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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2009, 06:40 PM
sc00b4s7eve's Avatar
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Pocket PC: Sprint TP2
Carrier: Sprint SERO
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Re: Sprint Warranty Change effective 4-12-09

Originally Posted by Hafrust View Post
I understand your point. People do need to understand what the consequences might be if they choose not to have TEP. Personally, I don't think I'll keep it for a couple reasons. I have not ever had 1 device for over a year, I have not ever lost a phone or had one stolen, and I have not ever physically damaged a phone to the point of it not working. All of the exchanges I have done have been for hardware failure. I know that could change and something could happen, but I don't have a problem with paying the consequences in that event. I'll take responsibility should something like that happen.
You really seem to have a solid grasp on this but here's a situation in which it payed off for me:
Remember when there was 1-2weeks where Sprint was simply swapping New/InBox TouchPros for Moguls?
Well I had probably taken my Mogul in for repair once every 5-6 weeks and they still p***** on me for that.
So a manager from Customer Retention got a Manager from Asurion on the phone with me and I was able to get an absolute assurance from both of them that I would get a brand new Touch Pro for the $50 insurance deductable.
$50 device upgrade made the previous 8 months with the Mogul worth it!

Just a thought
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