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  #1191 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2008, 06:20 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

So, 2.6 is the first Juicy ROM I've installed, and it sounds like the landscape issues are across the board. I don't bother with landscape too much, except occasionally for reading a long web page in Opera. And it's been sorta flaky. Specifically, the redraw delay when you scroll past the portion of the screen that's been pre-rendered, is really slow. 5-10 seconds of staring at the checkerboard pattern before the data fills in. (This happens more clearly when I'm zoomed in, and significantly more in landscape mode, as far as I've noticed.) Otherwise, everything's much slimmer and peppier than the stock rom, but that one part of opera is not great in portrait, and almost unusable in landscape.

Anyone else noticed anything like this? Or am I just going crazy?

And, just to be clear, this is criticism, not complaint. A million thanks, Juicy, for putting all your hard work into this... and for keeping a smile on while we all yap at you for fixes.
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  #1192 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2008, 06:24 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Is everyone off their knees yet?

Juicy knows how great of a job he is doing and he doesn't need consoling every time a few bugs pop up. It's not like he is a crying toddler that needs reassurance of how great he really is. Bugs are an inevitable part of ROM development.

These "Juicy I love you with all of my heart, and I'll be a fanboi 4 lyfe" posts are getting redundant.
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  #1193 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2008, 06:27 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by sheeno View Post
I don't think you have done anything wrong by explaining bugs you have encountered or will do anything wrong in continuing to do so.
+1 I need to get info on all the bugs, keep 'em coming.... there is just no use in redundant reports of the same bug.
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  #1194 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2008, 06:44 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

I've noticed that under 2.6 my sprint phone finally displays the correct time. It was always 2 minutes (give or take) ahead of the actual time. Right out of the box from sprint and under 2.5 (the first rom I tried) it was always wrong. Today, I've noticed that it's been correct each time I've looked at it. Don't know why, but I'm just mentioning it.
Thanks Juicy for all the hard work. You've turned a good phone into a great one for me!
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  #1195 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2008, 06:45 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by NewYorkLaw View Post
I've noticed that under 2.6 my sprint phone finally displays the correct time. It was always 2 minutes (give or take) ahead of the actual time. Right out of the box from sprint and under 2.5 (the first rom I tried) it was always wrong. Today, I've noticed that it's been correct each time I've looked at it. Don't know why, but I'm just mentioning it.
Thanks Juicy for all the hard work. You've turned a good phone into a great one for me!
Network time could have been off. Glad to hear it corrected itself though.
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  #1196 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2008, 06:53 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

I noticed all the normal htc themes are gone from today menu.....why?
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  #1197 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2008, 06:58 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by sdafasdlkfj View Post
Is everyone off their knees yet?

Juicy knows how great of a job he is doing and he doesn't need consoling every time a few bugs pop up. It's not like he is a crying toddler that needs reassurance of how great he really is. Bugs are an inevitable part of ROM development.

These "Juicy I love you with all of my heart, and I'll be a fanboi 4 lyfe" posts are getting redundant.
awesome post. thanks for being the token forum cop.
Treo 650 > Treo 700WX > HTC Touch > HTC Diamond > HTC Touch Pro
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  #1198 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2008, 07:26 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Hey im still on 2.4 with some mods and tweaks i did, I recently did a hard reset, but i forgot i had manually installed the calculator on it because that version of j2.4 didn't have it recompiled.

but i no longer have it can someone get it of their juicy rom?

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  #1199 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2008, 07:45 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by sdafasdlkfj View Post
Is everyone off their knees yet?

Juicy knows how great of a job he is doing and he doesn't need consoling every time a few bugs pop up. It's not like he is a crying toddler that needs reassurance of how great he really is. Bugs are an inevitable part of ROM development.

These "Juicy I love you with all of my heart, and I'll be a fanboi 4 lyfe" posts are getting redundant.
Something about the way "boy" is spelled as "boi"...
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  #1200 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2008, 07:55 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by Juicy47 View Post

*** By downloading any files, you verify that you have the appropriate licenses for all software contained herein ****

Thanks: cmonex, ghettofreerydr, Juggalo_x, Tobey, dcd (xda)
Juggalo_X, Blue1k,
EUSANPE, Starmans, hodd, Devileyezz, leanne, burnmac, jregehr, jyxent, manxam, bobbenedetti, billo0071, kevank, saflang, xxza, mercado79

This ROM is intended to remain as close to a stock ROM as possible, while increasing speed, performance, and removing bloatware.
This ROM also features convenience features such as
- enhanced battery life
- long press call key to rotate the screen
- long press end key to lock the device
- custom htc start-page in opera
- custom communication manager
- etc. (please read exhuastive change-log below)

Juicy 2.6 (Mirror) *updated*

ARCHIVED VERSIONS (Sprint): Juicy 2.5



[+] Updated SYS 20921 
[+] New phcanOverbmp.dll (Alltel Custom)
[#] Fixed Backlight Bugs
[#] Further tinkering in Opera (changed Preloader settings, custom user agent)
[#] Fixed Battery Issues


[ ] New Base (1.13.671.2)  
[ ] New Custom 20755 XIP *thanks TobeyChris*
[#] Custom SIP tweaks
[#] 16mb Pagepool Default
[+] UC Support *Thanks Ghetto*
[+] OneNote Mobile *useful for those using Office2007* 
[+] Updated D3D Drivers *enhanced performance*
[+] Updated Battery 
[+] Power Service Drivers
[+] Updated GPS Drivers *improved accuracy*
[+] Updated Rilphone Drivers *no more flickering signal bars*
[+] Updated GSensor Drivers
[+] Updated Touch Drivers
[+] Autorun Package (
[+] HTC Task Manager (2.1.30588.1)
[+] HTC Album (2.0.1817.3420.0)
[+] HTC Advanced Power Management (1.5.18183829.0)
[+] HTC Audio Manager (1.5.1818.2331.0)
[+] HTC Camera (6.4.32007.00)
[+] HTC Comm Manager (
[+] HTC Enlarge Start Menu (1.2.35075.1)
[+] HTC EzIput (1.5.32437.0) *smaller screen size*
[+] HTC Long Press EndKey (1.1.34582.2)
[+] HTC Manila (1.1.35083.4_1630.38)
[+] HTC Message (
[+] HTC Phone Canvas (3.40.32288.1)
[+] HTC Picture Enhancement (1.50.1814.1822)
[+] HTC QuickGPS (1.00.18173430.1)
[+] HTC Random Access (4.1.18191130.0)
[+] HTC Sensor SDK (3.3.18174131.1)
[+] HTC Streaming Media (3.0.18191933.00)
[+] HTC Volume Control (1.2.18174025.0)
[+] XT9 IME (1.5.32222.1)
[+] YouTube (10.1819.2130)
[+] Updated Backlight Driver
[+] EPSTLab (
[#] Replaced InternetExplorer with Opera in Start Menu
[#] Fixed ActiveSync Bugs
[#] Fixed Exchange Bugs
[#] Updated SYS-Base *Thanks Ghetto*
[#] Fixed theme/wallpaper issues with Manila
[#] Cleaned Operator Packages
[#] AudioPara *defaulted to TELUS stock settings*
[#] X to Close in HTC Album
[#] Enabled HTC Task Manager on today screen as default
[#] Consolidated Opera Tweaks; incl. identifier = Victor
[#] Re-ordered Application Launcher in Manila

[+] HTC Album (2.0.18173231.0)
[+] HTC LongPress EndKey (1.1.34309.5)
[+] HTC SmartTouch (1.0.31096.0)
[+] HTC RandomAccess (4.0.18172626.0)
[+] GoogleMaps (
[+] RSS Hub (
[+] Hidden Notification Settings *Thanks Juggalo!*
[+] Updated Display Drivers (1.93 GSM ROM) *ddi.dll*
[#] Restored green highlight
[#] Changed Manila Tab Order *matches leaked images of Alltel ROM*  

[#] Fixed NET CF3.5
[#] Fixed Mobile Calculator
[+] Full CE OS 20755 *Thanks Ghetto*
[+] HTC Manila (1.1.34821.0.1630.38) *ported from US GSM Diamond*
[+] HTC QuickGPS (1.00.18171729.0)
[#] Enhanced Battery Life
[#] Removed legacy issues with old battery.dll
[#] MS "Orb" in start bar *replaces flag image*
[#] Press "X" to close is default in TaskManager
[#] TaskManager invisible on Today Screen by default
[#] ActiveSync added to Exclusive Programs list in TaskManager
[#] Fixed Buffering in YouTube App
[#] Added MS Live, and GMaps in AppLauncher (Manila)
[#] Back to 6mb PP (default) *PP Changer App included*
[#] Enhanced Java Support for Opera 2392
[#] Dynamic Pagepool *0mb PP*
[#] Reverted to stock Battery.dll *% interval was inaccurate*
[#] Reverted to stock phcanOverbmp.dll
[#] Sprint PhoneCanvas
[#] HTC Battery Monitor ( *visible in \windows\ folder*
[#] VGA skin fix for Opera 2392
[#] Restored Large Menus
[#] Fixed louder Audiopara issues
[#] Fixed ActiveSync issues some users were experiencing
[+] Juicy Style CommMgr ( *change order, no flight mode, add IR switch*
[+] HTC Audio Manager (1.5.18173421.0)
[+] HTC GSensor Calibrator (1.0.18182119.0)
[+] HTC LocationSettings (
[+] HTC TouchFlo (3.0.29946.52)
[+] HTC Volume Control (1.0.1817.2830.0)
[+] SYS updated to 20755 *everything but MSXIP/OSXIP; Thanks Ghetto*
[+] Opera Mobile 9.5 (Build 2392) *includes new zoom function*  
[+] Teeter (1.3.1817.3323.0)
[+] YouTube (1.0.1817.3525)
[#] Proper Carrier Support
[#] 16MB PagePool
[#] Enhanced AudioPara *speaker & bluetooth*
[#] Startup Sound
[#] Fixed Bluetooth/VoiceCommand Issues
[#] Restored Outlook Enhancement *some menus weren't working correctly*
[#] Restored Opera as system level browser
[#] Fixed Menu Size
[#] Resolved Network Issues *Thanks Juggalo_X *
[#] Fixed SIP/EzInput Errors
[#] Fixed Dialpad skinning glitch
[#] Fixed Plus-Code Dialing Errors
[+] HTC Manila (1.2.34591.1.1813.6) *modified UK Release*
[+] Opera Mobile 9.5 (Build 1907) *fixed screen rotation bugs, further reduced start-up*
[+] Battery Enhancements
[-] End Call Delay
[ ] Fresh Start
[#] Fixed BT Issues in 1.10
[#] Solved Inbox Errors
[#] Enabled Tap and Hold X-Button
[#] Enhanced Touch Sensitivity
[#] Battery Enhancements
[#] Restored Plus Code Dialing
[#] Stronger Vibrate in Teeter
[#] Updated EzInput dlls from Sprint ROM
[#] Updated Phonecanvas from Sprint ROM
[#] Disabled OutlookEnhancement by default *still in ROM*
[+] HTC Caller Avatars
[+] Opera PreLoader *reduces Opera start-time*
[+] Enable Startup Sound
[-] HTC Advanced Power Management *source of TFlo3D/Data bugs*
[-] Call History Tab
[-] Calendar Tab
[#] Full CEO OS 20748
[#] Fixed compatability with extended camera mode
[#] Disable SIP (Keyboard) Auto Deploy
[#] Landscape Support for Enlarge StartMenu
[#] Fixed issues with landscape text *disabled cleartype on landscape*
[#] Battery Enhancements
[#] Expanded Manila Package *includes missing pieces from HTC Raphael*
[#] Ignore all buttons but power on "Lock"
[#] HTC Animated Splash Screen
[+] Automatic Prepend
[+] Manila Calendar Tab *thanks D-MAN666*
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.20721 Build 20748.1.4.0
[#] Full CE OS 20721
[#] 5% Battery *thanks Ghetto* 
[#] Defaulted Long-Press Send Key to Rotate Screen
[#] Defaulted Long-Press End Key to Lock Device
[#] Simplified Welcome Screen
[#] Disabled Voice Command Auto-Start
[-] Customer Feedback
[-] WModem
[-] High Density Menus
[+] Google Maps (
[+] Landscape Support for SPB Calc (Manila Skin)
[+] Hidden Camera Functions *burst/sport/geotag/videoshare*
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273/20721
[#] Enhanced Battery Life
[#] Decreased G-Sensor/LightSensor Polling Interval
[#] Re-Adjusted Scrolling
[-]  Adobe Flash Lite 3.1 *waiting for a stable release*
[+] High Density Menus 
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273/20721
[#] Reorganized Program Launcher
[#] Cleaned up Call History
[#] Bug Fixes
[#] Updated Windows Live (
[#] Album Close on 'X'
[#] Increased TouchFlo Sensitivity
[#] LightSensor Enhancements
[#] Scrolling Enhancements
[+] % Battery Icon
[+] TimeSync
[+] Adobe Flash Lite 3.1
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273/20721
[#] TF3D Tweaks
[#] HTC Album Zoom Enhancement
[#] G-Sensor Enhancments
[#] Opera Tweaks * custom build, new start-page, faster rotation *
[+] Scrollwheel Support * use your scroll-wheel to navigate all applications*
[+] Landscape Support
[+] ClearType in Landscape mode
[+] WakeUp on SMS

 CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273/20721
~140 MB Free RAM on boot
[#] SYS Shell updated to 20721
[#] Reverted Back to Custom Opera Build
[#] Increased GlyphCache
[#] Enhanced GSensor Settings *including flip to mute* 
[#] Enhanced GPS Settings
[#] Network Enhancements 
[#] Updated Pocket RAR (3.8)
[-] VoIP Support                    *broken* 
[+] WakeUp on E-Mail
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273
~140 MB Free RAM on boot
[#] Opera Changes
[#] Fixed Memory Leak from 1.03
[+] Transcriber
[+] PocketRAR (3.7) 
[+] VoIP Support
[-] Error Reporting
[-] SMS Sent Notification
[-] OneNote Mobile
[-] HTC Zip 
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273
[#] 1% Battery.dll
[-] SQM
[+] Transcriber  *BROKEN*
[+] Raphael GSensor Calibrator *moved to settings tab*
[+] Raphael USB2PC (Internet Sharing Option)
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273
[#] SYS Shell/OS/BaseApps updated to 20273
[#] GPS Enhancements
[-] HTC GPS Tool
[+] Diamond QuickGPS
[+] MS VoiceCommand 
[+] SPBCalc Diamond Skin
CE OS 5.2.19965 (Build 19965.101 GF)
[-] Catalog
[+] GoogleMaps (
[+] Call History Tab (TF3D)
[+] Custom Telus Boot Screen
[#] HTC GPS Tool *re-located in settings/system tab*
CE OS 5.2.19965 (Build 19965.101 GF)
[ ] Telus 1.06 ROM
[-] Telus Navigator
[-] PocketExpress
[-] Telus E-Mail
[-] Telus Bookmarks
[-] Transcriber
[-] MS VoiceCommand
[-] MS Live Search
[+] .NET Compact Framework 3.5
[+] HTC GPS Tool (
[+] PIM Backup 2.8 *re-located in settings/system tab*
[+] Opera Mobile 9.5 (Build 1938) 
[+] Registry Tweaks
I just insatlled 2.6.....now my taskbar is green and not black with no option to change. Why was it changed? How do I put it back like on your 2.4 rom?
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