Originally Posted by touch_rules
How much space does Titanium use? I personally don't use it, I have tried but I can't stand it. If enough people don't use it would you consider a rom with it and a rom without it?
I also notice in build 21234 you have things in all programs such as chome editor, faster2d graphics, faster3d graphics, high quality, low quality, msn money, msn weather, nodata, search widget, titanium weather, toggle fast..., toggle lowb..., wmodem, windows live, and reSTART. Are all of these in your new rom? I don't use any of them and items like these would be great to be able to remove if you don't use them. Honestly I am not sure what some of these programs are like the cabs in all programs and some of the things like reSTART don't seem to work.
Just a thought.
I'm not sure how much space it takes but that is something I cannot remove from the ROM because it is used by the Titanium theme.
Also I already remove most of the extra things you mention like the cabs and not all of the programs you mention are included. I might remove some of the widgets though since I don't use those, What do you guys think about this?
Originally Posted by kwattro76
One problem, in titanium the weather is a big red X with no temp, How do I fix that????
does anyone have a CAB to correct it. I dont want to use the showaco cause its cartoonish
Where can I find the cab for the realistic clouds and stuff?
Yeah I read about this problem already, I will have this fix by next release.
Originally Posted by WarAxe
Mystery... the icons, color, blue highlights, and everything on your latest (6/13) rom look absolutely amazing! Great, great job!
Updated: Hey, just a reminder... supposedly pictures are now supposed to go in "Internal Storage/DCIM/100MEDIA".
And BTW, that dialer is SWEET!!! 
Glad you like it man, I got the theme from someone over at xda, can't remember who but its on the change log, I just modified some of the icons. I really how the the theme ended up looking.
And yeah I added a registry tweak that will automatically save the pictures there.
Originally Posted by caleb02
any chance of adding bac in my fav keyobard the standard small blue keyboard.... i just love it since it has all the stuff on it....
Not sure what keyboard you are talking about, can you post a picture or something of it.
Wow, my ROM is becoming more popular now.. Glad everyone likes it, I will try to fix the titanium weather problem in the next release and see what other things I can do to save some space.