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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-23-2009, 01:23 PM
apb91781's Avatar
Pocket PC: Samsung IP-830w
Carrier: Sprint
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Unhappy SERO, Sprint, #777 and, possibly you.

As of 5:30AM PST September 23rd, 2009 after nearly 2 years of enjoying my price plan to the fullest, my phone did a random cycle (the radio shutting off and back on) when it came back on I went to redial back into the internet when I came upon a error.
Registration failure.
Your vision username and/or password may 

be incorrect.  Please try again. (Error 

Code #67)
After spending nearly 3 hours on the phone with a tech (we were both exausting every possible resource and idea on it) and no news has been posted in their KB's, there is no data outages or tower outages, I've tried about every 3rd party "bridging" app out there (its a IP-830w Smartphone) I am at my wits end. I just cancelled Clear cause the signal completely blows inside my house and my cellphone was the only way I could really ever get online. Now, not only is this disrupting my general data usage through my laptop, but now my phone itself cannot connect to the web.

Each time with a error when it attempts to dial #777 to access the web. I've tried every fix possible, (including wiping it, restoring the NAI, Vision provisioning, heck, even Excluding every last thing on my account and reactivating it to no avail.

Absolutely nothing is working and I'e been searching everywhere for some sort of updated information on this.

Anybody know anything about whats going on with SERO and PAM?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2009, 05:39 PM
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Re: SERO, Sprint, #777 and, possibly you.

Makes me wonder if this is a hardware issue? I've had occasional bugs like that which resolved themselves after a few days. It would usually be some kind of service outage in my area. I can tell because my other work phone is Nextel and data-only. It would always act up as well.

If the problem is longer than a few days, I would consider getting a replacement.

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