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  #1271 (permalink)  
Old 03-15-2009, 08:46 AM
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Re: 2/26/09 Conflippers UC ROM (5.2.21018 Build 21018)

We all appreciate the updates and hope you can work the little things out.

I completely understand having to take a break from things, I've been working 60+ hours a week, doing a remodel on a new home I purchased (2nd home) and trying to have a wee-little bit of personal time in between.

I for one would like to personally thank you for everything you've done thus far, Mr. Flip. I hope you don't completely stop releasing your ROM's, but if you scale back or take some time off, it's completely understandable.

I will update when the little things get worked out of this latest release. My phone is used for personal, work, my business and it's tied to my office alarm do it has to work 24/7.
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  #1272 (permalink)  
Old 03-16-2009, 12:05 PM
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Cool Re: 2/26/09 Conflippers UC ROM (5.2.21018 Build 21018)

Quick update on the timezone issue. I no longer think it could be due to the new date for timezone changes as we are now out of that week and the phone will still update and change the timezone forward 1 hour. It seems as if everyone that is having this issue is having the timezone shifted forward 1 hour. Is it something that is programmed into windows maybe that is telling the cell towers the wrong timezone? I'm not exactly sure how all this works. For now I will keep the syncing turned off until we can find a fix. One other thing I have noticed. Sometimes the slider function on incoming calls does not work. It will slide over but not answer or ignore the call and the phone keeps ringing. I have to push the send or end buttons to control the call. This is a fairly infrequent occurance. Just wanted to let you know.
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  #1273 (permalink)  
Old 03-16-2009, 03:33 PM
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Re: 2/26/09 Conflippers UC ROM (5.2.21018 Build 21018)

i am also having the problem with the home button showing the symbol page it only does it when im in a program not if im just on touch flo.
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  #1274 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2009, 09:02 AM
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Re: 2/26/09 Conflippers UC ROM (5.2.21018 Build 21018)

Originally Posted by minickmd View Post
Quick update on the timezone issue. I no longer think it could be due to the new date for timezone changes as we are now out of that week and the phone will still update and change the timezone forward 1 hour. It seems as if everyone that is having this issue is having the timezone shifted forward 1 hour. Is it something that is programmed into windows maybe that is telling the cell towers the wrong timezone? I'm not exactly sure how all this works. For now I will keep the syncing turned off until we can find a fix. One other thing I have noticed. Sometimes the slider function on incoming calls does not work. It will slide over but not answer or ignore the call and the phone keeps ringing. I have to push the send or end buttons to control the call. This is a fairly infrequent occurance. Just wanted to let you know.

Replace the rilphone.dll with a older one and it will fix that issue but the problem is that it has to be cooked in cause if you just overwrite the current one, the phone will not boot
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  #1275 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2009, 07:18 PM
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Re: 2/26/09 Conflippers UC ROM (5.2.21018 Build 21018)

the "zip" program doesnt work
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  #1276 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2009, 07:45 PM
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Cool Re: 2/26/09 Conflippers UC ROM (5.2.21018 Build 21018)

With respect to the zip program can you be more specific? Are you talking about the Pocket RAR? If so, I have zipped and unzipped files with this without a problem. What specific problems are you having? Anyone else having issues?

One additional question for Conflipper or anyone else...Is there a way to change a setting to make the phone auto-switch to 'ring' when the phone is plugged in to charge, and change back to 'vibrate' when unplugged so one does not have to keep changing it manually every time?
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  #1277 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 11:13 PM
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Re: 2/26/09 Conflippers UC ROM (5.2.21018 Build 21018)

does anyone know how to fix the clock issue
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  #1278 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2009, 12:54 AM
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Re: 2/26/09 Conflippers UC ROM (5.2.21018 Build 21018)

Originally Posted by kevin813 View Post
does anyone know how to fix the clock issue
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  #1279 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 01:55 PM
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Re: 2/26/09 Conflippers UC ROM (5.2.21018 Build 21018)

Con, are you still working on fixing some of the minor things on this beta? Especially the message notifications not clearing after reading them in threaded cause I get a ton of text.
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  #1280 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 06:47 PM
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Re: 2/26/09 Conflippers UC ROM (5.2.21018 Build 21018)

Originally Posted by v-man View Post
Con, are you still working on fixing some of the minor things on this beta? Especially the message notifications not clearing after reading them in threaded cause I get a ton of text.
I second this !!! lol

The Messaging issue is by the version of ArcSoft installed if your really desperate and have some time you can install and older version but you first have to uninstall the current one using a cab thats floating around to take out the registry edits then you can reinstall the .44 version.

Con that current version of Arcsoft is also causing a huge battery drain. Also causes issues with MARK ALL READ AND DELETE ALL
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