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  #601 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 10:54 AM
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Re: RSTG Sprint(Official) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v2.7.20 Updated 2/24/09

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
Which contact fixer app are you using? Is it this one http://shubaroo.com/index.php?module=contact ? I could include it in the next release... And thanks for liking my rom!
i thought you could change the default under the settings in the contacts option, do we really need to add another program just to change a default setting? u know this ROM is already loaded and close to max on the memory side, so i was thinking we should only try to add more programs that could appease the masses not something as simple as a default setting. just my thoughts though.
Sprint Sero 500
Sprint Lovers Rom
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  #602 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 11:57 AM
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Re: RSTG Sprint(Official) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v2.7.20 Updated 2/24/09

If I wanted to load up opera 15613, is it best to just run the cab and try to overwrite the existing one? or does anyone have any suggestions. this opera is definitely usable but the back button doesnt work most of the time, plus 15613 seems faster rendering pages. any help would be appreciated thanks alot guys.
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  #603 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 12:08 PM
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Re: RSTG Sprint(Official) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v2.7.20 Updated 2/24/09

Originally Posted by treedog5 View Post
i thought you could change the default under the settings in the contacts option, do we really need to add another program just to change a default setting? u know this ROM is already loaded and close to max on the memory side, so i was thinking we should only try to add more programs that could appease the masses not something as simple as a default setting. just my thoughts though.
It's only 3 files, but I don't think I want to make the rom any bigger... I'm thinking the next step I need to take would be to trim some where I can. A couple of big ones are opera and googlemaps, they have to be copied to their directories to function properly. That's what I plan for tomorrow is to tweak the rom for space and see if I can't get some back.

Originally Posted by rileyd5 View Post
If I wanted to load up opera 15613, is it best to just run the cab and try to overwrite the existing one? or does anyone have any suggestions. this opera is definitely usable but the back button doesnt work most of the time, plus 15613 seems faster rendering pages. any help would be appreciated thanks alot guys.
I noticed that too and plan to revert back to 15613 or whatever it was. But this 15954 version is rather slow loading pages...
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  #604 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 12:29 PM
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Re: RSTG Sprint(Official) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v2.7.20 Updated 2/24/09

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
It's only 3 files, but I don't think I want to make the rom any bigger... I'm thinking the next step I need to take would be to trim some where I can. A couple of big ones are opera and googlemaps, they have to be copied to their directories to function properly. That's what I plan for tomorrow is to tweak the rom for space and see if I can't get some back.

I noticed that too and plan to revert back to 15613 or whatever it was. But this 15954 version is rather slow loading pages...
Thks! I just noticed, thanks to the Opera build thread in the diamond section, that in opera:config there is a turbo mode now? I read about this about a month ago in the opera blogs and it sounded very exciting. I just enabled it and will see what happens! thanks.

update: not seeing a difference with turbo enabled. it seems about the same. oh well. by the way, if you hit the back hard key 3 times it usually will take you back a page in opera. thanks.

Last edited by Riley; 02-28-2009 at 12:42 PM.
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  #605 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 12:57 PM
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Re: RSTG Sprint(Official) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v2.7.20 Updated 2/24/09

Originally Posted by rstoyguy View Post
It's only 3 files, but I don't think I want to make the rom any bigger... I'm thinking the next step I need to take would be to trim some where I can. A couple of big ones are opera and googlemaps, they have to be copied to their directories to function properly. That's what I plan for tomorrow is to tweak the rom for space and see if I can't get some back.

I noticed that too and plan to revert back to 15613 or whatever it was. But this 15954 version is rather slow loading pages...
My vote is for the games. I haven't really checked to see how much room they take up, but I figure most people don't play most of the games. Just a thought though.

Now that I am back in town, I'm going to try the new build, and also see if I can eventually make the time to build up a "remix" of the rom.

Also, is there any way to set up google maps to cache to the Internal Memory? While I was gone, I had to delete all sorts of files (mostly sounds) to free up some memory again, as it all disappeared. The rom got really sluggish below 5mb of free ram... and I figured out why ClearTemp is in the program tab. Googlemaps had cached like 15megs, and there was no room left. I also had a lot of visual glitchy-ness and freezing...

I might flash to shipped and then back to the newest rom and radio, and see if that helps too. Something's up with my phone, but haven't quite figured out if it was Flip_IT, which was definitely bugging some programs out, or something else. I guess if you do install it onto your rom, it wll need to include all sorts of settings for each application, but it might just not be worth it...

And like always, thanks for the hard work! =D>

Last edited by iTEK; 02-28-2009 at 01:16 PM.
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  #606 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 01:07 PM
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Re: RSTG Sprint(Official) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v2.7.20 Updated 2/24/09

all the ringers,alerts, avatars take a bit of room up. i always delete them out, keeping just a few that i use in there when i remake the rom. could just put them in a folder and people can pick and choose what they want.

there is also a little bit of the Touch Mobile Guide left in there. not sure where it is to take it out.
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  #607 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 02:40 PM
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Re: RSTG Sprint(Official) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v2.7.20 Updated 2/24/09

is this latest build based on the newest official sprint rom?
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  #608 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 02:41 PM
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Re: RSTG Sprint(Official) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v2.7.20 Updated 2/24/09

Originally Posted by hasseye View Post
is this latest build based on the newest official sprint rom?
Yep....but "fixed" my way.
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  #609 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 03:11 PM
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Re: RSTG Sprint(Official) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v2.7.20 Updated 2/24/09

RSTG-do you think you might make your v2.0 adaptable to the Touch Pro? I am currently using your v1.17. That was the latest that would work on the TP. Your roms are great. I have flashed a number of roms and I always come back to yours. Keep upthe great work.
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  #610 (permalink)  
Old 02-28-2009, 03:18 PM
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Re: RSTG Sprint(Official) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v2.7.20 Updated 2/24/09

Originally Posted by selders59 View Post
RSTG-do you think you might make your v2.0 adaptable to the Touch Pro? I am currently using your v1.17. That was the latest that would work on the TP. Your roms are great. I have flashed a number of roms and I always come back to yours. Keep upthe great work.
Try this...
RSTG Sprint Stock Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v1.7.20 Updated 2/27/09
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