could launch the application from the programs list and it would run fine, but if I tried to lanch / use it from the touchFlo3d slider menu, then it would just sit there at updating, then give an error that it had a communication problem and couldn't update. It also had some text "url" on the screen and the big SprintTV picture was missing.. I had no idea how to get that working, so I switched back to the HTC Black touchflo theme for now (doesnt have the SprintTV button, but I also loose my neon colored touchflo3d icons ). If anyone knows how to get SprintTV working with the TouchFlo3d slider option using Calkulin's kitchen thread's Stock Sprint Touchflo3d theme, or any other downloable stock looking sprint touchflo3d theme cab, please let me know!

Thanks guys!
- Mike
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