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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 10:11 PM
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Re: sprint 4g pre?!

Originally Posted by svtracer05 View Post
If you look at the sprint palm pre website, under wireless conectivity, it shows not only wifi 802.11 b/g but it also shows 802.1X authentication..... This got me thinking and I called sprint advanced tech support...

They told me the palm pre is being held back from distrubution until they are all upgraded with.... 4g WIMAX radios!!!!

So yes Sprint Palm Pre will have 4g Wimax capability unless the Sprint Tech lied to me...

I am not sure if they lied to you on purpose or if they simply did not know what they were talking about, but 801.1x authentication has nothing to do with WiMAX. That is just a security standard to connect to wireless networks (wi-fi). Read the Wiki article on it if you want more info.


Also, on the same webpage you referenced www.sprint.com/palmpre the tech specs state that Network Specs will use EVDO Rev-A.

I'm sorry but I do not think the Palm Pre will be WiMAX enabled, it would have been great though. Also the Sprint WiMAX network (branded as CLEAR) is not nationally launched yet. They would have to have a dual chipset that enables WiMAX and EVDO for the most places where WiMAX does not work, like the Motorola USB Modem. I have not seen anything that says they are doing that.
Sent from my Nexus 7, Droid Ultra, or Galaxy Note 3... I don't really know anymore, probably not from my PC though.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2009, 10:43 PM
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Re: sprint 4g pre?!

Originally Posted by MrHawaii View Post
Also, don't think of WiMAX in just phones/aircards. I know this is a PPC forum site, but they are hoping to expand WiMAX into other devices too. Anything that could benefit from mobile internet access.

Think Digital Camera/Camcorder WiMAX enabled. Able to send pic/vids right from the camera to your friends and family. Or being able to load them to facebook, myspace, etc. right from the camera.

Think PSP2 WiMAX enabled. Able to battle your friends online, when your sitting on a bus/train on the ride home from school/work.

Think of medical technoligies, maybe being able to monitor our heart rates, blood pressure, blood/sugar level and being able to alarm us or medical professionals if an unfortunate situation arises.

Think of what cellular technology brought to society and what it enabled us to do. Now think of what the internet brought to society and what it enabled us to do. Now you merge those two things together, and imagine what could happen with truly mobile internet. The capabilities are endless. That is what WiMAX (and other 4G technologies) can bring to the table. I can't wait!
I work for an Internet company, and we currently are using WiMax for some of our clients. We are a Wireless based company, and we recently were offered through sprint and another company who manufactures the radio's to use them for our business. We've been using them for about 5-6 months now and they have really made a dramatic improvment on speed and reliance...huge break in latency issue's is one major factor. To bad they need a LOS in order to stay connected.....Wish it could be implemented via PPC....hopefully soon.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 05-19-2009, 05:07 PM
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Re: sprint 4g pre?!

Originally Posted by M2Iceman View Post
All I can say is I know the Pre is coming soon. The Sprint repair store thats in a town over here in Mass had on their billboard, "Come in and ask me about Pre" I was like WTF! I tried to get a pic but I was too far, in the morning I'll get nice and close to get a pic. I drive by this place often and this is the first time I have seen anything about the Pre. Man, this phone cant come soon enough for me.
Any chance that store is in N. Attleboro?
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2009, 05:50 PM
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Re: sprint 4g pre?!

I just talked to my reliable friend today who works at a Sprint store... He is an ambassador for the Palm pre and has one... He says the palm pre has a 4g wimax chip built in and is disabled.

Once the network is more available to the country, there will be an OTA update to enable the 4G WIMAX chip...

For now the Palm pre will only have 3g EVDO and Wifi for data....

Sounds Good to me... Buy It!
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