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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 07:32 AM
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Re: Sprint gives over ALL YOUR information to Police - 8 million times!

Originally Posted by Unknown Zone View Post
lol...why do you need to be extra careful....doing something illegal...going to kill someone in the next couple of days, jacking a bank...are you a terrorist...dont want to give out your next attack.

now days with post 911, this type of electronic survellance is just accected in todays world, well for me it is..and to tell you the truth I am glad they are doing this....we have no idea if it has saved lifes everyday or a business from being robbed or even a person from being killed...etc.

I am pretty sure the keyword "terrorist" got flagged somewhere in the internet world, but again, i accept this post 911 world we live in and will not be losing sleep over it and you should not neither.
It is people like you that are pushing the rapid end of this country. That is the first thing I always hear told to us as to why we should blindly accept the extreme powers government now exerts against us, the citizens. It is in our best interest to "keep out Terrorists." No one still has clearly, and by clearly I mean legally, offered an extremely limited definition of a terrorist and put in safeguards to ensure only that group is subject to this reversal of the bill of rights.

The part that is most terrifying that is never talked about is the implications this has for the country going forward. The US Constitution opens with this famous line "We the people of the United States" (emphasis mine) for a very important reason. The uniqueness of our form of government is it is an entity created by its citizens, for its citizens. Meaning the people are the master and the government is their creation and servant. This post-9/11 world, as you call it, has resulted in a usurpation of power by government.

We have quickly become a country where the government views its citizens as criminals. We all have to be monitored in an ever increasing manner because the terrorist can be anyone of us. With government wielding ever expanding power and it seeing us as its greatest threat we are on a very disastrous crash course. We can't have a proper functioning democracy without the protection of the basics rights that we have crafted over the last 200 years.

Without a severe correction this country cannot sustain itself in this state. We are setting ourselves up for either another civil war, overthrowing of our government, or conversion to some form of dictatorship. There just is no other outcome on this path.

Originally Posted by Unknown Zone View Post
It just like having a surprise inspection in the military, just have everything squared way and you are good to go.

sure, I have no problem with them as long as they dont do it in the middle of the night...I have nothing to hide....I let them search my car..etc. every time I cross the checkpoint here in south texas when they ask, sure I get upset cause it just waist my time and delays my arrival but I an not worried about going to jail when they do it.

if they search my house and I go to jail for having illegals...drugs...bomb making material ....etc, well that is one less criminal off the streets or neighborhood and i have no one to blame but myself cause i took that path and i bet you would not have any issues with that if i was your next door neighbor.

now as for the ticket, you are just talking crazy talk and pulling stuff out of you know where....they would need more proof then just the gps data like a picture and that is not happening even you know that.

remember you are not forced to live in the usa, so if you rather live in another country because your upset that your rights are being misused..go ahead you can do it either by boat/plane/ or car...i am staying here in the good ole usa.
The 4th Amendment along with the whole Bill of Rights were enacted for a very straightforward reason. No citizen should live in perpetual fear that the government is constantly watching them with a threat of prosecution for crimes. Laws change and what is legal today might not be tomorrow.

There is a historical reason for that amendment. When our country broke away from the United Kingdom with our Declaration of Independence one of the chief reasons was the "show trials" that the king would have. Making every inch of their lives subject to criminal punishment from the government and in effect turning the police and judiciary into a tool of oppression.

To make you understand my basic point more clearly. I think it is important that you re-read the Declaration of Independence. Keep in mind the argument that Thomas Jefferson made against the King of England and the warning he laid to our newly forming Congress.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
I added minor emphasis, but you really need to read the whole paragraph and document to get the proper understanding.

Also, where do you also get the authority to revoke US citizenship and grant citizenship in foreign countries? I'm not sure what planet you live on but I don't know of any industrialized country in the world today that just lets anyone in. So, in reality, no you can't just "pack up and leave"... Americans aren't considered refugees...

Even more troubling though is your desire to rid the country of dissenting opinions. Our democracy flourishes when all ideas are put on the table without fear of retribution. This country is the country of all its citizens not a select few.

Sorry for the long post!
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 08:20 AM
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Re: Sprint gives over ALL YOUR information to Police - 8 million times!

democracy is a cool concept on paper, see how it is lived and it becomes just a word in this world.
Da Believer....
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 08:46 AM
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Re: Sprint gives over ALL YOUR information to Police - 8 million times!

Originally Posted by Pele2048 View Post
Would you consent to random searches of your house because you're not doing anything illegal?

How about when they decide to mail you a speeding ticket because the GPS data from your phone told them you were doing 70 in a 60 zone on the highway.

Big Brother should not be watching me all the time.
My GPS doesn't tell them if I am at the wheel. I'll just cop a plea for conspiracy to commit speeding.

Seriously. If there are searches of homes, there is reason to do them. Manpower costs money, investigations cost money, legal process costs money. Monitoring YOUR specific whereabouts.. you guessed it. Money.
How well is your area's law enforcement manned? You think they take care of every crime/call in your area? They can't and they don't. This isn't North Korea and the Amerikka this thread seems to butthurt about doesn't exist.

On the other hand, if you're a drug dealing, gang member thug type: keep looking over your shoulder. They know where you deal and where you pickup from. They know who supplies you and all the comings and goings. They track all the phones that come to your known dealing spots. Have a nice day.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 09:02 AM
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Re: Sprint gives over ALL YOUR information to Police - 8 million times!

very cool IMAGINOS,
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 11:39 AM
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Re: Sprint gives over ALL YOUR information to Police - 8 million times!

Well I'm not on sprint but I'm sure every phone carrier allows this...

As for those who think this is an invasion of privacy...
The second you step out of your house you have given that right up! Phone or no phone! All this does is make following someone easier!

I would rather they trace GPS data instead of raising my taxes to hire and physically assign an agent to follow everyone they want to track!

And I'm happy to let them know where I am every second of every day if it means 3000 people won't get killed in some terrorist attack!

None of that data would be admissible in court anyway because all it would prove is your phone went somewhere, not you yourself.
And even if you went someplace people should not be going they still can't prove you did anything wrong!!! That is until Sprint gives them the ability to turn on your camera and listen into your conversations!

So I think it's much ado about nothin!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 01:12 PM
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Re: Sprint gives over ALL YOUR information to Police - 8 million times!

Originally Posted by Imaginos View Post
Seriously. If there are searches of homes, there is reason to do them. Manpower costs money, investigations cost money, legal process costs money. Monitoring YOUR specific whereabouts.. you guessed it. Money.
How well is your area's law enforcement manned? You think they take care of every crime/call in your area? They can't and they don't. This isn't North Korea and the Amerikka this thread seems to butthurt about doesn't exist.
Tell that to the state troopers doing random checkpoints on freeway on-ramps around here. There's no explicit reason to do so other than to catch people that are hiding what they are doing.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 01:16 PM
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Re: Sprint gives over ALL YOUR information to Police - 8 million times!

Originally Posted by Unknown Zone View Post
It does not suprise me one bit, and is really no big deal I am not doing nothing illegal anyway, that is why I can sleep everynight.
What makes you think the portal is just used to track things *you* think are illegal? Illegal could just as easily mean (to someone with access to the portal) attending an unpopular church. Also, make sure you don't get into a beef with someone with access to the portal lest they be tempted to cause you grief. And please please don't testify against some crime lord lest they logon to the portal to get your position and put out a hit.
Originally Posted by Unknown Zone View Post
i am pretty sure most of the request were for 911/missing person/abuse/supects...etc.
Sure thing, what are you basing this statement on? There are very few records being kept according to the post. How do you even know who has access or if the logon's were hacked or leaked?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 01:28 PM
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Re: Sprint gives over ALL YOUR information to Police - 8 million times!

Originally Posted by kayfouroh View Post
Tell that to the state troopers doing random checkpoints on freeway on-ramps around here. There's no explicit reason to do so other than to catch people that are hiding what they are doing.
Random to the motorists, sure. What you’re seeing is most likely a funded deterrence program. Be it for sobriety, seatbelt/child seat use, license/registration/insurance/inspection checks, etc. For whatever reason they are out there, chances are they are trying to correct a growing trend for which they are responsible or they are working on an area with a spiked rise in violations.

Simple example would be speedtraps. A given road is seeing more speed related accidents? They step up enforcement/presence and motorists start paying attention the speed they are driving.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 01:51 PM
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Re: Sprint gives over ALL YOUR information to Police - 8 million times!

for everyone quoting on my comments, I am not worry about it on my end, that is just how I feel and that is how you feel that are the rights we have.

all I know it is fine for what they are doing if that what it takes to catch the bad guys.

people might hate the goverment/law enforcement..etc. to a point everyone does, but you guys are the first one to thank them when they save your life in someway or bail you out...etc.

everyone is way way into the article and again talking crazy talk, we are not going to live like robots.

i will have to make this my last post, cause i could go on and on, just be glad you live in a country everyone wants to live in......in most cases.

it have been a great post and a good debate on both sides...right or wrong.

and i will end this with a
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2009, 01:55 PM
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Re: Sprint gives over ALL YOUR information to Police - 8 million times!

Originally Posted by frazell View Post
Without a severe correction this country cannot sustain itself in this state. We are setting ourselves up for either another civil war, overthrowing of our government, or conversion to some form of dictatorship. There just is no other outcome on this path.
you are kidding me right, are you talking about the USA? overthrowing of government? you do know we elect government officials? also, i can imagine this civil war you talk about, cell phone users around the united states will band together to take on law enforcement, firing muskets at each other until one surrenders.
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