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  #981 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 01:13 AM
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Re: [Jan 15th New Sprint Radio V1.11.00F] Official CDMA Diamond Radio Thread

After being on the V1.11.00F for a while I flashed to the Tellus V1.04.05V.

Sprint V1.11.00F - I would get 1-2 bar sustained most of the time and maybe maximum 4 bars max but it never stayed at that during calls nor on standby.

Telllus V1.04.05V - I get a sustained 4-5 bars and doesn't drop below that (at least I haven't seen it like I did in the Sprint Radio yet). I've check the phone several times after I flashed it to the Tellus Radio today and have only see 4 or 5 bars on the battery meter.

So this to me also proves that Sprint vs Tellus radio depends on where you live.

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  #982 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 12:46 PM
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Re: [Jan 15th New Sprint Radio V1.11.00F] Official CDMA Diamond Radio Thread

Here's my experience with radio's:

I've tested pretty much all of them... And the only one that I've noticed that worked in my place of business is the Telus one. All the others I got late text messages, missed calls, sudden voicemails, hours after they were sent.

My Office gets extremely poor reception as it is. Even with the Telus radio, I get 0 bars most of the time at my desk, I'm lucky to get 1 or 2. And even then it jumps to roaming a lot. But I at least get my messages and calls when they actually happen.

The verizon radio gets better signal at my house, but I already get good signal there, so that wasn't very good. Max signal as compared to 3-4 Bars, not much of a difference at that point. But this one burns up my battery noticably faster than the Telus, most likely due to poor reception at the office.

The sprint ones make my phone get super hot when using it for anything, even little games like Solitare or Caver or whatever. Both the 1.00.00 and 1.11.00 cause this. Also with 1.11.00 I got late text messages and late calls, even in good service. It would only ring like 1 time and then go to voicemail. They also burn my battery a LOT faster, I am at low 20's in percentage by the end of the day after using it to browse a little at lunch time, text lightly throughout the day (maybe 7 or 8 messages?) and like 2 calls, and a few games of Solitare.

With the Telus, everything is a plus on it, aside from reception at my house. Web browsing seems to respond more quickly. Battery life is awesome, I can do the same as above and still have around 65-70% left at the end of the day. It doesn't get hot at all while using it, warm of course, but not hot like the sprint ones. And best of all, I actually get my messages and calls when they happen and not half an hour to sometimes 2-3 hours later.

A little side information here, I live in northern Illinois in mostly country type areas. My office is in a slightly rural area. My house is in the middle of nowhere.

But, with all of that said, that's just my experience with it. Some radios work better in other places. Just try them all out. Hope this helps others.
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  #983 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 04:01 AM
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Re: [Jan 15th New Sprint Radio V1.11.00F] Official CDMA Diamond Radio Thread

Anyone know when Sprint would release the new radio officially? Still running stock radio but thinking of upgrading since I see alot of good feedback.
  #984 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 10:32 AM
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Re: [Jan 15th New Sprint Radio V1.11.00F] Official CDMA Diamond Radio Thread

I was using the Verizon radio since it was first leaked...maybe October or November? By the end of the day with moderate use I'd be at around 35%.

When I flashed the new leaked Sprint rom, wish included the radio, my handset went back to getting very warm, and my battery would be down to 60% after only 2 or 3 hours. I've narrowed it down to the radio, because I've used Mighty, OMJ, along with a few other custom roms and they all get crappy battery life with the new leaked Sprint radio.

I'm flashing the Telus radio now to see how that works, and if I'm not happy with it, I'm going back to Verizon.

Your milliage may vary, but I am sure that both Sprint radios kill my battery a lot more quickly than the Verizon one. Will report my experience with the Telus once it's been tested.
  #985 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 07:30 PM
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Re: [Jan 15th New Sprint Radio V1.11.00F] Official CDMA Diamond Radio Thread

I've also had crappy battery life and low bars with Sprint's 1.11.00F. Trying Telus out right now.
  #986 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 11:07 PM
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Re: [Jan 15th New Sprint Radio V1.11.00F] Official CDMA Diamond Radio Thread

can I flash the VZW verizon radio on my diamond. It says for touch pro. Thanks
  #987 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 11:21 PM
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Re: [Jan 15th New Sprint Radio V1.11.00F] Official CDMA Diamond Radio Thread

Originally Posted by dgreen1 View Post
can I flash the VZW verizon radio on my diamond. It says for touch pro. Thanks

The short answer is: yes.

But first, read the first few posts in this thread and understand what you are doing, and what might go wrong (though not likely...).

Especially pay attention to the warnings and disclaimers.

Good Luck!
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  #988 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 11:26 PM
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Re: [Jan 15th New Sprint Radio V1.11.00F] Official CDMA Diamond Radio Thread

Thanks for the quick reply. I have flashed a radio before I just wanted to make sure
  #989 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2009, 04:33 AM
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Re: Official CDMA Diamond Radio Rom Thread

Originally Posted by Juggalo_X View Post
lol yah your findings match mine.

I had to reflash my phone back to a stock Sprint rom I did not relock it but it changed my radio back to the shipped version 1.03 now I'm trying to go back to the new release 11 and it keeps getting to 5% and telling me its the wrong model id??? I can flash custom roms no problem still why would this be?
  #990 (permalink)  
Old 01-29-2009, 03:41 PM
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Re: [Jan 15th New Sprint Radio V1.11.00F] Official CDMA Diamond Radio Thread

Hey guys anybody have the stock alltel radio i have to send it in for warranty repairs but i currently have the sprint touch pro radio on so if you could help it would be much appreciated.
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