Re: 4.12.09 FuFu Rom 4.5.3 - Loaded & Lite [WM 6.5 Beta Build - Final 21202]
21500 is a fake...tho its a fast sys. 21202 was the latest real sys. 21210 was just leaked tho and many are working on getting it ported over. I'm sure Highlife is working at it himself.
Re: 4.12.09 FuFu Rom 4.5.3 - Loaded & Lite [WM 6.5 Beta Build - Final 21202]
I smell new FuFu.......21210 new.......and new FuFu makes me a happy.....
Re: 4.12.09 FuFu Rom 4.5.3 - Loaded & Lite [WM 6.5 Beta Build - Final 21202]
ok, I've used juicy and mikes roms since forever. If I wanted to try out one of these fufu roms which one would be closest to what Im used to?
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Re: 4.12.09 FuFu Rom 4.5.3 - Loaded & Lite [WM 6.5 Beta Build - Final 21202]
There's two stinches holding me back I'm trying to get worked out, but everything else smells great.
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Re: 4.12.09 FuFu Rom 4.5.3 - Loaded & Lite [WM 6.5 Beta Build - Final 21202]
Spray some fabreeze on those nasty stinks......
Re: 4.12.09 FuFu Rom 4.5.3 - Loaded & Lite [WM 6.5 Beta Build - Final 21202]
I was having a problem with album crashing that's fixed. But out of no where I started getting the low memory error with NFS I can definitely say that it doesn't have anything to do with the video drivers cooked into a rom, the pagepool or to much of a load on the cpu. I've seen those theories floating around. I know that it's not really an important reason to keep flashing but it's bugging me to find the cause now that I started and I have 40 minutes before going out for a while lol.
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Re: 4.12.09 FuFu Rom 4.5.3 - Loaded & Lite [WM 6.5 Beta Build - Final 21202]