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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2009, 12:56 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by pastafarian View Post
21.6% of your posts are you *****ing about people using custom roms. That was an ACCURATE statistic at the time of this post! Thought you might want to see some real statistics for a change.
if this was espn 'around the horn' you would get game, set, match lol!
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2009, 01:05 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

well customer service doesnt pay me but sprint does lol....and i guess i missed that one my bad....and yeah its just from any companies stand point lsing so much money on a phone is not a good thing and if you want the company to progress we cant try to get what we shouldnt out of them you know?....but yeah HTC hasnt released or told me anything about a fix for this...it does seem like only some phone are effected by the problem though....maybe one manufacturing plant put the wire in a different way not sure though.....yeah if your keyboard doesnt work now eventually your screen will start scambling te image it is trying to display and after that the screen will just be stuck blue...the only temporary fix i found when i had the phone was slamming the side with the volume buttons into my palm and it sometimes fixed the problem....you will most likely need to get the phone replaced however unless you know how to repair ribbon cable...

Originally Posted by chaos2137 View Post
simply because i live in a backwards place called mississippi (military sent me here) i cannot bring it to a tech center because they do not exist here as i stated in an earlier post. just read back a few and you will see man, it's just kinda difficult to have those resources like you, i would have done that if i could but i do appreciate the input dude. you guys are jumping on me like customer service pays your bills lol man i'm just telling my story that's all, no need for the hating peace brothers peace (can't we all just get along???)
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2009, 02:22 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by falzon03 View Post
well customer service doesnt pay me but sprint does lol....and i guess i missed that one my bad....and yeah its just from any companies stand point lsing so much money on a phone is not a good thing and if you want the company to progress we cant try to get what we shouldnt out of them you know?....but yeah HTC hasnt released or told me anything about a fix for this...it does seem like only some phone are effected by the problem though....maybe one manufacturing plant put the wire in a different way not sure though.....yeah if your keyboard doesnt work now eventually your screen will start scambling te image it is trying to display and after that the screen will just be stuck blue...the only temporary fix i found when i had the phone was slamming the side with the volume buttons into my palm and it sometimes fixed the problem....you will most likely need to get the phone replaced however unless you know how to repair ribbon cable...

ok very good point and i agree because as a tech guy myself, i find that some touch pros are affected more often and supports your point. i can repair ribbon cables and i think someone stated the problem and i will be looking into it very soon, i'm glad you said something about the screen as well , my buddy is having that problem now, i referred him to this site for answers but he is not as tech savvy as most of us. i do however have a new phone on the way as we speak and i will definitely be ready if the problem presents itself with this third and hopefully final phone i receive (atleast until the touch pro 2 makes it here) yesterday my phone mysteriously was not able to place calls and i got a message that said my account cannot be validated (maybe they read my thread ) but this morning i found a customer service rep that knew exactly what to do and now i can make calls again. i will say this though, i am not hating on all customer service reps, there are some who are very skilled and knowledgeable about how to help solve problems, so i may have misplaced my words when i first started this thread. i can admit that. i am still however interested in others stories, all input is welcomed, i have found solutions and options i did not know about from others and you have all been thanked. lets keep it going and we can form a knowledge base for people with similar problems.
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Last edited by chaos2137; 03-28-2009 at 04:13 PM.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2009, 02:38 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

I have been with Sprint for more years than I care to remember and have had to deal with "customer service" numerous times. It was frustrating but the outcome was always favorable for me. Went from through numerous upgrades and replacements and never was charged. If I had to send the phone in it went in or I have even done the exchanges in the store. And I have gone through Treo's-Moguls-Instinct-Diamond-to now a TouchPro. So it depends on your persistance and legitimacy on the problem with them.
Oh as a former USN Seal you haven't lived til you have HALO'd. What a RUSH!!!!
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 09:16 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Ok i finaly got my replacement TP.........YES!! i called customer service and i must say that this batch actualy knew what they were talking about, i mentioned the hold on the charge to be noted and it was put in place. it seems they caught my dilema and noted it on my account also, they told me that i should have never been charged (YA THINK?!!!) i had them email me the UPS return label and sent the bad TP (lets call him egor) and it's been shipped out. So all in all a good outcome but ver tiring and frustrating just to get things done, i will say that it is up to each individual Rep on how your experience will be. =D> Now if the keyboard fails on his one.......i am demanding a Touch Pro 2 lol
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 10:45 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Well...I had Nextell for about 6 years, switched to Sprint(oops) but I kept my nextell phone (I880) Well A friend of mine lent me his mogul for the night at work and I was like wow! So I went to the store to get it and was told $560, needless to say I was not happy. I called 611 and asked them and they told me the same thing. Well I asked how much was it to break my contract and the next thing I knew customer retentions was on the line. CR tried to tell me that due to me not getting my new phone upon switching, I could not get the mogul for less than $560. I corrected him by stating I could get a brand new mogul for $300, It would cost me $200 to break my contract, and Verizon would put a new one in my hand with a new line of service for $100. He understood my determination and offered me the phone for $280. Well I paid for the phone and was told 3-5 days, a week later no phone Well several hours on the phone, one tried to say I had signed for it, I wasnt home and I am sure my two German Sheps would love to meet the signer!
Well I sent an Email to Dan@ sprint and 20 min later a rep called me. She was very helpful and got most of the problems worked out.

Well now I got a TP, And even tho I paid full price they tried to bump out my contract, it took 6 hours to fix that. And UPS was kind enough to bounce the phone off my screen door($5 and 30 min to fix that) Then my 2nd line had to get replaced and they renewed my contract again on both phones, It took 8 rep, one CR and the threat of cancelling both lines to get that fixed. Now, anytime I call CS, if I hear anyone not of native english speaking toungue, I say "Sorry wrong number" and call back. The outsourced overseas phone sweatshops will be avoided at all costs!
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 11:06 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by Mayonesa View Post
i can only say good things about the service i have gotten. i had the mogul and i had problems with it.. i got the pro for no charge and without having to extend my contract. i had problems with my 1st pro so i got another one... well i have problems with this one... i called sprint and explained my problems ( keyboad).. they mailed me a new one but since im stationed in Puerto Rico right now i had to get it mailed to my house in VA and my wife mailed it to me today.

you have 15 days to send the other phone back which i plan on doing.
You can drop by any Corp Sprint store in PR and they will take care off you, last summer I was there my mogul battery dies, I went to a Sprint store and they hook me up with a new battery.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 11:21 AM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

My horror story: I bought a Samsung Instinct off Sprint's list of "smart phones."

It took 2 weeks to get to me.

When I called in 20 days later to send that POS back, Sprint told me I was past my 30 days because the 30 day eval period started on the date of purchase.

When I checked the list of smart phones on Sprint's website, the Instinct was no longer there.

So basically 20 days into my experience with Sprint and I already wanted to murder everyone who worked there. One day I decided I would NOT get f'd over, so I called in, interrupted the person talking and said "Let me speak to your supervisor now." I repeated this about 6 or 7 times until I got to someone who not only understood how my situation was completely messed up, but sold the Touch Pro to me at new customer's cost, with a 100 dollar discount, and no need to sign up for another 2 years.

Did anyone else go through the sme nightmarish fiasco with the Instinct as I did? Updates were promised, never came. The updates that did come never fixed any problems, any only created more. The "app contest" they held for the phone was a bust and we got diddly squat from that. Features like the TV app NEVER worked. I mean, I had the phone for like 5 months, and in that entire time, TV always froze the device. What an absolute joke.

Last edited by chronster; 04-01-2009 at 11:24 AM.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 11:02 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

as far as customer service horros with Sprint, I've had my fair share. I have been with them since my 18th birthday and had nothing but problems for a very long time. They even managed to lose a payment I made in the office. After I went into the office for them to find it, and they did, they lost it again. It took three months to locate and post the payment, and they expected me to pay again until they could find it. After that they rewarded me by overcharging my account an average of $400 for eight months. This was at a time my bill was about $80 a month because there were no add ons. All is good now though, no problems, and if there is one it is fixed in one email. Plus I am loving my plan.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 01:49 PM
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Re: Customer Service HORRORS! share your story

Originally Posted by elmerfudpucker View Post
Well...I had Nextell for about 6 years, switched to Sprint(oops) but I kept my nextell phone (I880) Well A friend of mine lent me his mogul for the night at work and I was like wow! So I went to the store to get it and was told $560, needless to say I was not happy. I called 611 and asked them and they told me the same thing. Well I asked how much was it to break my contract and the next thing I knew customer retentions was on the line. CR tried to tell me that due to me not getting my new phone upon switching, I could not get the mogul for less than $560. I corrected him by stating I could get a brand new mogul for $300, It would cost me $200 to break my contract, and Verizon would put a new one in my hand with a new line of service for $100. He understood my determination and offered me the phone for $280. Well I paid for the phone and was told 3-5 days, a week later no phone Well several hours on the phone, one tried to say I had signed for it, I wasnt home and I am sure my two German Sheps would love to meet the signer!
Well I sent an Email to Dan@ sprint and 20 min later a rep called me. She was very helpful and got most of the problems worked out.

Well now I got a TP, And even tho I paid full price they tried to bump out my contract, it took 6 hours to fix that. And UPS was kind enough to bounce the phone off my screen door($5 and 30 min to fix that) Then my 2nd line had to get replaced and they renewed my contract again on both phones, It took 8 rep, one CR and the threat of cancelling both lines to get that fixed. Now, anytime I call CS, if I hear anyone not of native english speaking toungue, I say "Sorry wrong number" and call back. The outsourced overseas phone sweatshops will be avoided at all costs!

CLASSIC!!!!!! yes i am getting tired of speaking with the united nations rainbow coalition as well, it's getting out of hand. i get tired of the mojority of the conversation consisting of "huh" "dude what???" and and my favorite, " bro what the hell did you just say?" oh and please don't try to get a military discount........that is another story
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